
Action Items 22nd June – 29th June

  • Bring forward hotel booking for Jamboree (2-3wks).

  • Plan IWBDA and Westminster registration and travel.

  • Determine when the Scottish iGEM meetup is.

  • Plot FITC data and determine the standard curve.

  • Model the 3 ‘lightbulb’ bricks.

    • Check constructs for restriction sites.

    • Look at alternative RBSs (the one in the Stanford paper is weak)

  • Get quotes for the ‘killer’ brick and others. May want to use free DNA synthesis for the other bricks.

  • Future investigations

    • Investigate why the GFP concentration oscillates in the Stanford paper.

    • Adding protease degradation to GFP.

      • Check if this part is in the kit.

  • Investigate ordering free DNA for electricity conduction.

    • May be problems with synthesizing repeated sequence.

  • Get in touch with Macquarie University and Jennifer Halliman.

  • Put info RE Skype talks with Edinburgh + Exeter.

  • Look into ethics for conducting surveys.

    • Email ethics committee and ask for example forms regarding survey studies that have already been approved.

  • Check national curriculum requirements around mathematics and modelling.

  • Investigate components for modelling bacteria behavior without using living bacteria.

  • Pick a part or parts to be improved for the documentation medal requirement.

  • Check if the RpoH part in the parts registry has an error in the sequence.

  • Design protocol for measuring bug survival.

  • Start modelling heating effect, learning to use COMSOL.

    • Email Dana with list of people who will be using COMSOL/Merz.

  • Prepare reports for each individual sub-team in advance of the next meeting.

  • Start designing breadboard components and produce rationale.

    • Requirements spec etc.

  • Construct the fuel cell from Reading.

  • Source multimeter.

  • Prepare Gantt chart for all sub-teams.

  • Add center for synthetic biology and bioexploitation logo and crosslink to wiki.

  • Meet with Natalio Krasnogor.

  • Arrange to visit Maker Space.

  • Prepare poster for paris.