Sonification: the use of non-speech audio to convey information or perceptualize data.
Auditory perception has advantages in temporal, spatial, amplitude, and frequency resolution that open possibilities as an alternative complement to visualisation techniques.
There is prior work sonifying algae data, star data, and microbial data into music by various methods. For example, scientists looked for patterns in readings from blue-green algae samples collected in the western English Channel then transformed the data into musical notes: The tune "Bloom" illustrates how some algae species bloom occasionally and become more abundant for short periods of time. They had lower abundance of microbe correspond to lower notes, and chord progression was related to day length, chlorophyll concentration in the water, and other physical parameters.
Here astronomers converted star data from NASA's Kepler telescope into reggae songs: link.
Then a team converted RNA sequences and protein 3D structure into sound: link.