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− | See the <a href="https://igem.org/Team_List?year=2016">complete list of teams here</a> or take a look at the <a href="https://2016.igem.org/Community/Map"> world map.</a>
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− | background-color: #f17530;
| + | |
− | color: white;
| + | |
− | }
| + | |
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− | .pop_why_box {
| + | |
− | position:fixed;
| + | |
− | top: 100px;
| + | |
− | border-color: #5ba88a;
| + | |
− | }
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− | | + | |
− | .pop_why {
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− | border: 2px solid #5ba88a;
| + | |
− | color: #5ba88a;
| + | |
− | }
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− | .pop_why:hover {
| + | |
− | background-color: #5ba88a;
| + | |
− | }
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− | .gray_line{
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| + | |
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| + | |
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− | #HQ_page .quicklinks a {
| + | |
− | color: #4e606e;
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− | }
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− | #HQ_page .quicklinks a:hover {
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− | color: #f27631;
| + | |
− | }
| + | |
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− | | + | |
− | #sideMenu {padding-bottom:0px; }
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | #HQ_page .full_border {padding: 10px 15px;}
| + | |
− | </style>
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− | <script> | + | |
− | | + | |
− | | + | |
− | | + | |
− | | + | |
− | hub_list[1]= "Requirements";
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | hub_list[2]= "Safety";
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | hub_list[3]= "Judging";
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | hub_list[4]= "Resources";
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | hub_list[5]= "Test";
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | hub_list[6]= "Team_Information";
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | hub_list[7]= "Community";
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | hub_list[8]= "Tracks";
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | hub_list[8]= "Giant_Jamboree";
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | var which_why= "why_default"; //STORES WHAT WHY IS BEING CALLED, has a default assigned
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | | + | |
− | | + | |
− | | + | |
− | | + | |
− | $(document).ready(function(){
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− | | + | |
− | var w;
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− | var u;
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− | | + | |
− | $(".pop_why").click(function() { //IF A POP WHY IS CLICKED
| + | |
− |
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | | + | |
− | which_why = "https://2016.igem.org/HQ:Why"+" " + "#" +which_why;
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | | + | |
− | | + | |
− | $( ".pop_why_content" ).load( which_why , function() {
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | $(".pop_close").click(function() {
| + | |
− | remove_popwhy();
| + | |
− | });
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | $(".pop_why_cover").click(function() {
| + | |
− | remove_popwhy();
| + | |
− | });
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | } );
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | | + | |
− | | + | |
| + | |
− | $(".pop_why_box").show();
| + | |
− | $(".pop_why_cover").show();
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | | + | |
− | //w= $(window).height();
| + | |
− | //u= $(".pop_why_content").height();
| + | |
− | //w=w-u;
| + | |
− | //w=w/2;
| + | |
− | | + | |
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| + | |
− | | + | |
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− | | + | |
− | //$(".pop_why_cover").css("height" , y);
| + | |
− | //$(".pop_why_cover").css("width" , x);
| + | |
− | });
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | });
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | | + | |
| + | |
− | function remove_popwhy () {
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | $(".pop_why_box").hide();
| + | |
− | $(".pop_why_cover").hide();
| + | |
− | $( ".pop_why_content" ).empty();
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | }
| + | |
− |
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | | + | |
− | | + | |
− | //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
| + | |
− | // END POP WHY ( ? )
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| + | |
− | //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | $(".click_open").click(function() {
| + | |
− | var myself = $(this);
| + | |
− | var my_content = myself.find(".click_content");
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| + | |
− | | + | |
− | if ( my_content.is(':visible')) {
| + | |
− | my_content.hide();
| + | |
− | my_icon.html("▼");
| + | |
− | myself.css("background-color", "#f2f2f2");
| + | |
− | }
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | else {
| + | |
− | my_content.show();
| + | |
− | my_icon.html("▶");
| + | |
− | myself.css("background-color", "#ffffff");
| + | |
− | }
| + | |
− | });
| + | |
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− | //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
| + | |
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− | | + | |
− | | + | |
− | $(".menu_control").click(function() {
| + | |
− | $("#sideMenu").toggle();
| + | |
− | $(".menu_cover").toggle();
| + | |
− | });
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | $(".menu_cover").click(function() {
| + | |
− | $("#sideMenu").toggle();
| + | |
− | $(".menu_cover").toggle();
| + | |
− | });
| + | |
− | | + | |
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− | </script>
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− | </p> | + | |
− | <!--
| + | |
− | NewPP limit report
| + | |
− | CPU time usage: 0.005 seconds
| + | |
− | Real time usage: 0.005 seconds
| + | |
− | Preprocessor visited node count: 9/1000000
| + | |
− | Preprocessor generated node count: 44/1000000
| + | |
− | Post‐expand include size: 41/2097152 bytes
| + | |
− | Template argument size: 0/2097152 bytes
| + | |
− | Highest expansion depth: 2/40
| + | |
− | Expensive parser function count: 0/100
| + | |
− | -->
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | <!-- Saved in parser cache with key 2016_igem_org:pcache:idhash:1-0!*!*!*!*!*!* and timestamp 20160908173203 and revision id 114107
| + | |
− | -->
| + | |
− | </div> <div class="visualClear"></div>
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− | </div>
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− | <!-- Side Menubar -->
| + | |
− | <div id="sideMenu">
| + | |
− | <a href="https://2016.igem.org">
| + | |
− | <div id="home_logo" >
| + | |
− | <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/b/bf/HQ_menu_logo.jpg">
| + | |
− | </div>
| + | |
− | </a>
| + | |
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− | <div style="clear:both; height:5px;"></div>
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− | <div id="menuDisplay"></div> <!- Menu will be loaded here ->
| + | |
− | </div>
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− | <!-- Pop_Why Div is definded here -->
| + | |
− | <div class="pop_why_cover"></div>
| + | |
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− | <div class="pop_why_box" >
| + | |
− | <div class="pop_close">× </div>
| + | |
− | <div class="pop_why_content"><h3> Loading ... </h3></div>
| + | |
− | </div>
| + | |
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