Difference between revisions of "Team:NKU China/attributions"

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    <!--<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://2016.igem.org/Template:NKU_China/css/levirebrushed?action=raw&ctype=text/css">-->
        @font-face {
          font-family: 'levirebrushed';
          src: url(resource/font/levirebrushed/levirebrushed-webfont.woff),
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/Raleway-woff2.css">
         function hexToRgb(e) { var a = /^#?([a-f\d])([a-f\d])([a-f\d])$/i; e = e.replace(a, function (e, a, t, i) { return a + a + t + t + i + i }); var t = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(e); return t ? { r: parseInt(t[1], 16), g: parseInt(t[2], 16), b: parseInt(t[3], 16) } : null } function clamp(e, a, t) { return Math.min(Math.max(e, a), t) } function isInArray(e, a) { return a.indexOf(e) > -1 } var pJS = function (e, a) { var t = document.querySelector("#" + e + " > .particles-js-canvas-el"); this.pJS = { canvas: { el: t, w: t.offsetWidth, h: t.offsetHeight }, particles: { number: { value: 400, density: { enable: !0, value_area: 800 } }, color: { value: "#fff" }, shape: { type: "circle", stroke: { width: 0, color: "#ff0000" }, polygon: { nb_sides: 5 }, image: { src: "", width: 100, height: 100 } }, opacity: { value: 1, random: !1, anim: { enable: !1, speed: 2, opacity_min: 0, sync: !1 } }, size: { value: 20, random: !1, anim: { enable: !1, speed: 20, size_min: 0, sync: !1 } }, line_linked: { enable: !0, distance: 100, color: "#fff", opacity: 1, width: 1 }, move: { enable: !0, speed: 2, direction: "none", random: !1, straight: !1, out_mode: "out", bounce: !1, attract: { enable: !1, rotateX: 3e3, rotateY: 3e3 } }, array: [] }, interactivity: { detect_on: "canvas", events: { onhover: { enable: !0, mode: "grab" }, onclick: { enable: !0, mode: "push" }, resize: !0 }, modes: { grab: { distance: 100, line_linked: { opacity: 1 } }, bubble: { distance: 200, size: 80, duration: .4 }, repulse: { distance: 200, duration: .4 }, push: { particles_nb: 4 }, remove: { particles_nb: 2 } }, mouse: {} }, retina_detect: !1, fn: { interact: {}, modes: {}, vendors: {} }, tmp: {} }; var i = this.pJS; a && Object.deepExtend(i, a), i.tmp.obj = { size_value: i.particles.size.value, size_anim_speed: i.particles.size.anim.speed, move_speed: i.particles.move.speed, line_linked_distance: i.particles.line_linked.distance, line_linked_width: i.particles.line_linked.width, mode_grab_distance: i.interactivity.modes.grab.distance, mode_bubble_distance: i.interactivity.modes.bubble.distance, mode_bubble_size: i.interactivity.modes.bubble.size, mode_repulse_distance: i.interactivity.modes.repulse.distance }, i.fn.retinaInit = function () { i.retina_detect && window.devicePixelRatio > 1 ? (i.canvas.pxratio = window.devicePixelRatio, i.tmp.retina = !0) : (i.canvas.pxratio = 1, i.tmp.retina = !1), i.canvas.w = i.canvas.el.offsetWidth * i.canvas.pxratio, i.canvas.h = i.canvas.el.offsetHeight * i.canvas.pxratio, i.particles.size.value = i.tmp.obj.size_value * i.canvas.pxratio, i.particles.size.anim.speed = i.tmp.obj.size_anim_speed * i.canvas.pxratio, i.particles.move.speed = i.tmp.obj.move_speed * i.canvas.pxratio, i.particles.line_linked.distance = i.tmp.obj.line_linked_distance * i.canvas.pxratio, i.interactivity.modes.grab.distance = i.tmp.obj.mode_grab_distance * i.canvas.pxratio, i.interactivity.modes.bubble.distance = i.tmp.obj.mode_bubble_distance * i.canvas.pxratio, i.particles.line_linked.width = i.tmp.obj.line_linked_width * i.canvas.pxratio, i.interactivity.modes.bubble.size = i.tmp.obj.mode_bubble_size * i.canvas.pxratio, i.interactivity.modes.repulse.distance = i.tmp.obj.mode_repulse_distance * i.canvas.pxratio }, i.fn.canvasInit = function () { i.canvas.ctx = i.canvas.el.getContext("2d") }, i.fn.canvasSize = function () { i.canvas.el.width = i.canvas.w, i.canvas.el.height = i.canvas.h, i && i.interactivity.events.resize && window.addEventListener("resize", function () { i.canvas.w = i.canvas.el.offsetWidth, i.canvas.h = i.canvas.el.offsetHeight, i.tmp.retina && (i.canvas.w *= i.canvas.pxratio, i.canvas.h *= i.canvas.pxratio), i.canvas.el.width = i.canvas.w, i.canvas.el.height = i.canvas.h, i.particles.move.enable || (i.fn.particlesEmpty(), i.fn.particlesCreate(), i.fn.particlesDraw(), i.fn.vendors.densityAutoParticles()), i.fn.vendors.densityAutoParticles() }) }, i.fn.canvasPaint = function () { i.canvas.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, i.canvas.w, i.canvas.h) }, i.fn.canvasClear = function () { i.canvas.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, i.canvas.w, i.canvas.h) }, i.fn.particle = function (e, a, t) { if (this.radius = (i.particles.size.random ? Math.random() : 1) * i.particles.size.value, i.particles.size.anim.enable && (this.size_status = !1, this.vs = i.particles.size.anim.speed / 100, i.particles.size.anim.sync || (this.vs = this.vs * Math.random())), this.x = t ? t.x : Math.random() * i.canvas.w, this.y = t ? t.y : Math.random() * i.canvas.h, this.x > i.canvas.w - 2 * this.radius ? this.x = this.x - this.radius : this.x < 2 * this.radius && (this.x = this.x + this.radius), this.y > i.canvas.h - 2 * this.radius ? this.y = this.y - this.radius : this.y < 2 * this.radius && (this.y = this.y + this.radius), i.particles.move.bounce && i.fn.vendors.checkOverlap(this, t), this.color = {}, "object" == typeof e.value) if (e.value instanceof Array) { var s = e.value[Math.floor(Math.random() * i.particles.color.value.length)]; this.color.rgb = hexToRgb(s) } else void 0 != e.value.r && void 0 != e.value.g && void 0 != e.value.b && (this.color.rgb = { r: e.value.r, g: e.value.g, b: e.value.b }), void 0 != e.value.h && void 0 != e.value.s && void 0 != e.value.l && (this.color.hsl = { h: e.value.h, s: e.value.s, l: e.value.l }); else "random" == e.value ? this.color.rgb = { r: Math.floor(256 * Math.random()) + 0, g: Math.floor(256 * Math.random()) + 0, b: Math.floor(256 * Math.random()) + 0 } : "string" == typeof e.value && (this.color = e, this.color.rgb = hexToRgb(this.color.value)); this.opacity = (i.particles.opacity.random ? Math.random() : 1) * i.particles.opacity.value, i.particles.opacity.anim.enable && (this.opacity_status = !1, this.vo = i.particles.opacity.anim.speed / 100, i.particles.opacity.anim.sync || (this.vo = this.vo * Math.random())); var n = {}; switch (i.particles.move.direction) { case "top": n = { x: 0, y: -1 }; break; case "top-right": n = { x: .5, y: -.5 }; break; case "right": n = { x: 1, y: -0 }; break; case "bottom-right": n = { x: .5, y: .5 }; break; case "bottom": n = { x: 0, y: 1 }; break; case "bottom-left": n = { x: -.5, y: 1 }; break; case "left": n = { x: -1, y: 0 }; break; case "top-left": n = { x: -.5, y: -.5 }; break; default: n = { x: 0, y: 0 } } i.particles.move.straight ? (this.vx = n.x, this.vy = n.y, i.particles.move.random && (this.vx = this.vx * Math.random(), this.vy = this.vy * Math.random())) : (this.vx = n.x + Math.random() - .5, this.vy = n.y + Math.random() - .5), this.vx_i = this.vx, this.vy_i = this.vy; var r = i.particles.shape.type; if ("object" == typeof r) { if (r instanceof Array) { var c = r[Math.floor(Math.random() * r.length)]; this.shape = c } } else this.shape = r; if ("image" == this.shape) { var o = i.particles.shape; this.img = { src: o.image.src, ratio: o.image.width / o.image.height }, this.img.ratio || (this.img.ratio = 1), "svg" == i.tmp.img_type && void 0 != i.tmp.source_svg && (i.fn.vendors.createSvgImg(this), i.tmp.pushing && (this.img.loaded = !1)) } }, i.fn.particle.prototype.draw = function () { function e() { i.canvas.ctx.drawImage(r, a.x - t, a.y - t, 2 * t, 2 * t / a.img.ratio) } var a = this; if (void 0 != a.radius_bubble) var t = a.radius_bubble; else var t = a.radius; if (void 0 != a.opacity_bubble) var s = a.opacity_bubble; else var s = a.opacity; if (a.color.rgb) var n = "rgba(" + a.color.rgb.r + "," + a.color.rgb.g + "," + a.color.rgb.b + "," + s + ")"; else var n = "hsla(" + a.color.hsl.h + "," + a.color.hsl.s + "%," + a.color.hsl.l + "%," + s + ")"; switch (i.canvas.ctx.fillStyle = n, i.canvas.ctx.beginPath(), a.shape) { case "circle": i.canvas.ctx.arc(a.x, a.y, t, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !1); break; case "edge": i.canvas.ctx.rect(a.x - t, a.y - t, 2 * t, 2 * t); break; case "triangle": i.fn.vendors.drawShape(i.canvas.ctx, a.x - t, a.y + t / 1.66, 2 * t, 3, 2); break; case "polygon": i.fn.vendors.drawShape(i.canvas.ctx, a.x - t / (i.particles.shape.polygon.nb_sides / 3.5), a.y - t / .76, 2.66 * t / (i.particles.shape.polygon.nb_sides / 3), i.particles.shape.polygon.nb_sides, 1); break; case "star": i.fn.vendors.drawShape(i.canvas.ctx, a.x - 2 * t / (i.particles.shape.polygon.nb_sides / 4), a.y - t / 1.52, 2 * t * 2.66 / (i.particles.shape.polygon.nb_sides / 3), i.particles.shape.polygon.nb_sides, 2); break; case "image": if ("svg" == i.tmp.img_type) var r = a.img.obj; else var r = i.tmp.img_obj; r && e() } i.canvas.ctx.closePath(), i.particles.shape.stroke.width > 0 && (i.canvas.ctx.strokeStyle = i.particles.shape.stroke.color, i.canvas.ctx.lineWidth = i.particles.shape.stroke.width, i.canvas.ctx.stroke()), i.canvas.ctx.fill() }, i.fn.particlesCreate = function () { for (var e = 0; e < i.particles.number.value; e++) i.particles.array.push(new i.fn.particle(i.particles.color, i.particles.opacity.value)) }, i.fn.particlesUpdate = function () { for (var e = 0; e < i.particles.array.length; e++) { var a = i.particles.array[e]; if (i.particles.move.enable) { var t = i.particles.move.speed / 2; a.x += a.vx * t, a.y += a.vy * t } if (i.particles.opacity.anim.enable && (1 == a.opacity_status ? (a.opacity >= i.particles.opacity.value && (a.opacity_status = !1), a.opacity += a.vo) : (a.opacity <= i.particles.opacity.anim.opacity_min && (a.opacity_status = !0), a.opacity -= a.vo), a.opacity < 0 && (a.opacity = 0)), i.particles.size.anim.enable && (1 == a.size_status ? (a.radius >= i.particles.size.value && (a.size_status = !1), a.radius += a.vs) : (a.radius <= i.particles.size.anim.size_min && (a.size_status = !0), a.radius -= a.vs), a.radius < 0 && (a.radius = 0)), "bounce" == i.particles.move.out_mode) var s = { x_left: a.radius, x_right: i.canvas.w, y_top: a.radius, y_bottom: i.canvas.h }; else var s = { x_left: -a.radius, x_right: i.canvas.w + a.radius, y_top: -a.radius, y_bottom: i.canvas.h + a.radius }; switch (a.x - a.radius > i.canvas.w ? (a.x = s.x_left, a.y = Math.random() * i.canvas.h) : a.x + a.radius < 0 && (a.x = s.x_right, a.y = Math.random() * i.canvas.h), a.y - a.radius > i.canvas.h ? (a.y = s.y_top, a.x = Math.random() * i.canvas.w) : a.y + a.radius < 0 && (a.y = s.y_bottom, a.x = Math.random() * i.canvas.w), i.particles.move.out_mode) { case "bounce": a.x + a.radius > i.canvas.w ? a.vx = -a.vx : a.x - a.radius < 0 && (a.vx = -a.vx), a.y + a.radius > i.canvas.h ? a.vy = -a.vy : a.y - a.radius < 0 && (a.vy = -a.vy) } if (isInArray("grab", i.interactivity.events.onhover.mode) && i.fn.modes.grabParticle(a), (isInArray("bubble", i.interactivity.events.onhover.mode) || isInArray("bubble", i.interactivity.events.onclick.mode)) && i.fn.modes.bubbleParticle(a), (isInArray("repulse", i.interactivity.events.onhover.mode) || isInArray("repulse", i.interactivity.events.onclick.mode)) && i.fn.modes.repulseParticle(a), i.particles.line_linked.enable || i.particles.move.attract.enable) for (var n = e + 1; n < i.particles.array.length; n++) { var r = i.particles.array[n]; i.particles.line_linked.enable && i.fn.interact.linkParticles(a, r), i.particles.move.attract.enable && i.fn.interact.attractParticles(a, r), i.particles.move.bounce && i.fn.interact.bounceParticles(a, r) } } }, i.fn.particlesDraw = function () { i.canvas.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, i.canvas.w, i.canvas.h), i.fn.particlesUpdate(); for (var e = 0; e < i.particles.array.length; e++) { var a = i.particles.array[e]; a.draw() } }, i.fn.particlesEmpty = function () { i.particles.array = [] }, i.fn.particlesRefresh = function () { cancelRequestAnimFrame(i.fn.checkAnimFrame), cancelRequestAnimFrame(i.fn.drawAnimFrame), i.tmp.source_svg = void 0, i.tmp.img_obj = void 0, i.tmp.count_svg = 0, i.fn.particlesEmpty(), i.fn.canvasClear(), i.fn.vendors.start() }, i.fn.interact.linkParticles = function (e, a) { var t = e.x - a.x, s = e.y - a.y, n = Math.sqrt(t * t + s * s); if (n <= i.particles.line_linked.distance) { var r = i.particles.line_linked.opacity - n / (1 / i.particles.line_linked.opacity) / i.particles.line_linked.distance; if (r > 0) { var c = i.particles.line_linked.color_rgb_line; i.canvas.ctx.strokeStyle = "rgba(" + c.r + "," + c.g + "," + c.b + "," + r + ")", i.canvas.ctx.lineWidth = i.particles.line_linked.width, i.canvas.ctx.beginPath(), i.canvas.ctx.moveTo(e.x, e.y), i.canvas.ctx.lineTo(a.x, a.y), i.canvas.ctx.stroke(), i.canvas.ctx.closePath() } } }, i.fn.interact.attractParticles = function (e, a) { var t = e.x - a.x, s = e.y - a.y, n = Math.sqrt(t * t + s * s); if (n <= i.particles.line_linked.distance) { var r = t / (1e3 * i.particles.move.attract.rotateX), c = s / (1e3 * i.particles.move.attract.rotateY); e.vx -= r, e.vy -= c, a.vx += r, a.vy += c } }, i.fn.interact.bounceParticles = function (e, a) { var t = e.x - a.x, i = e.y - a.y, s = Math.sqrt(t * t + i * i), n = e.radius + a.radius; n >= s && (e.vx = -e.vx, e.vy = -e.vy, a.vx = -a.vx, a.vy = -a.vy) }, i.fn.modes.pushParticles = function (e, a) { i.tmp.pushing = !0; for (var t = 0; e > t; t++) i.particles.array.push(new i.fn.particle(i.particles.color, i.particles.opacity.value, { x: a ? a.pos_x : Math.random() * i.canvas.w, y: a ? a.pos_y : Math.random() * i.canvas.h })), t == e - 1 && (i.particles.move.enable || i.fn.particlesDraw(), i.tmp.pushing = !1) }, i.fn.modes.removeParticles = function (e) { i.particles.array.splice(0, e), i.particles.move.enable || i.fn.particlesDraw() }, i.fn.modes.bubbleParticle = function (e) { function a() { e.opacity_bubble = e.opacity, e.radius_bubble = e.radius } function t(a, t, s, n, c) { if (a != t) if (i.tmp.bubble_duration_end) { if (void 0 != s) { var o = n - p * (n - a) / i.interactivity.modes.bubble.duration, l = a - o; d = a + l, "size" == c && (e.radius_bubble = d), "opacity" == c && (e.opacity_bubble = d) } } else if (r <= i.interactivity.modes.bubble.distance) { if (void 0 != s) var v = s; else var v = n; if (v != a) { var d = n - p * (n - a) / i.interactivity.modes.bubble.duration; "size" == c && (e.radius_bubble = d), "opacity" == c && (e.opacity_bubble = d) } } else "size" == c && (e.radius_bubble = void 0), "opacity" == c && (e.opacity_bubble = void 0) } if (i.interactivity.events.onhover.enable && isInArray("bubble", i.interactivity.events.onhover.mode)) { var s = e.x - i.interactivity.mouse.pos_x, n = e.y - i.interactivity.mouse.pos_y, r = Math.sqrt(s * s + n * n), c = 1 - r / i.interactivity.modes.bubble.distance; if (r <= i.interactivity.modes.bubble.distance) { if (c >= 0 && "mousemove" == i.interactivity.status) { if (i.interactivity.modes.bubble.size != i.particles.size.value) if (i.interactivity.modes.bubble.size > i.particles.size.value) { var o = e.radius + i.interactivity.modes.bubble.size * c; o >= 0 && (e.radius_bubble = o) } else { var l = e.radius - i.interactivity.modes.bubble.size, o = e.radius - l * c; o > 0 ? e.radius_bubble = o : e.radius_bubble = 0 } if (i.interactivity.modes.bubble.opacity != i.particles.opacity.value) if (i.interactivity.modes.bubble.opacity > i.particles.opacity.value) { var v = i.interactivity.modes.bubble.opacity * c; v > e.opacity && v <= i.interactivity.modes.bubble.opacity && (e.opacity_bubble = v) } else { var v = e.opacity - (i.particles.opacity.value - i.interactivity.modes.bubble.opacity) * c; v < e.opacity && v >= i.interactivity.modes.bubble.opacity && (e.opacity_bubble = v) } } } else a(); "mouseleave" == i.interactivity.status && a() } else if (i.interactivity.events.onclick.enable && isInArray("bubble", i.interactivity.events.onclick.mode)) { if (i.tmp.bubble_clicking) { var s = e.x - i.interactivity.mouse.click_pos_x, n = e.y - i.interactivity.mouse.click_pos_y, r = Math.sqrt(s * s + n * n), p = ((new Date).getTime() - i.interactivity.mouse.click_time) / 1e3; p > i.interactivity.modes.bubble.duration && (i.tmp.bubble_duration_end = !0), p > 2 * i.interactivity.modes.bubble.duration && (i.tmp.bubble_clicking = !1, i.tmp.bubble_duration_end = !1) } i.tmp.bubble_clicking && (t(i.interactivity.modes.bubble.size, i.particles.size.value, e.radius_bubble, e.radius, "size"), t(i.interactivity.modes.bubble.opacity, i.particles.opacity.value, e.opacity_bubble, e.opacity, "opacity")) } }, i.fn.modes.repulseParticle = function (e) { function a() { var a = Math.atan2(d, p); if (e.vx = u * Math.cos(a), e.vy = u * Math.sin(a), "bounce" == i.particles.move.out_mode) { var t = { x: e.x + e.vx, y: e.y + e.vy }; t.x + e.radius > i.canvas.w ? e.vx = -e.vx : t.x - e.radius < 0 && (e.vx = -e.vx), t.y + e.radius > i.canvas.h ? e.vy = -e.vy : t.y - e.radius < 0 && (e.vy = -e.vy) } } if (i.interactivity.events.onhover.enable && isInArray("repulse", i.interactivity.events.onhover.mode) && "mousemove" == i.interactivity.status) { var t = e.x - i.interactivity.mouse.pos_x, s = e.y - i.interactivity.mouse.pos_y, n = Math.sqrt(t * t + s * s), r = { x: t / n, y: s / n }, c = i.interactivity.modes.repulse.distance, o = 100, l = clamp(1 / c * (-1 * Math.pow(n / c, 2) + 1) * c * o, 0, 50), v = { x: e.x + r.x * l, y: e.y + r.y * l }; "bounce" == i.particles.move.out_mode ? (v.x - e.radius > 0 && v.x + e.radius < i.canvas.w && (e.x = v.x), v.y - e.radius > 0 && v.y + e.radius < i.canvas.h && (e.y = v.y)) : (e.x = v.x, e.y = v.y) } else if (i.interactivity.events.onclick.enable && isInArray("repulse", i.interactivity.events.onclick.mode)) if (i.tmp.repulse_finish || (i.tmp.repulse_count++, i.tmp.repulse_count == i.particles.array.length && (i.tmp.repulse_finish = !0)), i.tmp.repulse_clicking) { var c = Math.pow(i.interactivity.modes.repulse.distance / 6, 3), p = i.interactivity.mouse.click_pos_x - e.x, d = i.interactivity.mouse.click_pos_y - e.y, m = p * p + d * d, u = -c / m * 1; c >= m && a() } else 0 == i.tmp.repulse_clicking && (e.vx = e.vx_i, e.vy = e.vy_i) }, i.fn.modes.grabParticle = function (e) { if (i.interactivity.events.onhover.enable && "mousemove" == i.interactivity.status) { var a = e.x - i.interactivity.mouse.pos_x, t = e.y - i.interactivity.mouse.pos_y, s = Math.sqrt(a * a + t * t); if (s <= i.interactivity.modes.grab.distance) { var n = i.interactivity.modes.grab.line_linked.opacity - s / (1 / i.interactivity.modes.grab.line_linked.opacity) / i.interactivity.modes.grab.distance; if (n > 0) { var r = i.particles.line_linked.color_rgb_line; i.canvas.ctx.strokeStyle = "rgba(" + r.r + "," + r.g + "," + r.b + "," + n + ")", i.canvas.ctx.lineWidth = i.particles.line_linked.width, i.canvas.ctx.beginPath(), i.canvas.ctx.moveTo(e.x, e.y), i.canvas.ctx.lineTo(i.interactivity.mouse.pos_x, i.interactivity.mouse.pos_y), i.canvas.ctx.stroke(), i.canvas.ctx.closePath() } } } }, i.fn.vendors.eventsListeners = function () { "window" == i.interactivity.detect_on ? i.interactivity.el = window : i.interactivity.el = i.canvas.el, (i.interactivity.events.onhover.enable || i.interactivity.events.onclick.enable) && (i.interactivity.el.addEventListener("mousemove", function (e) { if (i.interactivity.el == window) var a = e.clientX, t = e.clientY; else var a = e.offsetX || e.clientX, t = e.offsetY || e.clientY; i.interactivity.mouse.pos_x = a, i.interactivity.mouse.pos_y = t, i.tmp.retina && (i.interactivity.mouse.pos_x *= i.canvas.pxratio, i.interactivity.mouse.pos_y *= i.canvas.pxratio), i.interactivity.status = "mousemove" }), i.interactivity.el.addEventListener("mouseleave", function (e) { i.interactivity.mouse.pos_x = null, i.interactivity.mouse.pos_y = null, i.interactivity.status = "mouseleave" })), i.interactivity.events.onclick.enable && i.interactivity.el.addEventListener("click", function () { if (i.interactivity.mouse.click_pos_x = i.interactivity.mouse.pos_x, i.interactivity.mouse.click_pos_y = i.interactivity.mouse.pos_y, i.interactivity.mouse.click_time = (new Date).getTime(), i.interactivity.events.onclick.enable) switch (i.interactivity.events.onclick.mode) { case "push": i.particles.move.enable ? i.fn.modes.pushParticles(i.interactivity.modes.push.particles_nb, i.interactivity.mouse) : 1 == i.interactivity.modes.push.particles_nb ? i.fn.modes.pushParticles(i.interactivity.modes.push.particles_nb, i.interactivity.mouse) : i.interactivity.modes.push.particles_nb > 1 && i.fn.modes.pushParticles(i.interactivity.modes.push.particles_nb); break; case "remove": i.fn.modes.removeParticles(i.interactivity.modes.remove.particles_nb); break; case "bubble": i.tmp.bubble_clicking = !0; break; case "repulse": i.tmp.repulse_clicking = !0, i.tmp.repulse_count = 0, i.tmp.repulse_finish = !1, setTimeout(function () { i.tmp.repulse_clicking = !1 }, 1e3 * i.interactivity.modes.repulse.duration) } }) }, i.fn.vendors.densityAutoParticles = function () { if (i.particles.number.density.enable) { var e = i.canvas.el.width * i.canvas.el.height / 1e3; i.tmp.retina && (e /= 2 * i.canvas.pxratio); var a = e * i.particles.number.value / i.particles.number.density.value_area, t = i.particles.array.length - a; 0 > t ? i.fn.modes.pushParticles(Math.abs(t)) : i.fn.modes.removeParticles(t) } }, i.fn.vendors.checkOverlap = function (e, a) { for (var t = 0; t < i.particles.array.length; t++) { var s = i.particles.array[t], n = e.x - s.x, r = e.y - s.y, c = Math.sqrt(n * n + r * r); c <= e.radius + s.radius && (e.x = a ? a.x : Math.random() * i.canvas.w, e.y = a ? a.y : Math.random() * i.canvas.h, i.fn.vendors.checkOverlap(e)) } }, i.fn.vendors.createSvgImg = function (e) { var a = i.tmp.source_svg, t = /#([0-9A-F]{3,6})/gi, s = a.replace(t, function (a, t, i, s) { if (e.color.rgb) var n = "rgba(" + e.color.rgb.r + "," + e.color.rgb.g + "," + e.color.rgb.b + "," + e.opacity + ")"; else var n = "hsla(" + e.color.hsl.h + "," + e.color.hsl.s + "%," + e.color.hsl.l + "%," + e.opacity + ")"; return n }), n = new Blob([s], { type: "image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8" }), r = window.URL || window.webkitURL || window, c = r.createObjectURL(n), o = new Image; o.addEventListener("load", function () { e.img.obj = o, e.img.loaded = !0, r.revokeObjectURL(c), i.tmp.count_svg++ }), o.src = c }, i.fn.vendors.destroypJS = function () { cancelAnimationFrame(i.fn.drawAnimFrame), t.remove(), pJSDom = null }, i.fn.vendors.drawShape = function (e, a, t, i, s, n) { var r = s * n, c = s / n, o = 180 * (c - 2) / c, l = Math.PI - Math.PI * o / 180; e.save(), e.beginPath(), e.translate(a, t), e.moveTo(0, 0); for (var v = 0; r > v; v++) e.lineTo(i, 0), e.translate(i, 0), e.rotate(l); e.fill(), e.restore() }, i.fn.vendors.exportImg = function () { window.open(i.canvas.el.toDataURL("image/png"), "_blank") }, i.fn.vendors.loadImg = function (e) { if (i.tmp.img_error = void 0, "" != i.particles.shape.image.src) if ("svg" == e) { var a = new XMLHttpRequest; a.open("GET", i.particles.shape.image.src), a.onreadystatechange = function (e) { 4 == a.readyState && (200 == a.status ? (i.tmp.source_svg = e.currentTarget.response, i.fn.vendors.checkBeforeDraw()) : (console.log("Error pJS - Image not found"), i.tmp.img_error = !0)) }, a.send() } else { var t = new Image; t.addEventListener("load", function () { i.tmp.img_obj = t, i.fn.vendors.checkBeforeDraw() }), t.src = i.particles.shape.image.src } else console.log("Error pJS - No image.src"), i.tmp.img_error = !0 }, i.fn.vendors.draw = function () { "image" == i.particles.shape.type ? "svg" == i.tmp.img_type ? i.tmp.count_svg >= i.particles.number.value ? (i.fn.particlesDraw(), i.particles.move.enable ? i.fn.drawAnimFrame = requestAnimFrame(i.fn.vendors.draw) : cancelRequestAnimFrame(i.fn.drawAnimFrame)) : i.tmp.img_error || (i.fn.drawAnimFrame = requestAnimFrame(i.fn.vendors.draw)) : void 0 != i.tmp.img_obj ? (i.fn.particlesDraw(), i.particles.move.enable ? i.fn.drawAnimFrame = requestAnimFrame(i.fn.vendors.draw) : cancelRequestAnimFrame(i.fn.drawAnimFrame)) : i.tmp.img_error || (i.fn.drawAnimFrame = requestAnimFrame(i.fn.vendors.draw)) : (i.fn.particlesDraw(), i.particles.move.enable ? i.fn.drawAnimFrame = requestAnimFrame(i.fn.vendors.draw) : cancelRequestAnimFrame(i.fn.drawAnimFrame)) }, i.fn.vendors.checkBeforeDraw = function () { "image" == i.particles.shape.type ? "svg" == i.tmp.img_type && void 0 == i.tmp.source_svg ? i.tmp.checkAnimFrame = requestAnimFrame(check) : (cancelRequestAnimFrame(i.tmp.checkAnimFrame), i.tmp.img_error || (i.fn.vendors.init(), i.fn.vendors.draw())) : (i.fn.vendors.init(), i.fn.vendors.draw()) }, i.fn.vendors.init = function () { i.fn.retinaInit(), i.fn.canvasInit(), i.fn.canvasSize(), i.fn.canvasPaint(), i.fn.particlesCreate(), i.fn.vendors.densityAutoParticles(), i.particles.line_linked.color_rgb_line = hexToRgb(i.particles.line_linked.color) }, i.fn.vendors.start = function () { isInArray("image", i.particles.shape.type) ? (i.tmp.img_type = i.particles.shape.image.src.substr(i.particles.shape.image.src.length - 3), i.fn.vendors.loadImg(i.tmp.img_type)) : i.fn.vendors.checkBeforeDraw() }, i.fn.vendors.eventsListeners(), i.fn.vendors.start() }; Object.deepExtend = function (e, a) { for (var t in a) a[t] && a[t].constructor && a[t].constructor === Object ? (e[t] = e[t] || {}, arguments.callee(e[t], a[t])) : e[t] = a[t]; return e }, window.requestAnimFrame = function () { return window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function (e) { window.setTimeout(e, 1e3 / 60) } }(), window.cancelRequestAnimFrame = function () { return window.cancelAnimationFrame || window.webkitCancelRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozCancelRequestAnimationFrame || window.oCancelRequestAnimationFrame || window.msCancelRequestAnimationFrame || clearTimeout }(), window.pJSDom = [], window.particlesJS = function (e, a) { "string" != typeof e && (a = e, e = "particles-js"), e || (e = "particles-js"); var t = document.getElementById(e), i = "particles-js-canvas-el", s = t.getElementsByClassName(i); if (s.length) for (; s.length > 0;) t.removeChild(s[0]); var n = document.createElement("canvas"); n.className = i, n.style.width = "100%", n.style.height = "100%"; var r = document.getElementById(e).appendChild(n); null != r && pJSDom.push(new pJS(e, a)) }, window.particlesJS.load = function (e, a, t) { var i = new XMLHttpRequest; i.open("GET", a), i.onreadystatechange = function (a) { if (4 == i.readyState) if (200 == i.status) { var s = JSON.parse(a.currentTarget.response); window.particlesJS(e, s), t && t() } else console.log("Error pJS - XMLHttpRequest status: " + i.status), console.log("Error pJS - File config not found") }, i.send() };
         function hexToRgb(e) { var a = /^#?([a-f\d])([a-f\d])([a-f\d])$/i; e = e.replace(a, function (e, a, t, i) { return a + a + t + t + i + i }); var t = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(e); return t ? { r: parseInt(t[1], 16), g: parseInt(t[2], 16), b: parseInt(t[3], 16) } : null } function clamp(e, a, t) { return Math.min(Math.max(e, a), t) } function isInArray(e, a) { return a.indexOf(e) > -1 } var pJS = function (e, a) { var t = document.querySelector("#" + e + " > .particles-js-canvas-el"); this.pJS = { canvas: { el: t, w: t.offsetWidth, h: t.offsetHeight }, particles: { number: { value: 400, density: { enable: !0, value_area: 800 } }, color: { value: "#fff" }, shape: { type: "circle", stroke: { width: 0, color: "#ff0000" }, polygon: { nb_sides: 5 }, image: { src: "", width: 100, height: 100 } }, opacity: { value: 1, random: !1, anim: { enable: !1, speed: 2, opacity_min: 0, sync: !1 } }, size: { value: 20, random: !1, anim: { enable: !1, speed: 20, size_min: 0, sync: !1 } }, line_linked: { enable: !0, distance: 100, color: "#fff", opacity: 1, width: 1 }, move: { enable: !0, speed: 2, direction: "none", random: !1, straight: !1, out_mode: "out", bounce: !1, attract: { enable: !1, rotateX: 3e3, rotateY: 3e3 } }, array: [] }, interactivity: { detect_on: "canvas", events: { onhover: { enable: !0, mode: "grab" }, onclick: { enable: !0, mode: "push" }, resize: !0 }, modes: { grab: { distance: 100, line_linked: { opacity: 1 } }, bubble: { distance: 200, size: 80, duration: .4 }, repulse: { distance: 200, duration: .4 }, push: { particles_nb: 4 }, remove: { particles_nb: 2 } }, mouse: {} }, retina_detect: !1, fn: { interact: {}, modes: {}, vendors: {} }, tmp: {} }; var i = this.pJS; a && Object.deepExtend(i, a), i.tmp.obj = { size_value: i.particles.size.value, size_anim_speed: i.particles.size.anim.speed, move_speed: i.particles.move.speed, line_linked_distance: i.particles.line_linked.distance, line_linked_width: i.particles.line_linked.width, mode_grab_distance: i.interactivity.modes.grab.distance, mode_bubble_distance: i.interactivity.modes.bubble.distance, mode_bubble_size: i.interactivity.modes.bubble.size, mode_repulse_distance: i.interactivity.modes.repulse.distance }, i.fn.retinaInit = function () { i.retina_detect && window.devicePixelRatio > 1 ? (i.canvas.pxratio = window.devicePixelRatio, i.tmp.retina = !0) : (i.canvas.pxratio = 1, i.tmp.retina = !1), i.canvas.w = i.canvas.el.offsetWidth * i.canvas.pxratio, i.canvas.h = i.canvas.el.offsetHeight * i.canvas.pxratio, i.particles.size.value = i.tmp.obj.size_value * i.canvas.pxratio, i.particles.size.anim.speed = i.tmp.obj.size_anim_speed * i.canvas.pxratio, i.particles.move.speed = i.tmp.obj.move_speed * i.canvas.pxratio, i.particles.line_linked.distance = i.tmp.obj.line_linked_distance * i.canvas.pxratio, i.interactivity.modes.grab.distance = i.tmp.obj.mode_grab_distance * i.canvas.pxratio, i.interactivity.modes.bubble.distance = i.tmp.obj.mode_bubble_distance * i.canvas.pxratio, i.particles.line_linked.width = i.tmp.obj.line_linked_width * i.canvas.pxratio, i.interactivity.modes.bubble.size = i.tmp.obj.mode_bubble_size * i.canvas.pxratio, i.interactivity.modes.repulse.distance = i.tmp.obj.mode_repulse_distance * i.canvas.pxratio }, i.fn.canvasInit = function () { i.canvas.ctx = i.canvas.el.getContext("2d") }, i.fn.canvasSize = function () { i.canvas.el.width = i.canvas.w, i.canvas.el.height = i.canvas.h, i && i.interactivity.events.resize && window.addEventListener("resize", function () { i.canvas.w = i.canvas.el.offsetWidth, i.canvas.h = i.canvas.el.offsetHeight, i.tmp.retina && (i.canvas.w *= i.canvas.pxratio, i.canvas.h *= i.canvas.pxratio), i.canvas.el.width = i.canvas.w, i.canvas.el.height = i.canvas.h, i.particles.move.enable || (i.fn.particlesEmpty(), i.fn.particlesCreate(), i.fn.particlesDraw(), i.fn.vendors.densityAutoParticles()), i.fn.vendors.densityAutoParticles() }) }, i.fn.canvasPaint = function () { i.canvas.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, i.canvas.w, i.canvas.h) }, i.fn.canvasClear = function () { i.canvas.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, i.canvas.w, i.canvas.h) }, i.fn.particle = function (e, a, t) { if (this.radius = (i.particles.size.random ? Math.random() : 1) * i.particles.size.value, i.particles.size.anim.enable && (this.size_status = !1, this.vs = i.particles.size.anim.speed / 100, i.particles.size.anim.sync || (this.vs = this.vs * Math.random())), this.x = t ? t.x : Math.random() * i.canvas.w, this.y = t ? t.y : Math.random() * i.canvas.h, this.x > i.canvas.w - 2 * this.radius ? this.x = this.x - this.radius : this.x < 2 * this.radius && (this.x = this.x + this.radius), this.y > i.canvas.h - 2 * this.radius ? this.y = this.y - this.radius : this.y < 2 * this.radius && (this.y = this.y + this.radius), i.particles.move.bounce && i.fn.vendors.checkOverlap(this, t), this.color = {}, "object" == typeof e.value) if (e.value instanceof Array) { var s = e.value[Math.floor(Math.random() * i.particles.color.value.length)]; this.color.rgb = hexToRgb(s) } else void 0 != e.value.r && void 0 != e.value.g && void 0 != e.value.b && (this.color.rgb = { r: e.value.r, g: e.value.g, b: e.value.b }), void 0 != e.value.h && void 0 != e.value.s && void 0 != e.value.l && (this.color.hsl = { h: e.value.h, s: e.value.s, l: e.value.l }); else "random" == e.value ? this.color.rgb = { r: Math.floor(256 * Math.random()) + 0, g: Math.floor(256 * Math.random()) + 0, b: Math.floor(256 * Math.random()) + 0 } : "string" == typeof e.value && (this.color = e, this.color.rgb = hexToRgb(this.color.value)); this.opacity = (i.particles.opacity.random ? Math.random() : 1) * i.particles.opacity.value, i.particles.opacity.anim.enable && (this.opacity_status = !1, this.vo = i.particles.opacity.anim.speed / 100, i.particles.opacity.anim.sync || (this.vo = this.vo * Math.random())); var n = {}; switch (i.particles.move.direction) { case "top": n = { x: 0, y: -1 }; break; case "top-right": n = { x: .5, y: -.5 }; break; case "right": n = { x: 1, y: -0 }; break; case "bottom-right": n = { x: .5, y: .5 }; break; case "bottom": n = { x: 0, y: 1 }; break; case "bottom-left": n = { x: -.5, y: 1 }; break; case "left": n = { x: -1, y: 0 }; break; case "top-left": n = { x: -.5, y: -.5 }; break; default: n = { x: 0, y: 0 } } i.particles.move.straight ? (this.vx = n.x, this.vy = n.y, i.particles.move.random && (this.vx = this.vx * Math.random(), this.vy = this.vy * Math.random())) : (this.vx = n.x + Math.random() - .5, this.vy = n.y + Math.random() - .5), this.vx_i = this.vx, this.vy_i = this.vy; var r = i.particles.shape.type; if ("object" == typeof r) { if (r instanceof Array) { var c = r[Math.floor(Math.random() * r.length)]; this.shape = c } } else this.shape = r; if ("image" == this.shape) { var o = i.particles.shape; this.img = { src: o.image.src, ratio: o.image.width / o.image.height }, this.img.ratio || (this.img.ratio = 1), "svg" == i.tmp.img_type && void 0 != i.tmp.source_svg && (i.fn.vendors.createSvgImg(this), i.tmp.pushing && (this.img.loaded = !1)) } }, i.fn.particle.prototype.draw = function () { function e() { i.canvas.ctx.drawImage(r, a.x - t, a.y - t, 2 * t, 2 * t / a.img.ratio) } var a = this; if (void 0 != a.radius_bubble) var t = a.radius_bubble; else var t = a.radius; if (void 0 != a.opacity_bubble) var s = a.opacity_bubble; else var s = a.opacity; if (a.color.rgb) var n = "rgba(" + a.color.rgb.r + "," + a.color.rgb.g + "," + a.color.rgb.b + "," + s + ")"; else var n = "hsla(" + a.color.hsl.h + "," + a.color.hsl.s + "%," + a.color.hsl.l + "%," + s + ")"; switch (i.canvas.ctx.fillStyle = n, i.canvas.ctx.beginPath(), a.shape) { case "circle": i.canvas.ctx.arc(a.x, a.y, t, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !1); break; case "edge": i.canvas.ctx.rect(a.x - t, a.y - t, 2 * t, 2 * t); break; case "triangle": i.fn.vendors.drawShape(i.canvas.ctx, a.x - t, a.y + t / 1.66, 2 * t, 3, 2); break; case "polygon": i.fn.vendors.drawShape(i.canvas.ctx, a.x - t / (i.particles.shape.polygon.nb_sides / 3.5), a.y - t / .76, 2.66 * t / (i.particles.shape.polygon.nb_sides / 3), i.particles.shape.polygon.nb_sides, 1); break; case "star": i.fn.vendors.drawShape(i.canvas.ctx, a.x - 2 * t / (i.particles.shape.polygon.nb_sides / 4), a.y - t / 1.52, 2 * t * 2.66 / (i.particles.shape.polygon.nb_sides / 3), i.particles.shape.polygon.nb_sides, 2); break; case "image": if ("svg" == i.tmp.img_type) var r = a.img.obj; else var r = i.tmp.img_obj; r && e() } i.canvas.ctx.closePath(), i.particles.shape.stroke.width > 0 && (i.canvas.ctx.strokeStyle = i.particles.shape.stroke.color, i.canvas.ctx.lineWidth = i.particles.shape.stroke.width, i.canvas.ctx.stroke()), i.canvas.ctx.fill() }, i.fn.particlesCreate = function () { for (var e = 0; e < i.particles.number.value; e++) i.particles.array.push(new i.fn.particle(i.particles.color, i.particles.opacity.value)) }, i.fn.particlesUpdate = function () { for (var e = 0; e < i.particles.array.length; e++) { var a = i.particles.array[e]; if (i.particles.move.enable) { var t = i.particles.move.speed / 2; a.x += a.vx * t, a.y += a.vy * t } if (i.particles.opacity.anim.enable && (1 == a.opacity_status ? (a.opacity >= i.particles.opacity.value && (a.opacity_status = !1), a.opacity += a.vo) : (a.opacity <= i.particles.opacity.anim.opacity_min && (a.opacity_status = !0), a.opacity -= a.vo), a.opacity < 0 && (a.opacity = 0)), i.particles.size.anim.enable && (1 == a.size_status ? (a.radius >= i.particles.size.value && (a.size_status = !1), a.radius += a.vs) : (a.radius <= i.particles.size.anim.size_min && (a.size_status = !0), a.radius -= a.vs), a.radius < 0 && (a.radius = 0)), "bounce" == i.particles.move.out_mode) var s = { x_left: a.radius, x_right: i.canvas.w, y_top: a.radius, y_bottom: i.canvas.h }; else var s = { x_left: -a.radius, x_right: i.canvas.w + a.radius, y_top: -a.radius, y_bottom: i.canvas.h + a.radius }; switch (a.x - a.radius > i.canvas.w ? (a.x = s.x_left, a.y = Math.random() * i.canvas.h) : a.x + a.radius < 0 && (a.x = s.x_right, a.y = Math.random() * i.canvas.h), a.y - a.radius > i.canvas.h ? (a.y = s.y_top, a.x = Math.random() * i.canvas.w) : a.y + a.radius < 0 && (a.y = s.y_bottom, a.x = Math.random() * i.canvas.w), i.particles.move.out_mode) { case "bounce": a.x + a.radius > i.canvas.w ? a.vx = -a.vx : a.x - a.radius < 0 && (a.vx = -a.vx), a.y + a.radius > i.canvas.h ? a.vy = -a.vy : a.y - a.radius < 0 && (a.vy = -a.vy) } if (isInArray("grab", i.interactivity.events.onhover.mode) && i.fn.modes.grabParticle(a), (isInArray("bubble", i.interactivity.events.onhover.mode) || isInArray("bubble", i.interactivity.events.onclick.mode)) && i.fn.modes.bubbleParticle(a), (isInArray("repulse", i.interactivity.events.onhover.mode) || isInArray("repulse", i.interactivity.events.onclick.mode)) && i.fn.modes.repulseParticle(a), i.particles.line_linked.enable || i.particles.move.attract.enable) for (var n = e + 1; n < i.particles.array.length; n++) { var r = i.particles.array[n]; i.particles.line_linked.enable && i.fn.interact.linkParticles(a, r), i.particles.move.attract.enable && i.fn.interact.attractParticles(a, r), i.particles.move.bounce && i.fn.interact.bounceParticles(a, r) } } }, i.fn.particlesDraw = function () { i.canvas.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, i.canvas.w, i.canvas.h), i.fn.particlesUpdate(); for (var e = 0; e < i.particles.array.length; e++) { var a = i.particles.array[e]; a.draw() } }, i.fn.particlesEmpty = function () { i.particles.array = [] }, i.fn.particlesRefresh = function () { cancelRequestAnimFrame(i.fn.checkAnimFrame), cancelRequestAnimFrame(i.fn.drawAnimFrame), i.tmp.source_svg = void 0, i.tmp.img_obj = void 0, i.tmp.count_svg = 0, i.fn.particlesEmpty(), i.fn.canvasClear(), i.fn.vendors.start() }, i.fn.interact.linkParticles = function (e, a) { var t = e.x - a.x, s = e.y - a.y, n = Math.sqrt(t * t + s * s); if (n <= i.particles.line_linked.distance) { var r = i.particles.line_linked.opacity - n / (1 / i.particles.line_linked.opacity) / i.particles.line_linked.distance; if (r > 0) { var c = i.particles.line_linked.color_rgb_line; i.canvas.ctx.strokeStyle = "rgba(" + c.r + "," + c.g + "," + c.b + "," + r + ")", i.canvas.ctx.lineWidth = i.particles.line_linked.width, i.canvas.ctx.beginPath(), i.canvas.ctx.moveTo(e.x, e.y), i.canvas.ctx.lineTo(a.x, a.y), i.canvas.ctx.stroke(), i.canvas.ctx.closePath() } } }, i.fn.interact.attractParticles = function (e, a) { var t = e.x - a.x, s = e.y - a.y, n = Math.sqrt(t * t + s * s); if (n <= i.particles.line_linked.distance) { var r = t / (1e3 * i.particles.move.attract.rotateX), c = s / (1e3 * i.particles.move.attract.rotateY); e.vx -= r, e.vy -= c, a.vx += r, a.vy += c } }, i.fn.interact.bounceParticles = function (e, a) { var t = e.x - a.x, i = e.y - a.y, s = Math.sqrt(t * t + i * i), n = e.radius + a.radius; n >= s && (e.vx = -e.vx, e.vy = -e.vy, a.vx = -a.vx, a.vy = -a.vy) }, i.fn.modes.pushParticles = function (e, a) { i.tmp.pushing = !0; for (var t = 0; e > t; t++) i.particles.array.push(new i.fn.particle(i.particles.color, i.particles.opacity.value, { x: a ? a.pos_x : Math.random() * i.canvas.w, y: a ? a.pos_y : Math.random() * i.canvas.h })), t == e - 1 && (i.particles.move.enable || i.fn.particlesDraw(), i.tmp.pushing = !1) }, i.fn.modes.removeParticles = function (e) { i.particles.array.splice(0, e), i.particles.move.enable || i.fn.particlesDraw() }, i.fn.modes.bubbleParticle = function (e) { function a() { e.opacity_bubble = e.opacity, e.radius_bubble = e.radius } function t(a, t, s, n, c) { if (a != t) if (i.tmp.bubble_duration_end) { if (void 0 != s) { var o = n - p * (n - a) / i.interactivity.modes.bubble.duration, l = a - o; d = a + l, "size" == c && (e.radius_bubble = d), "opacity" == c && (e.opacity_bubble = d) } } else if (r <= i.interactivity.modes.bubble.distance) { if (void 0 != s) var v = s; else var v = n; if (v != a) { var d = n - p * (n - a) / i.interactivity.modes.bubble.duration; "size" == c && (e.radius_bubble = d), "opacity" == c && (e.opacity_bubble = d) } } else "size" == c && (e.radius_bubble = void 0), "opacity" == c && (e.opacity_bubble = void 0) } if (i.interactivity.events.onhover.enable && isInArray("bubble", i.interactivity.events.onhover.mode)) { var s = e.x - i.interactivity.mouse.pos_x, n = e.y - i.interactivity.mouse.pos_y, r = Math.sqrt(s * s + n * n), c = 1 - r / i.interactivity.modes.bubble.distance; if (r <= i.interactivity.modes.bubble.distance) { if (c >= 0 && "mousemove" == i.interactivity.status) { if (i.interactivity.modes.bubble.size != i.particles.size.value) if (i.interactivity.modes.bubble.size > i.particles.size.value) { var o = e.radius + i.interactivity.modes.bubble.size * c; o >= 0 && (e.radius_bubble = o) } else { var l = e.radius - i.interactivity.modes.bubble.size, o = e.radius - l * c; o > 0 ? e.radius_bubble = o : e.radius_bubble = 0 } if (i.interactivity.modes.bubble.opacity != i.particles.opacity.value) if (i.interactivity.modes.bubble.opacity > i.particles.opacity.value) { var v = i.interactivity.modes.bubble.opacity * c; v > e.opacity && v <= i.interactivity.modes.bubble.opacity && (e.opacity_bubble = v) } else { var v = e.opacity - (i.particles.opacity.value - i.interactivity.modes.bubble.opacity) * c; v < e.opacity && v >= i.interactivity.modes.bubble.opacity && (e.opacity_bubble = v) } } } else a(); "mouseleave" == i.interactivity.status && a() } else if (i.interactivity.events.onclick.enable && isInArray("bubble", i.interactivity.events.onclick.mode)) { if (i.tmp.bubble_clicking) { var s = e.x - i.interactivity.mouse.click_pos_x, n = e.y - i.interactivity.mouse.click_pos_y, r = Math.sqrt(s * s + n * n), p = ((new Date).getTime() - i.interactivity.mouse.click_time) / 1e3; p > i.interactivity.modes.bubble.duration && (i.tmp.bubble_duration_end = !0), p > 2 * i.interactivity.modes.bubble.duration && (i.tmp.bubble_clicking = !1, i.tmp.bubble_duration_end = !1) } i.tmp.bubble_clicking && (t(i.interactivity.modes.bubble.size, i.particles.size.value, e.radius_bubble, e.radius, "size"), t(i.interactivity.modes.bubble.opacity, i.particles.opacity.value, e.opacity_bubble, e.opacity, "opacity")) } }, i.fn.modes.repulseParticle = function (e) { function a() { var a = Math.atan2(d, p); if (e.vx = u * Math.cos(a), e.vy = u * Math.sin(a), "bounce" == i.particles.move.out_mode) { var t = { x: e.x + e.vx, y: e.y + e.vy }; t.x + e.radius > i.canvas.w ? e.vx = -e.vx : t.x - e.radius < 0 && (e.vx = -e.vx), t.y + e.radius > i.canvas.h ? e.vy = -e.vy : t.y - e.radius < 0 && (e.vy = -e.vy) } } if (i.interactivity.events.onhover.enable && isInArray("repulse", i.interactivity.events.onhover.mode) && "mousemove" == i.interactivity.status) { var t = e.x - i.interactivity.mouse.pos_x, s = e.y - i.interactivity.mouse.pos_y, n = Math.sqrt(t * t + s * s), r = { x: t / n, y: s / n }, c = i.interactivity.modes.repulse.distance, o = 100, l = clamp(1 / c * (-1 * Math.pow(n / c, 2) + 1) * c * o, 0, 50), v = { x: e.x + r.x * l, y: e.y + r.y * l }; "bounce" == i.particles.move.out_mode ? (v.x - e.radius > 0 && v.x + e.radius < i.canvas.w && (e.x = v.x), v.y - e.radius > 0 && v.y + e.radius < i.canvas.h && (e.y = v.y)) : (e.x = v.x, e.y = v.y) } else if (i.interactivity.events.onclick.enable && isInArray("repulse", i.interactivity.events.onclick.mode)) if (i.tmp.repulse_finish || (i.tmp.repulse_count++, i.tmp.repulse_count == i.particles.array.length && (i.tmp.repulse_finish = !0)), i.tmp.repulse_clicking) { var c = Math.pow(i.interactivity.modes.repulse.distance / 6, 3), p = i.interactivity.mouse.click_pos_x - e.x, d = i.interactivity.mouse.click_pos_y - e.y, m = p * p + d * d, u = -c / m * 1; c >= m && a() } else 0 == i.tmp.repulse_clicking && (e.vx = e.vx_i, e.vy = e.vy_i) }, i.fn.modes.grabParticle = function (e) { if (i.interactivity.events.onhover.enable && "mousemove" == i.interactivity.status) { var a = e.x - i.interactivity.mouse.pos_x, t = e.y - i.interactivity.mouse.pos_y, s = Math.sqrt(a * a + t * t); if (s <= i.interactivity.modes.grab.distance) { var n = i.interactivity.modes.grab.line_linked.opacity - s / (1 / i.interactivity.modes.grab.line_linked.opacity) / i.interactivity.modes.grab.distance; if (n > 0) { var r = i.particles.line_linked.color_rgb_line; i.canvas.ctx.strokeStyle = "rgba(" + r.r + "," + r.g + "," + r.b + "," + n + ")", i.canvas.ctx.lineWidth = i.particles.line_linked.width, i.canvas.ctx.beginPath(), i.canvas.ctx.moveTo(e.x, e.y), i.canvas.ctx.lineTo(i.interactivity.mouse.pos_x, i.interactivity.mouse.pos_y), i.canvas.ctx.stroke(), i.canvas.ctx.closePath() } } } }, i.fn.vendors.eventsListeners = function () { "window" == i.interactivity.detect_on ? i.interactivity.el = window : i.interactivity.el = i.canvas.el, (i.interactivity.events.onhover.enable || i.interactivity.events.onclick.enable) && (i.interactivity.el.addEventListener("mousemove", function (e) { if (i.interactivity.el == window) var a = e.clientX, t = e.clientY; else var a = e.offsetX || e.clientX, t = e.offsetY || e.clientY; i.interactivity.mouse.pos_x = a, i.interactivity.mouse.pos_y = t, i.tmp.retina && (i.interactivity.mouse.pos_x *= i.canvas.pxratio, i.interactivity.mouse.pos_y *= i.canvas.pxratio), i.interactivity.status = "mousemove" }), i.interactivity.el.addEventListener("mouseleave", function (e) { i.interactivity.mouse.pos_x = null, i.interactivity.mouse.pos_y = null, i.interactivity.status = "mouseleave" })), i.interactivity.events.onclick.enable && i.interactivity.el.addEventListener("click", function () { if (i.interactivity.mouse.click_pos_x = i.interactivity.mouse.pos_x, i.interactivity.mouse.click_pos_y = i.interactivity.mouse.pos_y, i.interactivity.mouse.click_time = (new Date).getTime(), i.interactivity.events.onclick.enable) switch (i.interactivity.events.onclick.mode) { case "push": i.particles.move.enable ? i.fn.modes.pushParticles(i.interactivity.modes.push.particles_nb, i.interactivity.mouse) : 1 == i.interactivity.modes.push.particles_nb ? i.fn.modes.pushParticles(i.interactivity.modes.push.particles_nb, i.interactivity.mouse) : i.interactivity.modes.push.particles_nb > 1 && i.fn.modes.pushParticles(i.interactivity.modes.push.particles_nb); break; case "remove": i.fn.modes.removeParticles(i.interactivity.modes.remove.particles_nb); break; case "bubble": i.tmp.bubble_clicking = !0; break; case "repulse": i.tmp.repulse_clicking = !0, i.tmp.repulse_count = 0, i.tmp.repulse_finish = !1, setTimeout(function () { i.tmp.repulse_clicking = !1 }, 1e3 * i.interactivity.modes.repulse.duration) } }) }, i.fn.vendors.densityAutoParticles = function () { if (i.particles.number.density.enable) { var e = i.canvas.el.width * i.canvas.el.height / 1e3; i.tmp.retina && (e /= 2 * i.canvas.pxratio); var a = e * i.particles.number.value / i.particles.number.density.value_area, t = i.particles.array.length - a; 0 > t ? i.fn.modes.pushParticles(Math.abs(t)) : i.fn.modes.removeParticles(t) } }, i.fn.vendors.checkOverlap = function (e, a) { for (var t = 0; t < i.particles.array.length; t++) { var s = i.particles.array[t], n = e.x - s.x, r = e.y - s.y, c = Math.sqrt(n * n + r * r); c <= e.radius + s.radius && (e.x = a ? a.x : Math.random() * i.canvas.w, e.y = a ? a.y : Math.random() * i.canvas.h, i.fn.vendors.checkOverlap(e)) } }, i.fn.vendors.createSvgImg = function (e) { var a = i.tmp.source_svg, t = /#([0-9A-F]{3,6})/gi, s = a.replace(t, function (a, t, i, s) { if (e.color.rgb) var n = "rgba(" + e.color.rgb.r + "," + e.color.rgb.g + "," + e.color.rgb.b + "," + e.opacity + ")"; else var n = "hsla(" + e.color.hsl.h + "," + e.color.hsl.s + "%," + e.color.hsl.l + "%," + e.opacity + ")"; return n }), n = new Blob([s], { type: "image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8" }), r = window.URL || window.webkitURL || window, c = r.createObjectURL(n), o = new Image; o.addEventListener("load", function () { e.img.obj = o, e.img.loaded = !0, r.revokeObjectURL(c), i.tmp.count_svg++ }), o.src = c }, i.fn.vendors.destroypJS = function () { cancelAnimationFrame(i.fn.drawAnimFrame), t.remove(), pJSDom = null }, i.fn.vendors.drawShape = function (e, a, t, i, s, n) { var r = s * n, c = s / n, o = 180 * (c - 2) / c, l = Math.PI - Math.PI * o / 180; e.save(), e.beginPath(), e.translate(a, t), e.moveTo(0, 0); for (var v = 0; r > v; v++) e.lineTo(i, 0), e.translate(i, 0), e.rotate(l); e.fill(), e.restore() }, i.fn.vendors.exportImg = function () { window.open(i.canvas.el.toDataURL("image/png"), "_blank") }, i.fn.vendors.loadImg = function (e) { if (i.tmp.img_error = void 0, "" != i.particles.shape.image.src) if ("svg" == e) { var a = new XMLHttpRequest; a.open("GET", i.particles.shape.image.src), a.onreadystatechange = function (e) { 4 == a.readyState && (200 == a.status ? (i.tmp.source_svg = e.currentTarget.response, i.fn.vendors.checkBeforeDraw()) : (console.log("Error pJS - Image not found"), i.tmp.img_error = !0)) }, a.send() } else { var t = new Image; t.addEventListener("load", function () { i.tmp.img_obj = t, i.fn.vendors.checkBeforeDraw() }), t.src = i.particles.shape.image.src } else console.log("Error pJS - No image.src"), i.tmp.img_error = !0 }, i.fn.vendors.draw = function () { "image" == i.particles.shape.type ? "svg" == i.tmp.img_type ? i.tmp.count_svg >= i.particles.number.value ? (i.fn.particlesDraw(), i.particles.move.enable ? i.fn.drawAnimFrame = requestAnimFrame(i.fn.vendors.draw) : cancelRequestAnimFrame(i.fn.drawAnimFrame)) : i.tmp.img_error || (i.fn.drawAnimFrame = requestAnimFrame(i.fn.vendors.draw)) : void 0 != i.tmp.img_obj ? (i.fn.particlesDraw(), i.particles.move.enable ? i.fn.drawAnimFrame = requestAnimFrame(i.fn.vendors.draw) : cancelRequestAnimFrame(i.fn.drawAnimFrame)) : i.tmp.img_error || (i.fn.drawAnimFrame = requestAnimFrame(i.fn.vendors.draw)) : (i.fn.particlesDraw(), i.particles.move.enable ? i.fn.drawAnimFrame = requestAnimFrame(i.fn.vendors.draw) : cancelRequestAnimFrame(i.fn.drawAnimFrame)) }, i.fn.vendors.checkBeforeDraw = function () { "image" == i.particles.shape.type ? "svg" == i.tmp.img_type && void 0 == i.tmp.source_svg ? i.tmp.checkAnimFrame = requestAnimFrame(check) : (cancelRequestAnimFrame(i.tmp.checkAnimFrame), i.tmp.img_error || (i.fn.vendors.init(), i.fn.vendors.draw())) : (i.fn.vendors.init(), i.fn.vendors.draw()) }, i.fn.vendors.init = function () { i.fn.retinaInit(), i.fn.canvasInit(), i.fn.canvasSize(), i.fn.canvasPaint(), i.fn.particlesCreate(), i.fn.vendors.densityAutoParticles(), i.particles.line_linked.color_rgb_line = hexToRgb(i.particles.line_linked.color) }, i.fn.vendors.start = function () { isInArray("image", i.particles.shape.type) ? (i.tmp.img_type = i.particles.shape.image.src.substr(i.particles.shape.image.src.length - 3), i.fn.vendors.loadImg(i.tmp.img_type)) : i.fn.vendors.checkBeforeDraw() }, i.fn.vendors.eventsListeners(), i.fn.vendors.start() }; Object.deepExtend = function (e, a) { for (var t in a) a[t] && a[t].constructor && a[t].constructor === Object ? (e[t] = e[t] || {}, arguments.callee(e[t], a[t])) : e[t] = a[t]; return e }, window.requestAnimFrame = function () { return window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function (e) { window.setTimeout(e, 1e3 / 60) } }(), window.cancelRequestAnimFrame = function () { return window.cancelAnimationFrame || window.webkitCancelRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozCancelRequestAnimationFrame || window.oCancelRequestAnimationFrame || window.msCancelRequestAnimationFrame || clearTimeout }(), window.pJSDom = [], window.particlesJS = function (e, a) { "string" != typeof e && (a = e, e = "particles-js"), e || (e = "particles-js"); var t = document.getElementById(e), i = "particles-js-canvas-el", s = t.getElementsByClassName(i); if (s.length) for (; s.length > 0;) t.removeChild(s[0]); var n = document.createElement("canvas"); n.className = i, n.style.width = "100%", n.style.height = "100%"; var r = document.getElementById(e).appendChild(n); null != r && pJSDom.push(new pJS(e, a)) }, window.particlesJS.load = function (e, a, t) { var i = new XMLHttpRequest; i.open("GET", a), i.onreadystatechange = function (a) { if (4 == i.readyState) if (200 == i.status) { var s = JSON.parse(a.currentTarget.response); window.particlesJS(e, s), t && t() } else console.log("Error pJS - XMLHttpRequest status: " + i.status), console.log("Error pJS - File config not found") }, i.send() };
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Revision as of 04:51, 13 September 2016

Attributions in a nutshell
Divya Chugani: Stability
Pedro Dorado: Standardization and Human Practices
Juan Faus: Human Practices
Alba Fras.: Standardization
Marco Fritschi: Modeling
Xabier Molero: Modeling and hardware (robot)
Ernesto Segredo: Modeling
Kristie Tanner: Orthogonality and Functional metagenomics
Paula Villaescusa.: Stability and Functional metagenomics
Attributions in detail
Project: the idea.
We came to The St2OOL project after many brainstorming meetings including all the team. It would be impossible to define authors here: we all contributed to the design of the project.
Done by Divya Chugani (who mainly recorded the performance of the BioBricks under different conditions) and Paula Villaescusa (mainly chassis characterization and fatigue experiments).
All the experiments were designed and conducted by Pedro Dorado and Alba Fras. Orthogonality and functional metagenomics. Kristie Tanner led the subteam, also formed by Paula Villaescusa and Pedro Dorado.
Human Practices.
Juan Faus developed the dictionary for scientists and Pedro Dorado the dictionary for law students. Both prepared the Report on Human Practices focusing on IP.
Pedro Dorado, Alba Fras and Divya Chugani performed all the work to amplify, clone and submit our Biobricks to the registry. Pedro also prepared most of the characterization data for the Registry.
Performed by Ernesto Segredo and Marco Fritschi (biochemistry students) and the engineering student Xavier Molero.
Hardware & Robot.
Design and construction by Xavier Molero.
All of us!
Paula Villaescusa (watercolor) and Juan Faus (layout).
Kristie Tanner will lead this important responsibility.
All original watercolors in the wiki, poster or talk by Paula Villaescusa. Shreks parody welcome to The St2OOL sung by Paula and Kristie Tanner. YMCA original idea by Kristie and played by all the team. Epigenetic musical interpretation of Biobrick sequences played by Kristie.
Of all the Valencia Biocampus supervisors/advisors pool, some performed a particularly outstanding job. Their implication in the project as well as their email addresses in case it was required to contact them, are as follows:
Wetlab work
Wetlab work including standardization and orthogonality mainly supervised by Cristina Vilanova (PhD student: cristina.vilanova@uv.es) and Juli Peret (professor at University of Valencia and instructor: juli.pereto@uv.es). Stability and robot design supervised by Manuel Porcar (Researcher at the University of Valencia: manuel.porcar@uv.es).
Supervised by Carlos Pea (CSIC reasercher: penagaray@gmail.com), with the collaboration of Lucas J. Morales (PhD student: lujemomo@alumni.uv.es).
Human Practices.
Supervised by Violeta Beltrn (violeta.beltran@biopolis.es) with the collaboration of Manuel Porcar. Lucas J. Morales supervised modelling of the patentability equation.
Supervised by Tonny Ruiz, a 2013 Valencia Biocampus iGEMer (tonnyesp.com).
Communication and logistics.
Juli Peret.
We are indebted to Soledad Rubio and Rafa Garca Martnez (University of Valencia) for making possible funding and logistics; to Anna Bonmat and C.M. Rector Peset, for housing part of the team last summer; to Daniel Ramn, Guillermo Zafrilla and Marta Tortajada from Bipolis SL, for their help and for always trusting us; to Clara Martnez and Pilar Campins for her unconditional and warm support; to Leonor Tortajada and Sonia Marn for their help with bureaucracy and administration; to Daniel Gonzlez Serisola, for his decided help to the students; to Manuel Serra and the Cavanilles Institute, for their patience with our mistakes with the autoclave; to Julin Heredero, Fernando Sapia and Rafael Ibez (Institut de Cincia dels Materials, University of Valencia) for kindly 3D-printing and laser-labelling our cute mini-St2OOLs; to Manuel Snchez del Pino, Oreto Antnez, Raquel Gavidia, M. Luz Valero for their technical support with flow cytometry and proteomics; to J.P. Beltrn (CSIC Headquarters), for his kind words and institutional support. We are indebted to Dirk Stemerding, Jane Calvert, Harald Knig, Simone Arnaldi, Philipp Pfingstag, and Arianna Neri for their constructive review of the preliminary version of our heterodox report on IP. We also thank Synenergene for their support. And finally, we are very grateful to all the staff in the University of Valencia and particularly to our Rector, Esteban Morcillo, without whose sincere support The St2OOL Project goals would have not been achieved.