We try to tell iGEM for other people because iGEM is not very famous in Japan.Our activity or project need other people. Most of other people don't know our activity. We thouhgt that others understand our activity. We did a poster session and a presentation about synthetic biology and iGEM.
Activities spread
10/21 びわ湖環境ビジネスメッセ(NHKでも放送)
10/26 1回生の新歓
11/29 サイエンスカフェ
3/8 命翔館内覧会 大学の教授や長浜市長
6/5保護者会でプレゼン Parent‐Teacher Association (PTA)
We did a presentation to our parents and teachers. Our parents supported expence of medium. And a new student of them add in our team. We thougut that we need to introduce our idea. Thanks our parents for our going to Nagahama Institute of Bio-Science and Technology.
6/18 高校教員対象の説明会
Interact and Exchange of opinions
Introduction We exchanged opinions and We got new ideas.we needed their idea to reform our project. We got many different idea. This interaction was a useful time to us.
11/14 iGEMGifuとの交流会