Team:Tokyo Tech/The experiments of creating E. coli mutants which secrete protein extracellularly

1. Introduction

E. coli has the two membrane: the outer membrane and the inner membrane. Then, E. coli rarely secrets proteins to outside the cell.

2. Summary of the experiment

To put our future work into practice, it is essential to obtain E. coli having the ability of secreting any favorite protein. To obtain such E. coli, we expose UV to MG1655 containing beta-lacetamase, which has signal peptide and be secreted to periplasm. We are working on trying to obtain the mutant having ability of secreting protein to outside the cell.

3. Results

The pictures of the exposed UV colonies below (Fig.5-2-3).

4. Material & Methods

The pictures of the exposed UV colonies below (Fig.5-2-3).