</br></br>Civic drone, a french drone designer and manufacturer. If you want to know more about Civic drone company, simply click on this photo.</br> </br>
</br></br>Civic drone, a french drone designer and manufacturer. If you want to know more about Civic drone company, simply click on this photo.</br> </br>
We brought idea generation tools and methods that are to the design discipline.
For example, several brainstorming sessions allowed us to unleash the creativity of the team: a first one focused on the « idea generation » to choose the topic of our project, a second one to elaborate the scenarios, and a third to develop the technical devices specifications.
These working sessions allowed us to collect a lot of different ideas in a fun way, then we had to organize it in the better way to reuse it.
As the project progresses, we realized that it was necessary for the team members to discover and learn the communications tools. So we decided to organize two introductory sessions to discover the Photoshop software (photo retouching) and Indesign (layout and printing). Students in science and law assimilated these tools to help in the creation of the communication media.
Moreover, Hanifa was able to reuse these knowledge to code this beautiful wiki! It's all about sharing knowledge!
To make our project more and more viable, we have chosen to meet several experts. We presented our project and scenarios, which supports each discussions. This allowed us to strengthen our specifications, and become aware of the ground realities.
This appointment allowed us to complete our scenarios because Dr. Anna-Bella Failloux is used to work on the ground : what are the habits of populations, their opinion on mosquitoes and prevention programs, how they fight against it. She also informed us about different kind of traps that are used by scientifics and trapping frequencies for surveillance and outbreak. She gave us lots of information on aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus mosquitoes : what and how to attract them, their lifestyle, way of reproduction.
The discussions and e-mail exchanges were very useful for the scenario and the specifications !
We would especially like to thank her, for all her help.
Civic drone, a french drone designer and manufacturer. If you want to know more about Civic drone company, simply click on this photo.
We met Mr. Edouard Guilhot-Gaudeffroy who is the director of Civic Drone and an R&D engineer at their office.
We presented our scenario for trapping mosquitoes. In turn, they presented their drone and the technologies currently used. The discussion that followed allowed us to consider a new trapping scenario with drones, and develop technical specifications. Secondly exchanges allowed us to tackle technical and commercial aspects and buisiness model.
Always very pleasant and rewarding meetings !
EID Méditerranée (Interdepartmental agreement for Mosquito Control).
We had a skype meeting and mail exchanges with Dr. Grégory Lambert, a medical coordinator and entomologist at EID. We discussed about organizations that are responsible for mosquito control in France. We had a lot of informations about the tools, methods and strategies they are used to employ to fight against mosquitoes. We also discussed on the following protocols when an outbreak is declared, and different ways of prevention.
In short, thanks to their great specifications, we again completed our specifications and our scenario, especially for the trapping system !