Team:Hong Kong HKUST/HP/Product Design

Product Design

Our circuit, the tristable switch, has many possible functions, ranging from bio-computing, cell differentiation to biosensors. This year, we decided to apply our tristable switch on something beneficial for the Hong Kong community, which is a biosensor for fungal diseases in trees. By using the tristable switch, the chemical which has the highest concentration out of three different target substances can be detected. When used as the tree biosensor, the switch will be used to detect tree wounds as well as two different kinds of fungi which live on the roots of trees. After detecting the presence of a fungus or a wound, the device will release chemicals that can either kill the parasite or heal the tree wounds. We plan to use Liana plants as a potential host for easier delivery of the device to the trees. We hope that this biosensor design would be able to help the Hong Kong Government in reducing accidents caused by falling trees. In the future, the circuit can also be used to detect pests in plants grown in commercial farms.

The product is in the form of genetically engineered Liana plant. It will be planted near the target tree, enabling it to grow and climb up the tree without much care needed.

  • Normal Liana leaves are green-colored. However, when a wound is detected, the Liana sap close to it will turn orange.
  • When there is a presence of brown rot fungi, the sap turns red.
  • When the tree has white rot, the sap turns blue.
  • Liana will be removed if it covers most of the surface area of the tree leaves.


Governmental support is likely as Hong Kong is increasing its investments in the Biotechnology sector.
  • The parts are reusable, hence reducing the average cost.
  • Parts are interchangeable. A library can be set for multiple biosensor types.
  • Protection of public property and human life through prevention of trees located in public areas from falling.
  • Reduce the cost of maintenance and human resources needed to monitor tree-related accidents.
  • Reduce fungicide usage. Regular spray is not needed - only sprayed when sensor detects the presence of fungi.
  • The existence of HK Science Park as an equipment and research hub for biotechnology.
  • Tailor-made sensors for consumer as the parts can be changed to detect other types of fungi and wounds.
  • Protect old and valuable trees as heritage.
  • Reduction of fungicide use:
    • Promoting biodiversity.
    • Maintaining natural biological equilibrium.
    • Prevent contamination of other non-target areas.


  • Environmental safety protocols that regulate the release of biotechnology devices into nature are mostly against constructs made through synthetic biology.
  • Must seek approval from Convention of Biological Diversity in order to proceed with product development (UNEP, 2012).
  • Tighter supervision and higher standards will be given by the Innovation and Technology Bureau.
Safety concerns raised from the public – mostly due to their lack of awareness and trust towards the Chinese technology regulatory system.
  • Range of concentration by which phenolic and sap flow compounds can be detected is minimal.
  • Inability to differentiate between damage from fungi versus natural occurrences.
  • Using hosts with short reproductive cycle such as Lianas may enable a rapid distribution of the tri-stable trait across the species, which can create unknown consequences.
  • Disruption of the flora’s rhizosphere due to unknown interactions.

Finally, we would not be able finish our project without helps from professors that we had interviewed during summer period. We really appreciate their time answering our questions through email, skype, or face to face interview. These are the name of the professors who assist us with human practices project:

  1. Matthew R. Bennett, Ph.D., from Department of Biochemistry & Cell Biology at Rice University, USA
  2. Dr. WONG, Alan Siu Lun 黃兆麟, Assistant Professor of the School of Biomedical Sciences at the University of Hong Kong.
  3. Dr. Daniel Lee, Head of Biomedical Technology Cluster of Hong Kong Science Park
  4. Professor HUANG, Jiandong 黃建東, Assistant Professor of the School of Biomedical Sciences at the University of Hong Kong.
  5. Professor Adison Wong, Scientific Program Manager of Synthetic Biology at National University of Singapore.

Read more about the product design here.


  • Brown University iGEM Team. (2006). A tri-stable toggle switch. Retreived July 6, 2016 from

  • Carter et al. (2014). SYNTHETIC BIOLOGY AND THE U.S. BIOTECHNOLOGY REGULATORY SYSTEM: Challenges and Options. Retreived on September 23, 2016 from

  • Convention on Biological Diversity. (2012). The Cartagena Protocol. Retreived on September 23, 2016 from

  • ETH Zurich iGEM team. (2015). Project Description. Retreived on September 18, 2016 from

  • Jackson, C. (2012). Patent Guide. Retreived on September 3, 2016 from

  • Materi, W. (2012). Leading a successful iGEM team. Retreived on September 3, 2016 from

  • Policy Address Hong Kong. (2016). Innovate for the Economy, Improve Livelihood, Foster Harmony, Share Prosperity. Retreived on September 22, 2016 from

  • Rabenantoandro et al. (2008). Testing the Propagation and Growth of the Liana Flagellaria indica, Used to Make Lobster Traps, and Bambusa multiplex as an Alternative Source. Retreived on September 10, 2016 from

  • SynBioWatch. (2016). NGOs highlight synthetic biology concerns at CBD side event. Retreived September on 22, 2016 from

  • Valencia Biocampus iGEM Team. (2014). Final Count Down. Retreived on September 3, 2016 from

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