Team:Newcastle/InterLab Results

Plate Reader Results

Absorbance Values at 600 nm

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Figure 1. Recorded OD600 values as noted in the provided Interlab Excel data sheet

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Figure 2. OD600 values plotted as a graph

Fluorescence values

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Figure 3. Recorded OD600 values as noted in the provided Interlab Excel data sheet

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Figure 4. OD600 values plotted as a graph

Normalised Fluorescence/OD600 values

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Figure 5. Recorded OD600 values as noted in the provided Interlab Excel data sheet

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Figure 6. OD600 values plotted as a graph

Flow Cytometry Results

Calibration Particles Peak and Mean Conversion Values

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Figure 7. SpheroTech RCP-30-5A Rainbow Calibration Particles were used to obtain mean conversion values.

Geometric Mean MEFL of Negative and Positive Controls and 3 Devices

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Figure 8. Geometric mean MEFL values were calculated by measuring the number of events and geometric mean values in 5 samples and using mean conversion value from the table above.