Action Points | Assigned Team | Completed |
Create Banner | Admin | |
Change magnets so that there is a clean connection | Breadboard | |
Demonstrate lab work on breadboard | Component and breadboard | |
Work out how much chlorine is being produced | Component | |
Include a timer with oscillator that flips current or find some way to change source | Component | |
Buy an adapter | Component | |
Find a way to measure fluorescence (at the very least plate it) | Component | |
Look into using a more sensitive photodetector | Component | |
See Lucy about making an acryllic PCB | Component | |
Improve data format on wiki for experiments | Component | |
Show that zinc can be taken up by the resistor | Alternative Constructs | |
Test heating effect using gold nanoparticles | Component | |
Rebrand the simulator as a thought experiment and research papers that prove the effectiveness of them | Simulator | |
Arrange a second meeting with PEALS to discuss ethics further | Simulator | |
Film video for wiki | Wiki | |
Upload bio cards to wiki | Wiki | |
Make sure all parts are on the wiki and in the registry | Everyone | |
Send the lightbulb constructs to iGEM HQ | Bulb | |
Do the mini prep for the battery | Battery | |
Try starting with a higher OD value for the bulb | Bulb | |
Test the bulb again using a negative control | Bulb | |
If there is time, swap GFP for luciferase. | Bulb | |
Decide on who will take lead on poster and presentation for jamboree | Everyone | |
Write presentation script by the end of the month | Presentation | |
Check travel arrangements | Admin | |
Ask advisors to check through registry | Advisors | |
Email contact in the space industry | Simulator |