Team:Paris Saclay/Notebook/August/19

Friday 19th August

Lab work


Plasmids extraction

"By Terrence, Alice and Manhaz"

Colony and Extraction product DreamTaq PCR

"By Léa and Naiane"

A Colony PCR was performed on Dh5a transformed with PJet containing sgRNA Nm or 1.2 gBlocks. sgRNA Nm clones 6, 7, 8, 10, 11 and 12 were screened, and 1.2 clones 13 to 18 were screened and plated on Petri dish containing solid LB and Ampicilin.

In the meantime, a DreamTaq PCR was performed on plasmids extractions listed above, using the same PCR mix. The PCR mix was made following the usual protocol.