Team:UI-Indonesia/Integrated Practices

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Integrated Human Practice

Our human practice works try to answer “Is Indonesia ready for a vaccine that may cure HIV/AIDS?”. Thus, to answer that our human practice works are integrated from social study, education to public engagement program. We designed media such as flyer and handbook to support our human practice works. The result is proposing HIV-related education helps to leverage the awareness and to correct the misconception regarding HIV/AIDS, thus it can be a powerful tool to deprive the stigma about PLWHA and it will make the innovation in HIV treatment becoming easier because people will not stigmatize HIV/AIDS and people who suffer HIV/AIDS. We successfully delivered our human practice works to people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) and non-PLWHA from community level (Public Discussion Forum in Pekayon, East Jakarta) to national level (Education Fair held by Ministry of Education Republic of Indonesia, and a national seminar ‘Synbio Day’ held by our team).



National Education Day


School Visit




Social Engagement


Synbio Day

Synbio Day Full Article

Discussion Forum


Street Interview


Social Studies

Synbio Day Full Article