
Task Responsible Person(s) Status
Prepare materials for sixth formers introduction to synthetic biology day Kerry In progress
Style the added wiki pages. Jake and Rupert In progress
Meet with Natalio Krasnogor Ollie In progress
Flow cytometry – GMO documents required Ollie In progress
Order more LUDOx to enable completion of InterLab. Emilija In progress
Redraw Ron Weiss diagram Ollie Done
Cost the variables and any other constructs with IDT Lauren
Primer design for luciferase for the registry. Lauren
Enter our new RBS into the registry. Everyone
Check for blue light sensing protein in the registry and/or parts distribution. Jake
Investigate using sequence prediction tools to determine if our new RBS is going to be strong or weak. Add this information to the registry if easy to determine. Lauren, Jake
Distribute the Stanford paper to the team. Jake Done
Email iGEM contact to clarify the gold medal criteria. Ollie
Read the judging guide. Add any additional information to the medal criteria page. Everyone
Prepare cloning strategy documents incl. Models for additional components. Jake, Ollie
Move cell stocks into cold storage. Kristina
Arrange time to conduct temperature experiments in CBCB with Neil. Ollie, Jake
Come up with a list of questions we are considering for the beyond the bench aspect Everyone
Contact the PEALS research centre regarding ethics workshops. Kerry
Specific heat capacity experiments. Kristina
Investigate giving a talk at ‘Skeptics in the Pub’ Ollie
Cell death experiments Josh