Team:Hong Kong HKUST/IIT

Collaborations with
iGEM team IIT Madras


Apart from the human practices module, we are so grateful to have a collaboration with IIT Madras on modelling and simulation part of the project. IIT Madras performed an mathematical analysis on the tristable system model, and revealed a surprising behaviour of the tristable switch – oscillation occurs under certain conditions. IIT started with developing a Boolean model and first proved the existence of oscillation performed by the tristable system. A more detailed model based on ordinary differential equations was formulated to further characterise the oscillatory behaviour of the system. This further confines the conditions at which oscillation occurs as well as identifying the parameters controlling the magnitude of the oscillation.

Their findings on the additional behaviour of the tristable switch contribute a lot to our understanding on the system, hence allowing us to tune if not creating new functions to the design.

For detailed analysis, please click here.