Team:Tokyo Tech/Human Practices/National museum

1. Introduction

Many iGEM teams worked on various activities to remove public misunderstanding about synthetic biology. Recently, some iGEM teams used media such as SNS or vide sites in attempt to let more people know about synthetic biology. Though these energetic activities, misunderstandings about synthetic biology remains. We thought its reason was the way of communicating. So, we decided to dialogue with Mr. Ogawa, who is a the science communicator, as well as athe professional of communicating science to public. He taught us the important lessons of communicating science or studies to public. The lessons are shown below.

2. Lessons

・Explore one’s common points with the audience.

・We should try to figure out what the audience already knew and what they want to know about the contents we are to say.

・Whether we should include the specific knowledge that is not easy to understand.

・What will the audience feel about our ideas? What will they think about our ideas? And how long will our ideas influence them?

・We should be aware is that what the audience want to know may not match with what we want to convey.

・It is important how we start and end the dialogue.