
Task Responsible Person(s) Status
Style the added wiki pages. Jake and Rupert In progress
Meet with Natalio Krasnogor Ollie In progress
Flow cytometry – request GMO documents from Matt. Ollie In progress
Order more LUDOx to enable completion of InterLab. Emilija In progress
Redraw Ron Weiss diagram Ollie Done
Order any other constructs and primers from IDT Lauren
Investigate using sequence prediction tools to determine if our new RBS is going to be strong or weak. Review the literature from Salis lab to check if they have a formula for evaluating new RBSs. Lauren, Jake
Email iGEM contact to clarify the gold medal criteria. Ollie
Add our hypothetical constructs to the registry and our wiki. Jake, Ollie
Write up documentation for our hypothetical constructs, i.e., explanations of how they should work etc. Jake, Ollie
Specific heat capacity experiments. Kristina In progress
Cell death experiments Josh In progress
Rupert’s visa application Rupert
Prepare pros and cons for foundational advance track and add to existing track summaries. Kerry
Redesign the wiki front page. Rupert, Jake
Prepare a short page on our project for Natalio to go on the center for synthetic biology website. Kristina
Conduct temperature change experiments. Jake, Ollie
Test the temperature probe and prepare code so it can be used for the temperature change experiments. Jake
Plan/assess feasibility of repeating the InterLab Emilija
Order any primers we need and check if our free allowance from IDT can be used for this. If not, check if we can use the iGEM grant code. Lauren
Follow up with Dana sourcing some synthetic wastewater. Josh
Identify and research ways of incorporating synthetic biology into the microbial fuel cell. Josh, Ollie
Review genetic engineering of Geobacter to determine if establishing geobacter as a new chassis is feasible. Josh, Ollie
Investigate and produce designs for miniaturising the microbial fuel cell using microfluidics. Jake
Repeat InterLab if we have time and it can be fitted around the other ongoing work (assess feasibility and add to project plans). Emilija
Write up what we learnt from the sixth-formers day for the wiki. See minutes for more information. Kerry
Explore standard virtual parts as well as how we will integrate the biological components into our simulator. Jake
See if we can come up with a better part for meeting bronze medal requirement 4. Everyone
Arrange to Skype with Macquarie University Ollie
Add clarification for gold medal requirements from the judging guide to our wiki. Rupert
Prepare for the Scottish iGEM meetup esp. collaboration ideas. See minutes. Everyone
Josh's visa application. Josh