
Proof of concept

Since our project consists of several different sub-projects, all designed to work together as a complete product, we showed several separate proofs of concept. For example, we have proven PET degradation by LC-Cutinase, and utilization of its products (specifically, ethylene glycole) by E. coli . i.e., we have shown that E. coli expressing LC-Cutinase can survive using PET as a sole carbon source. Moreover, we have constructed this experiment inside a dialysis have also seen PET degradation by E. coli . Since the PET degradation and the dialysis bag are essential in building our biofuel cell, we consider these achievements as proof-of-concepts towards our final goal. We have also shown biofilm creation of our chassis bacteria, P. putida, on an anode of a biological fuel cell, and managed to produce energy from the bacteria- that is a part of our final design. More info in our Results page.