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         <p class="whitef leftMove">We realized that manufacturing units use expensive and energy expensive machinery <a href="#refer" onclick="closeTab()">[3]</a>. Hence, we engineered our bacteria in such a way that it could do most of the work done by these monstrous machines so that we no longer have to buy them and pay their bills.
         <p class="whitef leftMove">We realized that manufacturing units use expensive and energy expensive machinery <a href="#refer" onclick="closeTab()">[3]</a>. Hence, we engineered our bacteria in such a way that it could do most of the work done by these monstrous machines so that we no longer have to buy them and pay their bills.
      <br><a href="https://2016.igem.org/Team:IISc_Bangalore/Description"><span class="readm hvr-ripple-out">Read more</span></a>  
      <br><a href="https://2016.igem.org/Team:IISc_Bangalore/Description"><span class="readm hvr-ripple-out">Read more</span></a>
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Revision as of 12:14, 18 October 2016

Team IISc iGem

The purpose


SVCE Indian iGEM meet

Held on 23rd July, 2016 at SVCE, Chennai, India

The SVCE Indian iGEM meet was held on 23rd July, 2016 at SVCE, Chennai, India.The morning session consisted of presentations by the IIT-Madras, IISc Bangalore and SVCE, each followed by a round of questions from an audience that consisted of SVCE faculty, students and, members of the iGEM teams.
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With the advent of rDNA technology...

With the advent of rDNA technology in the late 1970s, medicine, agriculture and several other areas underwent a quantum leap and from that point, progress only hastened, from one only one recombinant pharmaceutical approved for human use (insulin) in 1982 to one hundred and fifty-one FDA approved protein based recombinant pharmaceuticals by 2009[1].
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Our Bioreactor Design

We realized that manufacturing...

We realized that manufacturing units use expensive and energy expensive machinery [3]. Hence, we engineered our bacteria in such a way that it could do most of the work done by these monstrous machines so that we no longer have to buy them and pay their bills.
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