Wednesday , October 14th
Dry Lab: Tasks and duties were distributed
Wednesday , October 21st
Dry Lab: Project topic was discussed
Wednesday , October 28th
Dry Lab: Researchs for our project started
Wednesday , November 18th
Dry Lab: Researchs continiued
Wednesday , November 25th
Dry Lab: Human practice was discussed
Wednesday , December 2nd
Dry Lab: Human practice was discussed, DNA Day was planned
Wednesday , December 9th
Dry Lab: Human practice was discussed
Wet Lab : Preperation for lab started
Wednesday , December 16th
Wet Lab : Lab rules, safety and protocols were revised
Dry Lab: Researches were discussed
Wednesday , December 23rd
Dry Lab: Parts were taught
Wet Lab : Lab protocols were revised
Wednesday , January 13rd
Dry Lab: Project topic was decided
Researchs about cancer started
Saturday , January 23rd
Dry Lab: Cancer cell line were taught
Research about gene sequences of cancer inhibitors started
Wednesday , February 10th
Dry Lab: Project topic was spesified
Researchs for our project continiued ( detailed research about colon cancer )
Saturday , February 13rd
Wet Lab : First day of lab . Lab supplies were introduced.
Dry Lab: Parts were discussed ( 2015 Harvard Team's Parts)
Researchs for our project continiued
Wednesday , February 17th
Dry Lab: Sequence for our project was designed ( draft )
Researches about Butyric Acid started
Friday , February 26th
Dry Lab: Parts were discussed
Sequence for our project was specified
Saturday , March 5th
Dry Lab: Human practice was discussed
DNA Day was planned
Wednesday , March 9th
Dry Lab: First Quiz was made ( about digestion & ligation )
Wednesday , April 13rd
Dry Lab: Collaboration was discussed
Wednesday April 20th
Dry Lab: Wiki tasks were distributed
Saturday , May 7th
Wet Lab : E0240 : 876 bp / Chl / RBS+GFP+Double Terminator
- 35 bp/ JL23116/Prom. -Chl
- 64 bp/ B0010/Terminator-Chl
- 876 bp/ E0240/ RBS+Gene+D. -Chl
- 1687 bp/ I742111/RBS+Limone Synthase- Chl
- 12 bp/ BOO34/ RBS-Chl
Saturday , May 14th
Wet Lab : Transformation , selective culturing , plasmid isolation , digestion , gel scanning were taught
Biodrop was made
Gel preparation was made
- 130 mL TAE Buffer
- 1.3 Agarose
- Order of sequence
- base pairs
- insert-vector
Double Digestion
10 µL Plasmid6 µL MGW (water)
1 µL Buffer 1
1 µL Buffer 2
1 µL Enzyme 1
1 µL Enzyme 2
Single Digestion
10 µL Plasmid8 µL MGW (water)
1 µL Buffer 1
1 µL Enzyme 1
2 gel type;
100-1000 bp
500-5000 bp
LB Broth 25 gr/1L
LB Agar 40 gr/1L
Saturday , May 28th
Wet Lab : Transformation was made ( no results ) E0240 (Chl)
Dry Lab: Wiki page preparation started
Saturday , June 4th
Wet Lab : Transformation of J23116 etc.
Monday , June 13rd
Dry Lab: Human practice was discussed
Collaboration was discussed
Tuesday , June 14th
Dry Lab: Survey about colon cancer was made.
Wet Lab : Dishes were cleaned, LB and Agar were sent to autoclav , competent preparation was made
Wednesday , June 15th
Wet Lab : Parts : E0240 , K808000 , R0010 - Chl
Autoclave at 2:50
Friday , June 17th
Wet Lab : Parts : K185010 & K185011 - Plasmid Isolation was made
Saturday , June 18th
Wet Lab : Parts : R0010 , K808000 - Plasmid Isolation - ONC - Nanodrop - Digestion was made
Part : E0240 - Nanodrop , Digestion ,ONC will be made
Friday, June 24th
E0240, K808000, R0010, K1850011, K1850010 (transformed+ P.I)
New Construct transformation
ONC of New Construct
Plasmid isolation Pet 28a and E0240
Primer design of K1850010 and K1850011
Digestion of Pet28a
Double digestion
Saturday , June 25th
Plasmid isolation of 3rd and 4th colony from new construct
Sunday , June 26th
Gel extraction, nanodrop and digestion of Pe28a and New Construct 3
1 hour 37° incubation
Monday , June 27th
ONC of New Construct andPet28a
Tuesday , June 28th
ONC of New Construct 3 and Pet28a and then plasmid isolation of them.
Nanodrop of them.
Ligation transformation.
Wednesday , June 29th
Transformation of 2 colonies and then ONC of them.
Gel extraction then nanodrop.
Thursday , June 30th
Gel extraction and nanodrop of the colonies from 29.06.2016
Monday , July 11th
Gel extraction of PsB1C3 and insert from E0240 and New Construct
Nanodrop results
Digestion ( E,P ) of NC-6 , NC-7 , E0240 1 AIB , E0240 2 AIB
Göksu , Zeynep
Tuesday , July 12th
New ligation calculations of psB1C3 and Pet28a
Digestion, Autoclave , Alkaline phosphatase were made.
Ligation : 2/2 , 1/1 , 4/2 , 2/1 , 3/2 , 1/2
Dilara , Göksu ,Özgür ,Ece , Gizem , Duygu
Nanodrop Results ( ng / ml )
Ligation Calculations ( ng / ml )
psb1c3 , NC ( E.P )
~ 2.1
12 insert
5 vector
Thursday , July 14th
Digestion of;
New construct- 6th colony
New Construct- 7th colony
Pet28a- 1st colony
ONC preparation , plasmid isolation , gel electrophoresis , gel extraction were made.
Nanodrop results
Plasmid isolation
Nanodrop results
Plasmid isolation
Nanodrop results
Tuesday - Wednesday , July 26th - 27th
- Sterilazation of tips and MGW
- Preparation of new plates.
- Spread the cells on plates of K1850010, K1850011, K1850013 and then plasmid isolation of them.
- Primer design and PCR
- Strick plate of previous ligation transformations.
- Digestion and ligation from pet28a and New construct. (SalI and HindIII)
- ONC of previous ligations (S,H)
- Plasmid isolation of them and nanodrop.
Gel extraction.
- ONC was made – NC , pet28a , psb1c3
- Digestion was made
- Primer design was made
- LB Agar was prepared
Thursday , July 28th
Nanodrop of; New Construct, pet28a, psB1C3.
- Plasmid isolation of NC1, pet28a , K881000
- Digestion 2
Friday , July 29th
- Ligation transformations of;
- Transformation of
- Single cut of C1, C2 , C3, C4
- Single cut of S,H ligation transformations Onc’s gel extraction.
Monday , August 1st
- Double cut with EcoRI and Pst1 of K1850013, K1850010, K1850011
- Single digestion of S,H lig PI
- Double digestion of K1850011, K1850013
- ONC of New Construct, pet28a, K808000, K1850010, K1850011, K1850013
- Plasmid isolation
- Single digestion
- ONC and PI
- Nanodrop results
Digestion Single ( S,H lig ) – Double ( K1850011 , K1850013 )
Tuesday , August 2nd
Plasmid isolation of K808000, New Construct, K1850013, K1850011, K1850010, pet28a, Sh lig
Ligation of new construct+ pet28a by NcoI and HindIII and new construct+ pet28a by SalI and HindIII
Plasmid Isolation
Nanodrop results
Wednesday , August 3rd
Digestion of new construct 6mL and 8 mL which are cut with EcoRI and PstI. (buffer-cutsmart)
Thursday , August 4th
Plasmid isolation of previous ONC.
Tansformed ligation ONC preparaion of 2 mL instead of 5 mL.
Friday , August 5th
ONC of 5x cullture New Construct, pet28a, psB1C3, K808000, BL21,N.H lig
Plasmid isolation and nanodrop
Monday , August 8th
*Plasmid isolation of BL21 and pet28a colonies 1,2,3
*Digestion of
Nc- E,S and X,P
K1850013-E,S and X,P
*Digestion of pet28a BL21 ; 1,2 (HindIII) ,3
*ONC of NCI, NC2 and pet28a
*Gel extraction of K1850013, NCI,pet28a
Wednesday , August 10th
ONC of New Construct
Thursday , August 11th
New Construct transformation to Amp resistance plate
Monday , August 22nd
New Construct transformation to Amp resistance plate
Tuesday , August 23rd
Plasmid Isolation
Gel Extraction
- I1200 à 4 ng/µl
- I1500 (X,P) à 17,5 ng/µl
Gel Extraction
- L1) NC+psBC1 à Chl
- L2) NC + psBC2 à Chl
- L3) NC + pet28a à Kana
- D1
- D2
- D3
- L4) NC (E,S) / K1850010 (E,S)
- L5) NC (X,P) / K1850010 (X,P)
- L6) NC3 (E,S) / pSBC3 (X,P)
- L7) NC3 (X,P) / pSBC3 (X,P)
Wednesday , August 24th
Plasmid Isolation
- SH Lig1
- SH Lig2
Thursday , August 25th
- L8, L9, L10, L11→ Chl
- SH Lig PI 1&2 → Kana
- B0010 → Amp
Gel Extraction
Friday , August 26th
Gel Imaging
Saturday , August 27th
Plasmid Isolation
Gel Extraction
Nanodrop Results
- D11) NC (X,P) 1500 bp
- D12) NC (E,S) 1200 bp
- D13) pSB (X,P) 2100 bp
- D14) pSB (E,S) 2100 bp
Sunday , August 28th
Plasmid Isolation
Gel Imaging
Single Digestion
Tuesday , August 30th
Wednesday , August 31st
Gel Extraction
- L27 → Kana
- L28 → Kana
- L29 → Chl
- L30 → Chl
Friday , September 2nd
Plasmid Isolation
Saturday , September 3rd
Single digestion of L23C1, L23C2 EcorI
Plasmid Isolation of L23, L25, L26
Transformation of L27, L28,L29,L30
Gel control L23 Col1 and L23 Col2 has accurate results.
L23, L25, L26; ONC
Sunday , September 4th
DH5α, L27, L28 ONC
Monday , September 5th
DH5α competent preparation
S,H and N,S digested NC and pet28a gel control
S,H plasmid isolation
PCR confirmation (X,P and E,S)
Tuesday , September 6th
Gel extraction (S,H)
- L25, L26 (Kana)
- Device 1,2,3 (Chl)
- RFP (Chl, Kana)
- J2300 (Chl, Amp)
Thursday , September 8th
Ligation of pet28a and NC S,H digestion
S,H and N,S digestion to Pet28a & NC
S digestion to pet28a PI.
- D44 NC (10microliters) N,S
- D45 Pet28a (10microliters) N,S
- D46 NC (10microliters) H
- D47 Pet28a (10microliters) H