In the ethical field we should always balance the advantages and the disadvantage. Even if it seems obvious, it is fundamental to do this and to present the balance to the public opinion.
In the ethical field we should always balance the advantages and the disadvantage. Even if it seems obvious, it is fundamental to do this and to present the balance to the public opinion.
= RRI Test : the answers of the iGEM teams =
We asked iGEM teams to fill to our test. 17 teams answered to it, and thus helped us to see how the principles of RRI are respected in the iGEM competition. Their answers gave us new ideas to spread this principles, but also make us thought on how to improve the knowledge of this principles.
==I. Reflexivity==
How did the team thought about their project and defined it ?
iGEM projects do meet societal goals. Most of them wants to address a major challenge of our time and solve it by synthetic biology. However, the definition of a societal need is very different from teams to teams.
The main question is : how to define a societal need ?
There is a lot of different projects, and a few ways to define the societal need the team wants to address : news report, questionnaire survey, meeting stakeholders, research in scientific papers. Other teams defined their project by their own knowledge but then meet stakeholders to build it.
Defining a societal need comes along with the question of the project itself : how did the team find the problem they want to address ?
Most of the teams looked around them: local problem of flu, Lascaux cave, problem of small and local research center, or major problems making the news, like Zika viruses or life on Mars, or just a desire to improve synthetic biology. A good example : iGEM Costa Rica decided to tackle prostate cancer because it is the second cause of mortality in their country.
In order to answer a societal need the teams need to identify to whom the project will apply, who will use it. Some teams like iGEM Istanbul Tech or iGEM Pasteur gives a really complete scenario of who will use it and how. Despite this teams, the users of the project are not always defined.
The definition of the potential impacts is also a problem, because most of the team didn’t try to define it. We could think of a solution : we know Synenergene asks each year some teams to define a techno-moral scenario about their project. Techno-moral scenario could be spread in order to think about concrete applications. Moreover, an other work could be to think about a scenario of the worst application possible on the innovation. It would be a difficult but interesting exercise.
==II. Anticipation==
How the iGEM team anticipated the problems their project could meet, but also think about the future of the project, beyond iGEM ?
The answers of the test show the anticipation part is not well developed among iGEM teams. Most of the team admits they are waiting for the results to build an anticipation. This lack of anticipation is quite normal because the iGEM competition does not call projects to go beyond the competition. However, we think iGEM could play an important part for the spread of a principle of anticipation among researchers.
Teams which tried to anticipate want to make a new firm, in order to sell their new product. Other teams wants beyond iGEM to pursue the project by extending it to new fields (iGEM Manchester), or help other scientists (iGEM Istanbul Tech).
About the legal framework. If the bulk of the teams chose patent over open license for their project, most of them preferred a patent with humanitarian licensing than a traditional patent. It shows how teams wants to respond to societal needs.
We believe iGEM could be a great laboratory for definition and test of legal frameworks. The legal framework is different for each project. This legal framework could be defined at the beginning of the project, in order to see what would be the best choice for the project to be economically interesting and meet societal goals. The anticipation of the framework could help the team to shape their projects and the goals they want them to reach.
==III Inclusiveness==
Inclusiveness is one of the principles the most shared among iGEM teams. iGEM teams meets as many stakeholders as there are project. If we givea quick glance at it we can find among stakeholders : governmental agencies, farmers narcotic police officers and academicians, city hall, doctors, vets, European agency… Among this very different stakeholders, there is a lot of industry actors, showing that teams think how their project should be developed.. Sometimes there is a difficulty to meet industry actors in very specific fields (like space).
Because of the work of the iGEM competition on this field, popular science and outreach are well admitted and used among teams. Most of the teams lead actions of popular science among public or students.
iGEM meet-ups are also important for inclusiveness. According to the answers they are often useful for the teams, they permit to increase the feasibility of the project. For example, a team discovered potential impacts while talking with iGEM teams at a meet-up.
==IV Responsiveness==
Teams had really interesting answers on how the different steps highlighted by the test helped them to reshape their project, even if some teams have not seen their project reshaped. They found it useful to decide where they should direct the development of their project, and how to build feasible and long lasting project, positive for society.
We could take the iGEM Valencia UPV as an example: after talking with farmers they understood their tool could not be used by farmers, and so aimed plant breeders.An other team realized they have to put more inclusiveness in their project.
iGEM Imperial members noticed how the principles changed the way they think about their project :
« Those processes shaped the way we now approach decision making during our project. They guide us through a logical, rational and societal process every time we pivot. »
And the last words to the iGEM CGU Taïwan members, who summed it up in the best way possible :
iGEM CGU Taïwan
« Reflexivity makes you a good start; inclusiveness makes you a good connection; anticipation makes you a good hope. »
==The question of evaluation ?==
Doing the test is already providing a feed-back on the project. Should this feed-back be completed by an evaluation of the respect of the RRI principles ? Such a tool would be useful to know where the team can improve. However the ways to respect RRI principles are diverse, and we saw teams can invent new ways to respect it every day. All of the criteria needed for an evaluation would never fit in a single evaluation, because the answers are so diverse, and new ways to address RRI principles can be invented by each team.
We prefer to think the RRI Test as a helping tool for teams to think on their project, a feed-back in which they can have a look back on the choices that were made and their compliance with RRI principles.