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<h3 class='block_header red' style = "padding-top: 50px"><strong>Tasks and Responsibilities</strong></h3>
                            <p>Conducting the Experiments<br>
                              Tianai Zhang<br>
                              Jialin Song<br>
                              Chenghao Du                                   <br>
                              Meiqi Zhao<br>
  <img border="0" width="603" height="402" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/d/d5/T%EF%BC%8D%EF%BC%8DCIEI-BJ--songduzhao.jpeg"></p>
                                <p>Wiki Design<br>
                                  Shunzhe Ma<br>
                                Haoyan Fu</p>
                                <img border="0" width="380" height="562" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/3/37/T--CIEI-BJ--Small1.png"></p>
                                <p>Wiki Content Writing<br>
                                  Tianai Zhang<br>
                                  Jialin Song</p>
                                <p>            Introduction<br>
                                  Bowen Xiao<br>
                                  Xinning Li<br>
                                  Jiatai Cui<br>
                                  <img border="0" width="380" height="562" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/e/e9/T--CIEI-BJ--Small2.png"></p>
                                  Tianai Zhang<br>
                                  Jialin Song<br>
                                  Chenghao Du<br>
                                  Meiqi Zhao<br>
                                <img border="0" width="627" height="418" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/d/d5/T%EF%BC%8D%EF%BC%8DCIEI-BJ--songduzhao.jpeg"></p>
                                Chenghao Du </p>
                                <p>Human Practice</p>
                                  Xinning Li<br>
                                  Jiatai Cui<br>
                                  <a href="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/d/db/T--CIEI-BJ--ZhaomeiqiCuijiatai.jpeg"></a> <br>
                                  <img border="0" width="728" height="485" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/d/db/T--CIEI-BJ--ZhaomeiqiCuijiatai.jpeg"></p>
                                  Bowen Xiao<br>
                                  Jialin Song<br>
                                  <img border="0" width="415" height="622" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/9/9d/T--CIEI-BJ--SongjialinXiaobowen.jpeg"></p>
                                <p>Notebook: Material, Methods and Protocols</p>
                                  Ke Xu<br>
                                  <a href="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/6/6a/T--CIEI-BJ--Xuke.jpeg"></a> <br>
                                  <img border="0" width="415" height="276" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/6/6a/T--CIEI-BJ--Xuke.jpeg"></p>
                                <p>Notebook: Experiment Notes</p>
                                  Meiqi Zhao<br>
                                  Jialin Song<br>
                                  <a href="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/7/7a/T--CIEI-BJ--SongjialinZhaomeiqi.jpeg"></a> <br>
                                <img border="0" width="415" height="277" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/7/7a/T--CIEI-BJ--SongjialinZhaomeiqi.jpeg"></p>
                                  Shunzhe Ma<br>
                                  Bowen Xiao<br>
                                  Chenghao Du<br>
                                Jialin Song</p>
                                <p>Human Practices</p>
                                  Bowen Xiao<br>
                                  Chenghao Du<br>
                                  <a href="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/f/fa/T--CIEI-BJ--DuchenghaoXiaobowen.jpeg"></a> <br>
                                  <img border="0" width="415" height="277" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/f/fa/T--CIEI-BJ--DuchenghaoXiaobowen.jpeg"></p>
                                <p>Presentations in Communities</p>
                                  Jiatai Cui<br>
                                  Chenghao Du</p>
                                  Shunzhe Ma<br>
                                  Bowen Xiao<br>
                                  <img border="0" width="415" height="277" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/1/11/T--CIEI-BJ--XiaobowenMashunzhe.jpeg"></p>
  <div class="row" id='environmental_safety3'>
    <div class="col-sm-10 col-sm-offset-1">
      <div class="row" id='environmental_safety2'>
        <div class="col-sm-10 col-sm-offset-1">
          <h3 class='block_header red' style = "padding-top: 50px"><strong>Sponsers</strong>                  </h3>
Genewiz 金唯智
  We are grateful to all the students, professors and instructors who taught us the basic knowledge of synthetic biology, inspired ideas of building an excellent wiki, including <strong>Dr. Na Wang</strong> from College of Life Science in China Agricultural University, <strong>Dr. Xiaofeng Fang</strong> from Tsinghua University, competitors from 2016 iGEM Tsinghua in Tsinghua University, competitors from 2016 iGEM BIT-China in Beijing Institute of Technology, experienced students <strong>Chenyi Li</strong> and <strong>Lingyun Huang</strong>. We are also appreciated the patient guidance in making various experiments from Prof. <strong>Xiaoquan Qi</strong> and <strong>Dr. Tianyue</strong> <strong>An </strong>from Plant Industry in Chinese Academy of Science, <strong>Prof. Shan Lu</strong> and <strong>Dr. Tianjun Cao</strong> from Nanjing University. Last but not least, we want to show our gratitude to people who support us obscurely, including all of the staff members in <strong>China International Education Institute</strong>, and the advisors and participants who filled in our questionnaires and listened carefully to our presentations. Without the help from any of the people among above, never would we achieve the result we own nowadays.                  </p>
<article class="Article" id="article">
<strong>Tasks and Responsibilities</strong></p>
<script language="javascript">
var c = document.getElementById("canvas-container");
    Conducting the Experiments<br>
var ctx = c.getContext("2d");
    Tianai Zhang<br>
var stripeFill = [];
    Jialin Song<br>
var stripeVelocity = [];
    Chenghao Du                                   <br>
var unitSize;
    Meiqi Zhao<br>
var colorText = "200, 200, 200,";
var stripeCount = 100;
  <img border="0" width="415" height="277" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/d/d5/T%EF%BC%8D%EF%BC%8DCIEI-BJ--songduzhao.jpeg"></p>
ctx.canvas.width  = window.innerWidth;
ctx.canvas.height = window.innerHeight;
var upperLimit = 100;
var lowerLimit = 0;
    <p>Wiki Design<br>
unitSize = window.innerWidth/stripeCount;
      Shunzhe Ma<br>
      Haoyan Fu<br>
for (var i = 0; i < stripeCount; i++){
      <img border="0" width="287" height="425" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/3/37/T--CIEI-BJ--Small1.png"></p>
  stripeFill[i] = Math.round(Math.random()*upperLimit);
  stripeVelocity[i] = random(-.6,.6);
    <p>Wiki Content Writing<br>
      Tianai Zhang<br>
function wiggle(){
      Jialin Song</p>
  for (var i = 0; i < stripeCount; i++){
     <p>            Introduction<br>
     stripeVelocity[i] += random(-.1, .1);
      Bowen Xiao<br>
    if(Math.abs(stripeVelocity[i]) > 3){
       Xinning Li<br>
       stripeVelocity[i] = 3*Math.abs(stripeVelocity[i])/stripeVelocity[i];
      Jiatai Cui<br>
     stripeFill[i] += stripeVelocity[i];
  <img border="0" width="286" height="425" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/e/e9/T--CIEI-BJ--Small2.png"></p>
     if (stripeFill[i]<lowerLimit){
       stripeFill[i] = lowerLimit;
       stripeVelocity[i] = 3;
       Tianai Zhang<br>
    else if (stripeFill[i]>upperLimit){
       Jialin Song<br>
       stripeFill[i] = upperLimit;
      Chenghao Du<br>
       stripeVelocity[i] = -3;
      Meiqi Zhao<br>
       <img border="0" width="415" height="277" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/d/d5/T%EF%BC%8D%EF%BC%8DCIEI-BJ--songduzhao.jpeg"></p>
      Chenghao Du    </p>
function execute(){
     ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)";
     <p>Human Practice</p>
      Xinning Li<br>
     for (var i = 0; i < stripeCount; i++){
      Jiatai Cui<br>
       ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(180,180,180," + stripeFill[i]/255 + ")" ;
      <a href="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/d/db/T--CIEI-BJ--ZhaomeiqiCuijiatai.jpeg"></a> <br>
      <img border="0" width="415" height="277" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/d/db/T--CIEI-BJ--ZhaomeiqiCuijiatai.jpeg"></p>
function bob(item){
       Bowen Xiao<br>
   return function(){item.css({display:"none"});}
      Jialin Song<br>
      <img border="0" width="415" height="622" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/9/9d/T--CIEI-BJ--SongjialinXiaobowen.jpeg"></p>
function random (x, y){
     <p>            Notebook: Material, Methods and Protocols<br>
   var answer = Math.random()*(y-x)+x;
      Ke Xu<br>
  return answer;
   <a href="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/6/6a/T--CIEI-BJ--Xuke.jpeg"></a> <br>
   <img border="0" width="415" height="276" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/6/6a/T--CIEI-BJ--Xuke.jpeg"></p>
    <p>Notebook: Experiment Notes</p>
      Meiqi Zhao<br>
      Jialin Song<br>
      <a href="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/7/7a/T--CIEI-BJ--SongjialinZhaomeiqi.jpeg"></a> <br>
      <img border="0" width="415" height="277" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/7/7a/T--CIEI-BJ--SongjialinZhaomeiqi.jpeg"></p>
      Shunzhe Ma<br>
      Bowen Xiao<br>
      Chenghao Du<br>
      Jialin Song</p>
   $(this).find(".dropdown-menu").animate({height:"0px"},150,"swing", bob($(this).find(".dropdown-menu")));//};
     <p>Human Practices</p>
function bob(item){
      Bowen Xiao<br>
   return function(){item.css({display:"none"});};
      Chenghao Du<br>
  <a href="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/f/fa/T--CIEI-BJ--DuchenghaoXiaobowen.jpeg"></a> <br>
  <img border="0" width="415" height="277" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/f/fa/T--CIEI-BJ--DuchenghaoXiaobowen.jpeg"></p>
    <p>Presentations in Communities</p>
      Jiatai Cui<br>
      Chenghao Du</p>
      Shunzhe Ma<br>
      Bowen Xiao<br>
      <img border="0" width="415" height="277" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/1/11/T--CIEI-BJ--XiaobowenMashunzhe.jpeg"></p>
      Genewiz 金唯智
                  We are grateful to all the students, professors and instructors who taught us the basic knowledge of synthetic biology, inspired ideas of building an excellent wiki, including <strong>Dr. Na Wang</strong> from College of Life Science in China Agricultural University, <strong>Dr. Xiaofeng Fang</strong> from Tsinghua University, competitors from 2016 iGEM Tsinghua in Tsinghua University, competitors from 2016 iGEM BIT-China in Beijing Institute of Technology, experienced students <strong>Chenyi Li</strong> and <strong>Lingyun Huang</strong>. We are also appreciated the patient guidance in making various experiments from Prof. <strong>Xiaoquan Qi</strong> and <strong>Dr. Tianyue</strong> <strong>An </strong>from Plant Industry in Chinese Academy of Science, <strong>Prof. Shan Lu</strong> and <strong>Dr. Tianjun Cao</strong> from Nanjing University. Last but not least, we want to show our gratitude to people who support us obscurely, including all of the staff members in <strong>China International Education Institute</strong>, and the advisors and participants who filled in our questionnaires and listened carefully to our presentations. Without the help from any of the people among above, never would we achieve the result we own nowadays.           </p>

Latest revision as of 14:26, 19 October 2016






Tasks and Responsibilities

  • Conducting the Experiments
    Tianai Zhang
    Jialin Song
    Chenghao Du                                  
    Meiqi Zhao



      Wiki Design
      Shunzhe Ma
      Haoyan Fu


      Wiki Content Writing
      Tianai Zhang
      Jialin Song

      Bowen Xiao
      Xinning Li
      Jiatai Cui



      Tianai Zhang
      Jialin Song
      Chenghao Du
      Meiqi Zhao



      Chenghao Du


      Human Practice

      Xinning Li
      Jiatai Cui



      Bowen Xiao
      Jialin Song


      Notebook: Material, Methods and Protocols

      Ke Xu


      Notebook: Experiment Notes

      Meiqi Zhao
      Jialin Song



      Shunzhe Ma
      Bowen Xiao
      Chenghao Du
      Jialin Song


      Human Practices

      Bowen Xiao
      Chenghao Du

      Presentations in Communities

      Jiatai Cui
      Chenghao Du



      Shunzhe Ma
      Bowen Xiao


    Genewiz 金唯智

    We are grateful to all the students, professors and instructors who taught us the basic knowledge of synthetic biology, inspired ideas of building an excellent wiki, including Dr. Na Wang from College of Life Science in China Agricultural University, Dr. Xiaofeng Fang from Tsinghua University, competitors from 2016 iGEM Tsinghua in Tsinghua University, competitors from 2016 iGEM BIT-China in Beijing Institute of Technology, experienced students Chenyi Li and Lingyun Huang. We are also appreciated the patient guidance in making various experiments from Prof. Xiaoquan Qi and Dr. Tianyue An from Plant Industry in Chinese Academy of Science, Prof. Shan Lu and Dr. Tianjun Cao from Nanjing University. Last but not least, we want to show our gratitude to people who support us obscurely, including all of the staff members in China International Education Institute, and the advisors and participants who filled in our questionnaires and listened carefully to our presentations. Without the help from any of the people among above, never would we achieve the result we own nowadays.