Task | Responsible Person(s) | Status |
Prepare materials for sixth formers introduction to synthetic biology day | Kerry | In progress |
Style the added wiki pages. | Jake and Rupert | In progress |
Meet with Natalio Krasnogor | Ollie | In progress |
Flow cytometry – GMO documents required | Ollie | In progress |
Order more LUDOx to enable completion of InterLab. | Emilija | In progress |
Redraw Ron Weiss diagram | Ollie | Done |
Cost the variables and any other constructs with IDT | Lauren | |
Primer design for luciferase for the registry. | Lauren | |
Enter our new RBS into the registry. | Everyone | |
Check for blue light sensing protein in the registry and/or parts distribution. | Jake | |
Investigate using sequence prediction tools to determine if our new RBS is going to be strong or weak. Add this information to the registry if easy to determine. | Lauren, Jake | |
Distribute the Stanford paper to the team. | Jake | Done |
Email iGEM contact to clarify the gold medal criteria. | Ollie | |
Read the judging guide. Add any additional information to the medal criteria page. | Everyone | |
Prepare cloning strategy documents incl. Models for additional components. | Jake, Ollie | |
Move cell stocks into cold storage. | Kristina | |
Arrange time to conduct temperature experiments in CBCB with Neil. | Ollie, Jake | |
Come up with a list of questions we are considering for the beyond the bench aspect | Everyone | |
Contact the PEALS research centre regarding ethics workshops. | Kerry | |
Specific heat capacity experiments. | Kristina | |
Investigate giving a talk at ‘Skeptics in the Pub’ | Ollie | |
Cell death experiments | Josh |