Difference between revisions of "Team:SDU-Denmark/Attributions"

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<li><em>A.R. (2015) Granta&rsquo;s teaching resources for materials and process education. Available at:</em> <a href="http://www.grantadesign.com/education/edupack/">http://www.grantadesign.com/education/edupack/</a> (Accessed: 18 October 2016).</li>
<li><em>A.R. (2015) Granta&rsquo;s teaching resources for materials and process education. Available at:</em> <a href="http://www.grantadesign.com/education/edupack/">http://www.grantadesign.com/education/edupack/</a> (Accessed: 18 October 2016).</li>
<li><em>Bio-plastics, Available at:</em> <a href="http://www.bio-plastics.org/">http://www.bio-plastics.org/</a> (Accessed: 17 October 2016)</li>
<li><em>Bio-plastics, Available at:</em> <a href="http://www.bio-plastics.org/">http://www.bio-plastics.org/</a> (Accessed: 17 October 2016)</li>

Revision as of 12:21, 18 October 2016


Laboratory, Technical and General support

Thanks to our supervisors:

  • Ph.D student and former iGEM participant Thøger Jensen Krogh for guidance in the laboratory and with solving issues with the wiki page.
  • Ph.D student and former iGEM participant Patrick Rosendahl Andreassen for guidance in the laboratory.
  • Assistant professor Mikkel Girke Jørgensen for advice on team dynamics, keeping us focussed and for never giving up on us or the project and guidance in general about the issues their might come.

And thanks to:

  • Academic Assistant Tina Kronborg has helped us with general tips, ordering everything from enzymes, to cars and expeditions. Thank you Tina.
  • Cand. Scient. Andreas Kjær for providing us with general tips, understanding and help in the laboratory.
  • Lector, Ph.D. Jakob Møller-Jensen for providing with general tips and laboratory help.
  • Simon Rose, a Medical Laboratory Technician, for providing us with a security course and providing help and tips in the lab.
  • Business Scout and Ph.D. Ann Zahle for providing us with teambuilding exercises and information about a potential patent application.
  • Kemotechnician Anita Lunding - For introducing us to the rotary evaporator
  • Cand.scient Maj Bay - for assisting with the rotary evaporator.
  • Associate professor Morten Østergaard Andersen for assistance with 3D printing and applications in the field of biomaterial.
  • Lector dr. Paul C. Stein for assistance with HNMR analysis for detection of PHB.
  • Cand. Scient. Casper Slots and Martin Bonde Jensen for guidance with 3D printing in general and by creating our 3D models and printing our PHB.
  • Yaakov Chaikin from Johns Hopkins University for the great course "HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers" on coursera.org it was very helpful while developing the wiki.
  • Post. doc. in philosophy and biology Sara Green from Copenhagen Universitet and ph.d. in social science and philosophy Søren Engelsen from SDU for sparring and general advices to our philosopher, Rikke Bentzon.
  • Arek for helping us doing GC-MS/MS, MALD-MS and general iTRAQ guidance.
  • Laborant of BMB Lykke Haastrup Hansen with general help in the lab.
  • Bachelor stud. Sarah Hyllekvist Jørgensen for last minute help in the lab.
  • The high schools we visited and presented our project to and what iGEM is all about. This includes Kold Kollege and Odense Technical Gymnasium.
  • DTU iGEM team – for arranging the annual biobrick workshop for the danish teams.
  • The iGEM Marburg team - for having us at the German iGEM meetup in august, and thanks for arranging a great weekend.
  • The iGEM Stockholm team for hosting the annual nordic meetup in june.
  • The Cosmocrops from KU - for arranging a new meetup about human practice in august.
  • The previous SDU iGEMers provided us constructive criticism for our project.
  • The Nordcee group for borrowing one of their incubators to scale up the PHB production.
  • The "workshop of BMB" for making our filament maker "Filastruder" work and finding a large incubator for scale up production of our PHB.
  • Pia Ernlund Drangsfeldt for lenting us their vacation house where we had our first brainstorm meeting and socialized.


We would like to give a special thanks to our sponsors, who have giving us the financial support we needed to get this far with the project.

  • University of Southern Denmark has given us the funds for the project, which has made it possible for us to participate in iGEM. Here also a special thanks to the faculties at SDU for supporting our project.
  • Integrated DNA Technologies has provided us with 20kb worth of gBlock gene fragments.
  • Eurofins Genomics has provided us with half a mix2seq kit and 75 % discount on our sequencing.
  • LGC Biosearch Technologies has giving us a 30 % discount on their oligos.
  • Pentabase has giving us a sponsorship for purchase of oligos and a further 10% discount.
  • SnapGene has provided us with free use of their program during the iGEM period.
  • Albani has provided us with t-shirts.
  • Merck has provided us with us with LB broth, taq polymerase and deoxynucleotides.
  • ZIGNS has helped design the wikipage layout and provided graphics.

The whole idea of our product Bacto-Aid as a bandage, was an idea we all contributed with and a decision we agreed on. The lab work diverged into three groups called: Plastic, Silk and Bacteriocins. We wanted to take advantages of the many Biomedicines in our group and therefore each group had a biomedicin as squad leader. The Plastic group was made of Birka Jensen, Jakob Rønning and squad leader Joel Vej-Nielsen. Birka helped in the lab until July where her focus switched to programming our wiki-site. Birka literally programmed everything from the buttom. The Silk group were made of Mathilde Nygaard, Nete Bækgaard, Viktor Mebus, Rikke Bentzon and squad leader Rune Øbo. We all tried really hard with the lab work, but we did not manage to produce silk fibers, unfortunately. Rikke switched her focus to the philosophic part of our project in august. Rikke is head writer on the Studies on the Precautionary PrincipleTheory and Bioethics and Philosophy of science. The Bacteriocin group were Brian Baltzar, Astrid Honoré, Pernille Rasmussen and squad leader Cathrine Christensen. They all went crazy in the laboratory and got awesome results! Many of our fine figures were brought to life by Brian. We all contributed in the laboratory as the lab work demands a lot of time to get good and viable results. We thus all helped each other across the groups, if anybody needed help. We also had a presentation group consisting of Mathilde, Jakob, Joel, Cathrine and Rune. They practiced and made the presentation, which we are going to present in Boston. Not all members will perform the presentation, but were there to give constructive ideas. To sum it up, we all contributed to this project with our individual forces and made it awesome.


  • Acuña, Leonardo, Gianluca Picariello, Fernan- do Sesma, Roberto D Morero og Augusto Bellomio (2012). “A new hybrid bacteriocin, Ent35–MccV, displays antimicrobial activi- ty against pathogenic Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria”. I: FEBS Open Bio 2, s. 12–19. doi: 10.1016/j.fob.2012. 01.002. - Link

  • Alam, M. T., et al. (2015). "Transmission and microevolution of USA300 MRSA in U.S. households: evidence from whole-genome sequencing." MBio 6(2): e00054.

  • ALARFAJ, A. A., ARSHAD, M., SHOLKAMY, E. N. & MUNUSAMY, M. A. 2015. Extraction and Characterization of Polyhydroxybutyrates (PHB) from Bacillus thuringiensis KSADL127 Isolated from Mangrove Environments of Saudi Arabia. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, 58, 781-788. -Link </li>

  • Albertson, A., Teulé, F., Weber, W., Yarger, J. and Lewis, R. (2014). Effects of different post-spin stretching conditions on the mechanical properties of synthetic spider silk fibers. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 29, pp.225-234. - Link

  • ALTMAN, G. H., DIAZ, F., JAKUBA, C., CALABRO, T., HORAN, R. L., CHEN, J., LU, H., RICHMOND, J. & KAPLAN, D. L. 2003. Silk-based biomaterials. Biomaterials, 24, 401-416. - Link

  • Andersen, M., Lichawska, A., Arpanaei, A., Rask Jensen, S., Kaur, H., Oupicky, D., Besenbacher, F., Kingshott, P., Kjems, J. and Howard, K. (2010). Surface functionalisation of PLGA nanoparticles for gene silencing. Biomaterials, 31(21), pp.5671-5677. - Link

  • ARCIOLA, C. R., VISAI, L., TESTONI, F., ARCIOLA, S., CAMPOCCIA, D., SPEZIALE, P. & MONTANARO, L. 2011. Concise survey of Staphylococcus aureus virulence factors that promote adhesion and damage to peri-implant tissues. The International journal of artificial organs, 34, 771-780. - Link 

  • Balciunas, E. M., Castillo Martinez, F. A., Todorov, S. D., Gombossy De Melo Franco, B. D., Converti, A., & Pinheiro De Souza Oliveira, R. (2013). Novel biotechnological applications of bacteriocins: A review. Food Control, 32, 134–142. - Link

  • Baoyong, Lu, Zheng Jian, Chen Denglong og Li Min (2010). “Evaluation of a new type of wound dressing made from recombinant spider silk protein using rat models.” eng. I: Burns 36.6, s. 891–896. issn: 1879-1409 (Electronic); 0305-4179 (Linking). doi: 10. 1016/j.burns.2009.12.001. - Link 

  • BARNES, David KA, et al. Accumulation and fragmentation of plastic debris in global environments. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2009, 364.1526: 1985-1998. - Link 

  • Bastos, Maria do Carmo de Freire, Bruna Gon ̧calves Coutinho og Marcus L ́ıvio Va- rella Coelho (2010). “Lysostaphin: A Stap- hylococcal Bacteriolysin with Potential Cli- nical Applications”. I: Pharmaceuticals 3.4, s. 1139–1161. doi: 10 . 3390 / ph3041139. url: - Link

  • Ceotto, Hilana, Janaina dos Santos Nascimen- to, Maria Aparecida Vasconcelos de Paiva Brito og Maria do Carmo de Freire Bastos (2009). “Bacteriocin production by Staphy- lococcus aureus involved in bovine masti- tis in Brazil.” eng. I: Res Microbiol 160.8, s. 592–599. issn: 1769-7123 (Electronic); 0923-2508 (Linking). doi: 10 . 1016 / j . resmic.2009.07.007. - Link 

  • Challis, Gregory L (2006). “Engineering Escherichia coli to produce nonribosomal peptide antibiotics”. I: Nat Chem Biol 2.8, s. 398– 400. url - Link  .

  • Chehimi, S., Pons, A.-M., Sablé, S., Hajlaoui, M.-R., & Limam, F. (2010). Mode of action of thuricin S, a new class IId bacteriocin from Bacillus thuringiensis. Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 56(2), 162–167. - Link 

  • CHISHOLM, A. & CLARKE, H. 1993. Fair principles for sustainable development. Natural Resource Management and the Precautionary Principle (ed. Edward Dommen), Edward Elgar Publishing, 109-122.

  • COLE, Matthew, et al. The impact of polystyrene microplastics on feeding, function and fecundity in the marine copepod Calanus helgolandicus. Environmental science & technology, 2015, 49.2: 1130-1137. - Link 

  • Conly, J. M., & Johnston, B. L. (2002). VISA, hetero-VISA and VRSA: The end of the vancomycin era? The Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases, 13(5), 282–284. - Link 

  • Cotter, Paul D, R Paul Ross og Colin Hill (2013). “Bacteriocins - a viable alternative to antibiotics?” eng. I: Nat Rev Microbiol 11.2, s. 95–105. issn: 1740-1534 (Electro- nic); 1740-1526. - Link 

  • Dams-Kozlowska, H., Majer, A., Tomasiewicz, P., Lozinska, J., Kaplan, D. and Mackiewicz, A. (2012). Purification and cytotoxicity of tag-free bioengineered spider silk proteins. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 101A(2), pp.456-464. - Link

  • Dan, Y., et al. (2012). "Bacteriocins Produced by Lactic Acid Bacteria a Review Article." APCBEE Procedia 2: 50-56. - Link 

  • DAW, M. A. & FALKINER, F. R. 1996. Bacteriocins: nature, function and structure. Micron, 27, 467-79. - . - Link

  • DOBSON, A., COTTER, P. D., ROSS, R. P. & HILL, C. 2012. Bacteriocin production: a probiotic trait? Appl Environ Microbiol, 78, 1-6. - Link

  • GIL, E. S., PANILAITIS, B., BELLAS, E. & KAPLAN, D. L. 2013. Functionalized silk biomaterials for wound healing. Adv Healthc Mater, 2, 206-17. - Link

  • Gomes, S., Gallego-Llamas, J., Leonor, I., Mano, J., Reis, R. and Kaplan, D. (2011). Biological responses to spider silk-antibiotic fusion protein. Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, 6(5), pp.356-368. - Link

  • Gomes, S., Leonor, I., Mano, J., Reis, R. and Kaplan, D. (2011). Antimicrobial functionalized genetically engineered spider silk. Biomaterials, 32(18), pp.4255-4266. - Link

  • Gomes, Silvia C, Isabel B Leonor, Joao F Mano, Rui L Reis og David L Kaplan (2011). “Antimicrobial functionalized gene- tically engineered spider silk.” eng. I: Bio- materials 32.18, s. 4255–4266. issn: 1878- 5905 (Electronic); 0142-9612 (Link). doi: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2011.02.040.

  • HARTZELL-NICHOLS, L. 2012. Precaution and solar radiation management. Ethics, Policy & Environment, 15, 158-171.

  • HERMAN-BAUSIER, P., EL-KIRAT-CHATEL, S., FOSTER, T. J., GEOGHEGAN, J. A. & DUFRÊNE, Y. F. 2015. Staphylococcus aureus fibronectin-binding protein A mediates cell-cell adhesion through low-affinity homophilic bonds. MBio, 6, e00413-15. - Link 

  • M.P. Zacharof, R.W. Lovitt, Bacteriocins Produced byLactic Acid Bacteria a Review Article, 2012, - Link

  • INGHAM, Aaron, et al. The bacteriocin piscicolin 126 retains antilisterial activity in vivo. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 2003, 51.6: 1365-1371. - Link

  • KAPOOR, S., GUPTA, D., KUMAR, M., SHARMA, S., GUPTA, A. K., MISRO, M. M. & SINGH, H. 2016. Intracellular delivery of peptide cargos using polyhydroxybutyrate based biodegradable nanoparticles: Studies on antitumor efficacy of BCL-2 converting peptide, NuBCP-9. Int J Pharm, 511, 876-89. - Link

  • KARAHALILOGLU, Z., ERCAN, B., TAYLOR, E. N., CHUNG, S., DENKBAS, E. B. & WEBSTER, T. J. 2015. Antibacterial Nanostructured Polyhydroxybutyrate Membranes for Guided Bone Regeneration. J Biomed Nanotechnol, 11, 2253-63. Link

  • Keller, R., Pedroso, M. Z., Ritchmann, R., & Silva, R. M. (1998). Occurrence of Virulence-Associated Properties in Enterobacter cloacae. Infection and Immunity, 66(2), 645–649. - Link

  • Kim, U., Park, J., Joo Kim, H., Wada, M. and Kaplan, D. (2005). Three-dimensional aqueous-derived biomaterial scaffolds from silk fibroin. Biomaterials, 26(15), pp.2775-2785. - Link

  • Kluge, J., Rabotyagova, O., Leisk, G. and Kaplan, D. (2008). Spider silks and their applications. Trends in Biotechnology, 26(5), pp.244-251. - Link

  • LI, G., LI, Y., CHEN, G., HE, J., HAN, Y., WANG, X. & KAPLAN, D. L. 2015. Silk-based biomaterials in biomedical textiles and fiber-based implants. Adv Healthc Mater, 4, 1134-51. - Link

  • Ling, H., Saeidi, N., Haji Rasouliha, B., & Wook Chang, M. (2010). A predicted S-type pyocin shows a bactericidal activity against clinical Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates through membrane damage. FEBS Letters, 584, 3354–3358. - Link

  • Ma, Q., Yu, Z., Han, B., Wang, Q., & Zhang, R. (2012). Expression and Purification of Lacticin Q by Small Ubiquitin-Related Modifier Fusion in Escherichia coli. The Journal of Microbiology, 50(2), 326–331. - Link

  • MEISCHEL, M., EICHLER, J., MARTINELLI, E., KARR, U., WEIGEL, J., SCHMOLLER, G., TSCHEGG, E. K., FISCHERAUER, S., WEINBERG, A. M. & STANZL-TSCHEGG, S. E. 2016. Adhesive strength of bone-implant interfaces and in-vivo degradation of PHB composites for load-bearing applications. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater, 53, 104-18. Link

  • Nazarov, R., Jin, H. and Kaplan, D. (2004). Porous 3-D Scaffolds from Regenerated Silk Fibroin. Biomacromolecules, 5(3), pp.718-726. - Link

  • Nygaard, J., Andersen, M., Howard, K., Foss, M., Bünger, C., Kjems, J. and Besenbacher, F. (2008). Investigation of particle-functionalized tissue engineering scaffolds using X-ray tomographic microscopy. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 100(4), pp.820-829. - Link

  • OU, G., BAO, C., LIANG, X., CHAO, Y. & CHEN, Z. 2000. [Histological study on the polyhydroxybutyric ester(PHB) membrane used for guided bone regeneration around titanium dental implants]. Hua Xi Kou Qiang Yi Xue Za Zhi, 18, 215-8. - Link

  • PADOL, A. R., JAYAKUMAR, K., SHRIDHAR, N. B., NARAYANA SWAMY, H. D., NARAYANA SWAMY, M. & MOHAN, K. 2011. Safety evaluation of silk protein film (a novel wound healing agent) in terms of acute dermal toxicity, acute dermal irritation and skin sensitization. Toxicol Int, 18, 17-21. - Link

  • PETERSON, J. A. & CARTER. M. 2015. On the Epistemology of the Precautionary Principle. Erkenntnis, 80, 1-13.

  • RODRIGUEZ-CONTRERAS, A., MARQUES-CALVO, M. S., GIL, F. J. & MANERO, J. M. 2016. Modification of titanium surfaces by adding antibiotic-loaded PHB spheres and PEG for biomedical applications. J Mater Sci Mater Med, 27, 124. - Link

  • Römer, L. and Scheibel, T. (2008). The elaborate structure of spider silk. Prion, 2(4), pp.154-161. - Link

  • Singh, P. K., Chittpurna, A., Sharma, V., Patil, P. B., & Korpole, S. (2012). Identification, Purification and Characterization of Laterosporulin, a Novel Bacteriocin Produced by Brevibacillus sp. Strain GI-9. - Link

  • Singh, P. K., Solanki, V., Sharma, S., Thakur, K. G., Krishnan, B., & Korpole, S. (2015). The intramolecular disulfide-stapled structure of laterosporulin, a class IId bacteriocin, conceals a human defensin-like structural module. FEBS Journal, 282(2), 203–214. - Link

  • Szweda, P P (08.2001). “Cloning, expression, and purification of the Staphylococcus si- mulans lysostaphin using the intein-chitin- binding domain (CBD) system.” I: Protein expression and purification 22.3, s. 467–471. doi: 10.1006/prep.2001.1454. - Link 

  • Teulé, F., Cooper, A., Furin, W., Bittencourt, D., Rech, E., Brooks, A. and Lewis, R. (2009). A protocol for the production of recombinant spider silk-like proteins for artificial fiber spinning. Nature Protocols, 4(3), pp.341-355. - Link

  • TOKAREVA, Olena, et al. Recombinant DNA production of spider silk proteins.Microbial biotechnology, 2013, 6.6: 651-663. - Link

  • VICKERS, J. 2016. The Problem of Induction. In: ZALTA, E. N. (ed.). Standford Encylopedia of Philosophy: Center for the Study of Language and Information (CSLI), Stanford University.

  • VINCENZO, C. 2016. Confirmation. In: ZALTA, E. N. (ed.) Standford Encyplodia of Philosophy. Center for the Study of Language and Information (CSLI), Stanford University.

  • WAGNER, Victoria E.; IGLEWSKI, Barbara H. P. aeruginosa biofilms in CF infection. Clinical reviews in allergy & immunology, 2008, 35.3: 124-134.

  • WENDT, H., HILLMER, A., REIMERS, K., KUHBIER, J. W., SCHAFER-NOLTE, F., ALLMELING, C., KASPER, C. & VOGT, P. M. 2011. Artificial skin--culturing of different skin cell lines for generating an artificial skin substitute on cross-weaved spider silk fibres. PLoS One, 6, e21833. - Link

  • JAMBUNATHAN, P. & ZHANG, K. C. 2016. Engineered biosynthesis of biodegradable polymers. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology, 43, 1037-1058. - Link 

  • WU, Y. L., WANG, H., QIU, Y. K., LIOW, S. S., LI, Z. & LOH, X. J. 2016. PHB-Based Gels as Delivery Agents of Chemotherapeutics for the Effective Shrinkage of Tumors. Adv Healthc Mater. - Link

  • Zacharof, M. P., & Lovitt, R. W. (2012). Bacteriocins Produced by Lactic Acid Bacteria A Review Article. APCBEE Procedia, 2(2), 50–56. - Link

  • ZENDO, T. (2013). Screening and Characterization of Novel Bacteriocins from Lactic Acid Bacteria. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 77(5), 893–899. - Link

  • Zendo, T., Yoneyama, F., & Sonomoto, K. (2010). Lactococcal membrane-permeabilizing antimicrobial peptides. - Link

  • BATTIN, M. P. 2003. Bioethics. In: WELLMAN, R. G. F. C. H. (ed.) A Companion to Applied Ethics. Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
  • CHRISTENSEN, A.-M. S. 2014. Dydsetik. In: CHRISTENSEN, A.-M. S. (ed.) Filosofisk Etik. Århus: Århus Universitetsforlag.
  • HEMPEL, C. G. 1966. Philosophy Of Natural Science. Foundations of Philosophy series. Princeton University.
  • HOLTUG, N. 2014. Konsekventialisme. In: CHRISTENSEN, A.-M. S. (ed.) Filosofisk Etik. Århus: Århus Universitetsforlag.
  • KAPPEL, K. 2011. Bioetik. In: CHRISTENSEN, A.-M. S. (ed.) Filosofisk Etik. Århus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag.
  • KLAUSEN, S. H. 2014. Hvad er videnskabsteori. Akademisk Forlag.
  • MARCHANT, G. E. & MOSSMAN, K. L. 2004. Arbitrary and capricious: The precautionary principle in the European Union courts, American Enterprise Institute.
  • NIELSEN, C. F. 2014. Deontologi In: CHRISTENSEN, A.-M. S. (ed.) Filosofisk Etik. Århus: Århus Universitetsforlag.
  • SCHURZ, G. 2013. Philosophy of science: A unified approach, Routledge.
  • STEEL, D. 2014. Philosophy and the precautionary principle, Cambridge University Press.