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                            <p>Of all the world’s cities, Cambridge undoubtedly stands out as a bright hub of science, education, and creativity. Local biotechnology startups, interdisciplinary research centers, and world-renowned universities contribute to a lively neighborhood that prides itself on innovation and curiosity. Often times, however, as a community member the opportunity to engage with such exciting activity can feel limited to those who possess university affiliations and professional credentials. In turn, the institutions that aim to contribute to the advancement of science for society can seem exclusive - sequestered to the “ivory tower.” In an effort to counter this institutional exclusivity EMW Bookstore created the community program, Street Bio. Street Bio’s mission is to explore the interface of engineered biology and “the street” - the people, culture, and products that will shape how biology leaves the lab and enters our everyday lives. Believing that biology is humanity’s next technological revolution, we ask, who will be empowered to participate?</p>
                <h3>Biota Beats and the Street Bio Youth Science Initiative</h3>
                            <p>Among our many projects, which include building out an in-house community laboratory and managing the international course “How to Grow (Almost) Anything,we collaborated with the Cambridge Science Festival (the first-of-its-kind celebration highlighting fun and leading edge science, technology, engineering, art, and/or math - STEAM - in our region). Importantly, as educational curriculums move from STEM to STEAM, educators and students alike are realizing the false dichotomy between science and art and how the two disciplines synergize immensely well in many respects. In April 2016, EMW collaborated with <a href="http://www.amino.bio/">Amino Labs</a> on a 2-day workshop for youth as a part of the Cambridge Science Festival. Over the course of a weekend, more than 20 youth, from late elementary school to middle school, participated in a hands-on workshop where they learned about synthetic biology and applied their knowledge to culture bacteria in the Amino One, a table-top bacterial culture system. The students cultured E. coli and transformed bacteria with recombinant DNA.</p>
            <article class="row align-justify">
                <p>As a part of bringing Biota Beats to our community, we chose to engage with local middle school-aged
                            <p>Through our successful collaboration with the Cambridge Science Festival, Street Bio aspired to make a commitment to local youth engagement in an effort to foster a fun learning environment conducive to boundless scientific curiosity and unlimited imaginative exploration. As luck would have it, Crystal Johnson, a parent of one of the participants at our Street Bio/Cambridge Science Festival program connected with Street Bio founder, David Kong. Johnson, founder of Integrative Sustainability and Environmental Solutions and accomplished energy strategist, shared our excitement regarding continued youth engagement in the sciences. After several teleconferences, we planned a recurring weekend youth program focused on engaging local youth at the forefront of science, and thus, EMW Bookstore’s Street Bio Youth Science Initiative (YSI) was born.</p>
                    youth through a pioneering community youth science initiative. As integrated STEAM (science,
                    technology, engineering, art, and math) curriculums gain traction and prosper in today’s schools,
                            <p>In an effort to advance Street Bio’s mission, the YSI has been geared towards engaging underrepresented and disadvantaged youth in science - girls, youth of color, low socioeconomic status. Upon forming partnerships with local biotechnology startup Ginkgo Bioworks, research groups at MIT Media Lab, and an astronaut at NASA, we ultimately developed a theme centered on sustainability and a timeline for recurring weekend workshops where each YSI session would take place at a different laboratory and we would spend the day learning, asking questions, building, experimenting, and bonding over our shared love for science.</p>
                    Biota Beats provided Street Bio with a unique opportunity for community youth engagement. At the
                    crossroads of music and science, Biota Beats gives young aspiring scientists the chance to blend
                    together scientific curiosity, biotechnology and musical creativity. In order to bring Biota Beats
                     <section class="container">
                    to local youth, we pioneered the EMW Bookstore Street Bio Youth Science Initiative with the goal of
                        <header class="special">
                     immersing local, underrepresented youth at the forefront of science.
                            <h3>Session #1: Ginkgo Bioworks - Making Molecules</h3>
                <span class="image 8u -2u 12u(mobile)"><img
                        <article class="row align-justify">
                        src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/f/fe/T--EMW_Street_Bio--images_matt1.png" alt=""/>
                            <p>After several weeks of publicizing the YSI, the first session took place on October 15th, 2016. Our pioneering cohort of youth participants arrived the morning of at Ginkgo Bioworks, a bioengineering startup nestled on the drydock in Boston’s Seaport District. After a brief introduction to YSI and its core organizers, the majority of the day centered on the idea of “Making Molecules.” The initial interactive lessons described microorganisms in nature make their own molecules and for what purposes. Presenters drew on examples such as haloarchaea and yeast. A design activity, where participants were given the opportunity to design their own microbes, yielded incredibly innovative ideas ranging from microbial pollution eliminators, water purity indicators, mini-machine repairers, microbes that would enable ovenless baking, and more! Following a pizza lunch, the cohort was given a personalized tour of the Ginkgo Bioworks foundry where the youth were given an overview of how the lab uses robots and tools like bioreactors, fermentation hoods, and mass spectrometers are used to build microbes that make molecules. </p>
                    Street Bio’s Youth Science Initiative making their own microbiome records for Biota Beats
                            <span class="image 12u"><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/9/93/T--EMW_Street_Bio--images_ginkgo.jpg" alt="" /></span>
                            <p>Alongside the planning of YSI, the community laboratory buildout, and HTGAA activities, a team of Street Bio biohackers were building a microbiome record player capable of sonifying cultures from our own personal microbes on petri dishes modified to resemble vinyl records - microbiome records! Eventually, following the foundry tour the cohort had a second set of interactive lessons on the human microbiome and the intersections between the microbiology and engineering. They were subsequently introduced to Street Bio’s microbiome record player. After a brief overview of how the machine worked, the youth were introduced to the scientific method and they quickly got started on culturing their own individual microbiome records. The youth were given a demonstration and opportunity to produce electronic music using a prototype of the microbiome record player, and in a few days after sending them pictures of their cultured microorganisms, we would send the participants their personalized microbiome records’ audio files.</p>
                            <span class="image 12u"><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/8/88/T--EMW_Street_Bio--images_ysi.png" alt="" /></span>
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                <header class="special">
                        <li>&copy; EMW Streetbio and iGEM 2016</li>
                    <h4>Street Bio in the Community
                        <li>Design: Thras Karydis &amp; <a href="http://html5up.net">HTML5 UP</a></li>
                <p>Of all the world’s cities, Cambridge undoubtedly stands out as a bright hub of science, education,
                    and creativity. Local biotechnology startups, interdisciplinary research centers, and world-renowned
                    universities contribute to a lively neighborhood that prides itself on innovation and curiosity.
                    Often times, however, as a community member the opportunity to engage with such exciting activity
                    can feel limited to those who possess university affiliations and professional credentials. In turn,
                    the institutions that aim to contribute to the advancement of science for society can seem exclusive
                    - sequestered to the “ivory tower.” In an effort to counter this institutional exclusivity EMW
                    Bookstore created the community program, Street Bio. Street Bio’s mission is to explore the
                    interface of engineered biology and “the street” - the people, culture, and products that will shape
                    how biology leaves the lab and enters our everyday lives. Believing that biology is humanity’s next
                    technological revolution, we ask, who will be empowered to participate? By bringing Biota Beats to
                    our community, and in particular the youth in our community, we hope to empower young aspiring
                    scientists by fostering their creativity and scientific curiosity ultimately encouraging them to let
                    their imaginations run wild - a known prerequisite for groundbreaking science.</p>
                <p>Among Street Bio’s many projects, which include building out an in-house community laboratory and
                    managing the international course “How to Grow (Almost) Anything,” we first engaged with youth
                    through a collaboration with the Cambridge Science Festival (the first-of-its-kind celebration
                    highlighting fun and leading edge STEAM projects in our region). Importantly, as educational
                    curriculums move from STEM to STEAM, educators and students alike are realizing the false dichotomy
                    between science and art and how the two disciplines synergize immensely well in many respects. In
                    April 2016, EMW collaborated with <a href="http://amino.bio">Amino Labs</a> on a 2-day workshop for
                    youth as a part of the
                    Cambridge Science Festival. Over the course of a weekend, more than 20 youth, from late elementary
                    school to middle school, participated in a hands-on workshop where they learned about synthetic
                    biology and applied their knowledge to culture bacteria in the Amino One, a table-top bacterial
                    culture system. The students cultured E. coli and transformed bacteria with recombinant DNA. </p>
                <span class="image 8u -2u 12u(mobile)"><img
                        src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/7/7d/T--EMW_Street_Bio--images_matt2.png" alt=""/>
                Group photo of our youth at EMW’s Cambridge Science Festival event with Amino Labs!
                <header class="special">
                    <h4>Pioneering the Youth Science Initiative
                <p>Following our successful collaboration with the Cambridge Science Festival, Street Bio aspired to
                    make a commitment to local youth engagement through STEAM in an effort to foster a fun learning
                    environment conducive to boundless scientific curiosity and unlimited imaginative exploration. As
                    luck would have it, Crystal Johnson, a parent of one of the participants at our Street Bio/Cambridge
                    Science Festival program connected with Street Bio founder, David Kong. Johnson, founder of
                    Integrative Sustainability and Environmental Solutions and accomplished energy strategist, shared
                    our excitement regarding continued youth engagement in the sciences. After several teleconferences,
                    we planned a recurring weekend youth program focused on engaging local youth at the forefront of
                    science, and thus, EMW Bookstore’s Street Bio Youth Science Initiative (YSI) was born. </p>
                <p>In an effort to advance Street Bio’s mission, the YSI has been geared towards engaging
                    underrepresented and disadvantaged local youth in science - girls, youth of color, low socioeconomic
                    status. Upon forming partnerships with local biotechnology startup Ginkgo Bioworks, research groups
                    at MIT Media Lab, and an astronaut at NASA, we ultimately developed a theme centered on
                    sustainability and a timeline for recurring weekend workshops where each YSI session would take
                    place at a different laboratory and we would spend the day learning, asking questions, building,
                    experimenting, and bonding over our shared love for science.</p>
                <header class="special">
                    <h4>Biota Beats at Ginkgo Bioworks
                <p>After several weeks of publicizing the YSI, the first session took place on October 15th, 2016. That
                    morning, our pioneering cohort of youth participants arrived at Ginkgo Bioworks - a bioengineering
                    startup nestled on the drydock in Boston’s Seaport District. After a brief introduction to YSI and
                    its core organizers, the majority of the day centered on the idea of “Making Molecules.” Initial
                    interactive lessons described several microorganisms in nature, how some make their own molecules
                    and for what purposes. Presenters drew on examples such as haloarchaea and yeast.
                <span class="image 8u -2u 12u(mobile)"><img
                        src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/0/04/T--EMW_Street_Bio--images_matt3.png" alt=""/>
                 Kit McDonnell of Ginkgo Bioworks presents to youth on microbes in nature.</span>
                <p>Didactic lectures were kept to the bare minimum while activities, videos, pair sharing, and
                    demonstrations were the main educational tools used. YSI participants were always encouraged to
                    participate and ask questions.</p>
                <span class="image 8u -2u 12u(mobile)"><img
                        src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/8/88/T--EMW_Street_Bio--images_matt4.png" alt=""/>
                Ranjith Anand of Ginkgo Bioworks and YSI participant Aspen Johnson talk about the relationship between yeast, fruit, and smells.</span>
                <p>A design activity, where participants were given the opportunity to design their own microbes,
                    yielded incredibly innovative ideas ranging from microbial pollution eliminators, water purity
                    indicators, mini-machine repairers, and even microbes that would enable ovenless baking!
                <span class="image 8u -2u 12u(mobile)"><img
                        src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/6/60/T--EMW_Street_Bio--images_matt5.png" alt=""/>
                YSI participant brainstorms on what her microbe of the future might do.</span>
                <p>Following a pizza lunch, the cohort was given a personalized tour of the Ginkgo Bioworks foundry.
                    There, the youth were given an overview of how the lab uses robots and tools like bioreactors,
                    fermentation hoods, and mass spectrometers to build microbes that make molecules.
                <span class="image 8u -2u 12u(mobile)"><img
                        src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/8/8b/T--EMW_Street_Bio--images_matt6.jpg" alt=""/>
              EMW Street Bio’s first-ever Youth Science Initiative cohort. At Ginkgo Bioworks, local youth were introduced to topics in microbiology, synthetic biology, and Biota Beats.</span>
                <span class="image 8u -2u 12u(mobile)"><img
                        src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/5/5b/T--EMW_Street_Bio--images_matt7.png" alt=""/>
                Street Bio founder David Kong providing a brief overview of microbiology and engineering to YSI youth. </span>
                    Eventually, following the foundry tour the cohort had a second set of interactive lessons on the
                    human microbiome and the intersections between the microbiology and engineering. Through a guided
                    question-and-answer lesson, the YSI participants demonstrated a strong understanding of microbiota.
                    We then transitioned over from our science studies to music. We brought in and set up a classic
                    vinyl record player and while playing a Stevie Wonder record, we explained how we might be able to
                    create records out of our own microbiota.
                <span class="image 8u -2u 12u(mobile)"><img
                        src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/d/da/T--EMW_Street_Bio--images_matt8.png" alt=""/>
              We used a classic record player in parallel with our hacked Biota Beats microbiome record player to show how we would play our own microbiome records.</span>
                <p>The youth were shown how microbiomes cultured on an agar plate resembled classic vinyl records and
                    were given a demonstration as to how a new type of record player could play music from our cultured
                    microbiota. Soon after the demonstration, we instructed each participant to swab different parts of
                    their body and inoculate their personal agar plate-records with their microbiota. They quickly and
                    excitedly began swabbing, inoculating, and essentially composing their own microbiome records.</p>
                <span class="image 8u -2u 12u(mobile)"><img
                        src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/d/d1/T--EMW_Street_Bio--images_matt9.png" alt=""/>
              David Kong explains how Biota Beats works to YSI cohort</span>
                <span class="image 8u -2u 12u(mobile)"><img
                        src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/8/81/T--EMW_Street_Bio--images_matt10.png" alt=""/>
              YSI participant inoculates her microbiome record.</span>
                <p>Upon completely inoculating their personalized microbiome records, the YSI participants were asked to
                    take their records home. They were given specific instructions to take pictures of their records as
                    the microbiota grew each day. As they continue to share their images with our Street Bio team, we
                    are sonifying their records, giving our youth participants the opportunity to produce their own
                    electronic music using their individual microbiome records.</p>
                <header class="special">
                    <h4>Biota Beats and Beyond
                <p>By bringing Biota Beats to our community through the Youth Science Initiative, we are providing local
                    youth with the unique opportunity to participate in a novel STEAM education program. Our initial YSI
                    cohort demonstrated strong enthusiasm in Biota Beats because of how the project brought together
                    music, microbiology, and biotechnology. The youth were able to be creative and innovate while
                    excitedly engaging with their passions for science. As Street Bio continues to make a strong
                    commitment to community youth engagement we hope to use continue using Biota Beats as an exemplary
                    model for STEAM education.</p>
                <span class="image 8u -2u 12u(mobile)"><img
                        src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/8/88/T--EMW_Street_Bio--images_ysi.png" alt=""/>
                    EMW Street Bio’s Youth Science Initiative poster designed by Jeffrey Cott.
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            <li>&copy; EMW Streetbio and iGEM 2016</li>
            <li>Design: Thras Karydis &amp; <a href="http://html5up.net">HTML5 UP</a></li>
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Latest revision as of 03:30, 20 October 2016

Biota Beats - by EMW Streetbio


Biota Beats and the Street Bio Youth Science Initiative

As a part of bringing Biota Beats to our community, we chose to engage with local middle school-aged youth through a pioneering community youth science initiative. As integrated STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math) curriculums gain traction and prosper in today’s schools, Biota Beats provided Street Bio with a unique opportunity for community youth engagement. At the crossroads of music and science, Biota Beats gives young aspiring scientists the chance to blend together scientific curiosity, biotechnology and musical creativity. In order to bring Biota Beats to local youth, we pioneered the EMW Bookstore Street Bio Youth Science Initiative with the goal of immersing local, underrepresented youth at the forefront of science.

Street Bio’s Youth Science Initiative making their own microbiome records for Biota Beats

Street Bio in the Community

Of all the world’s cities, Cambridge undoubtedly stands out as a bright hub of science, education, and creativity. Local biotechnology startups, interdisciplinary research centers, and world-renowned universities contribute to a lively neighborhood that prides itself on innovation and curiosity. Often times, however, as a community member the opportunity to engage with such exciting activity can feel limited to those who possess university affiliations and professional credentials. In turn, the institutions that aim to contribute to the advancement of science for society can seem exclusive - sequestered to the “ivory tower.” In an effort to counter this institutional exclusivity EMW Bookstore created the community program, Street Bio. Street Bio’s mission is to explore the interface of engineered biology and “the street” - the people, culture, and products that will shape how biology leaves the lab and enters our everyday lives. Believing that biology is humanity’s next technological revolution, we ask, who will be empowered to participate? By bringing Biota Beats to our community, and in particular the youth in our community, we hope to empower young aspiring scientists by fostering their creativity and scientific curiosity ultimately encouraging them to let their imaginations run wild - a known prerequisite for groundbreaking science.

Among Street Bio’s many projects, which include building out an in-house community laboratory and managing the international course “How to Grow (Almost) Anything,” we first engaged with youth through a collaboration with the Cambridge Science Festival (the first-of-its-kind celebration highlighting fun and leading edge STEAM projects in our region). Importantly, as educational curriculums move from STEM to STEAM, educators and students alike are realizing the false dichotomy between science and art and how the two disciplines synergize immensely well in many respects. In April 2016, EMW collaborated with Amino Labs on a 2-day workshop for youth as a part of the Cambridge Science Festival. Over the course of a weekend, more than 20 youth, from late elementary school to middle school, participated in a hands-on workshop where they learned about synthetic biology and applied their knowledge to culture bacteria in the Amino One, a table-top bacterial culture system. The students cultured E. coli and transformed bacteria with recombinant DNA.

Group photo of our youth at EMW’s Cambridge Science Festival event with Amino Labs!

Pioneering the Youth Science Initiative

Following our successful collaboration with the Cambridge Science Festival, Street Bio aspired to make a commitment to local youth engagement through STEAM in an effort to foster a fun learning environment conducive to boundless scientific curiosity and unlimited imaginative exploration. As luck would have it, Crystal Johnson, a parent of one of the participants at our Street Bio/Cambridge Science Festival program connected with Street Bio founder, David Kong. Johnson, founder of Integrative Sustainability and Environmental Solutions and accomplished energy strategist, shared our excitement regarding continued youth engagement in the sciences. After several teleconferences, we planned a recurring weekend youth program focused on engaging local youth at the forefront of science, and thus, EMW Bookstore’s Street Bio Youth Science Initiative (YSI) was born.

In an effort to advance Street Bio’s mission, the YSI has been geared towards engaging underrepresented and disadvantaged local youth in science - girls, youth of color, low socioeconomic status. Upon forming partnerships with local biotechnology startup Ginkgo Bioworks, research groups at MIT Media Lab, and an astronaut at NASA, we ultimately developed a theme centered on sustainability and a timeline for recurring weekend workshops where each YSI session would take place at a different laboratory and we would spend the day learning, asking questions, building, experimenting, and bonding over our shared love for science.

Biota Beats at Ginkgo Bioworks

After several weeks of publicizing the YSI, the first session took place on October 15th, 2016. That morning, our pioneering cohort of youth participants arrived at Ginkgo Bioworks - a bioengineering startup nestled on the drydock in Boston’s Seaport District. After a brief introduction to YSI and its core organizers, the majority of the day centered on the idea of “Making Molecules.” Initial interactive lessons described several microorganisms in nature, how some make their own molecules and for what purposes. Presenters drew on examples such as haloarchaea and yeast.

Kit McDonnell of Ginkgo Bioworks presents to youth on microbes in nature.

Didactic lectures were kept to the bare minimum while activities, videos, pair sharing, and demonstrations were the main educational tools used. YSI participants were always encouraged to participate and ask questions.

Ranjith Anand of Ginkgo Bioworks and YSI participant Aspen Johnson talk about the relationship between yeast, fruit, and smells.

A design activity, where participants were given the opportunity to design their own microbes, yielded incredibly innovative ideas ranging from microbial pollution eliminators, water purity indicators, mini-machine repairers, and even microbes that would enable ovenless baking!

YSI participant brainstorms on what her microbe of the future might do.

Following a pizza lunch, the cohort was given a personalized tour of the Ginkgo Bioworks foundry. There, the youth were given an overview of how the lab uses robots and tools like bioreactors, fermentation hoods, and mass spectrometers to build microbes that make molecules.

EMW Street Bio’s first-ever Youth Science Initiative cohort. At Ginkgo Bioworks, local youth were introduced to topics in microbiology, synthetic biology, and Biota Beats. Street Bio founder David Kong providing a brief overview of microbiology and engineering to YSI youth.

Eventually, following the foundry tour the cohort had a second set of interactive lessons on the human microbiome and the intersections between the microbiology and engineering. Through a guided question-and-answer lesson, the YSI participants demonstrated a strong understanding of microbiota. We then transitioned over from our science studies to music. We brought in and set up a classic vinyl record player and while playing a Stevie Wonder record, we explained how we might be able to create records out of our own microbiota.

We used a classic record player in parallel with our hacked Biota Beats microbiome record player to show how we would play our own microbiome records.

The youth were shown how microbiomes cultured on an agar plate resembled classic vinyl records and were given a demonstration as to how a new type of record player could play music from our cultured microbiota. Soon after the demonstration, we instructed each participant to swab different parts of their body and inoculate their personal agar plate-records with their microbiota. They quickly and excitedly began swabbing, inoculating, and essentially composing their own microbiome records.

David Kong explains how Biota Beats works to YSI cohort YSI participant inoculates her microbiome record.

Upon completely inoculating their personalized microbiome records, the YSI participants were asked to take their records home. They were given specific instructions to take pictures of their records as the microbiota grew each day. As they continue to share their images with our Street Bio team, we are sonifying their records, giving our youth participants the opportunity to produce their own electronic music using their individual microbiome records.

Biota Beats and Beyond

By bringing Biota Beats to our community through the Youth Science Initiative, we are providing local youth with the unique opportunity to participate in a novel STEAM education program. Our initial YSI cohort demonstrated strong enthusiasm in Biota Beats because of how the project brought together music, microbiology, and biotechnology. The youth were able to be creative and innovate while excitedly engaging with their passions for science. As Street Bio continues to make a strong commitment to community youth engagement we hope to use continue using Biota Beats as an exemplary model for STEAM education.

EMW Street Bio’s Youth Science Initiative poster designed by Jeffrey Cott.