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<p>This is a prize for the team that has developed a synthetic biology product to solve a real world problem in the most elegant way. The students will have considered how well the product addresses the problem versus other potential solutions, how the product integrates or disrupts other products and processes, and how its lifecycle can more broadly impact our lives and environments in positive and negative ways.</p>
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<br><h4 class="text-center"><b>Design and implementation</b></h4>
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<h1 class="text-center"><u>FlashLab - Introduction</u></h1>
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<h2 class="">Introduction</h2>
<p class="text-justify">
FlashLab, a novel detection tool based on the chemotaxis system of <I>E. coli</I> bacteria <b>popup</b>
It uses the chemotaxis system to concentrate colored bacteria, this in turn, creates a visible gradient
in color – detection of target material. Using the S.tar technology, the FlashLab can detect verity of
materials: hormones, amino acids, PCE etc.
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<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/7/74/T--Technion_Israel--fig1.JPG" class="img-responsive img-center img-cont" style="cursor: pointer;"><br>
<p class="text-center"><b>Figure 1:</b> Detection tool explanation</p>
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<h1 class="text-center"><u>Design and implementation</u></h1>
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<h3>FlashLab parts:</h3>
<p class="text-justify">
The device is composed of a <a href="http://ibidi.com/xtproducts/en/ibidi-Labware/sticky-Slides/sticky-Slide-I-Luer" target="_blank">commercial fluidic chip</a>:
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<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/8/82/T--Technion_Israel--fig2.jpg" class="img-responsive img-center img-cont" style="cursor: pointer;"><br>
<p class="text-center"><b>Figure 2:</b>The geometry of a commercial fluidic chip.</p>
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<p class="text-justify">
The chip is open on the button part and closed with a standard microscope cover glass (0.3[mm] thick).
<div class="col-sm-12">
<h3>FlashLab setup:</h3>
<p class="text-justify">
The setup of the device is composed of two parts, as shown below (Figure 3):
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<p class="text-center"><b>Figure 3: </b>The chip setup.</p>
<div class="col-sm-12">
<h3>FlashLab test</h3>
<p class="text-justify">
Once the sample is loaded, it diffuses into the channel. If the sample contains a repellent, the bacteria
will react and move away from it as shown below:
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<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/thumb/8/84/T--Technion_Israel--fig44.jpg/800px-T--Technion_Israel--fig44.jpg" class="img-responsive img-center img-cont" style="cursor: pointer;"><br>
<p class="text-center"><b>Figure 4: </b>Chemotaxis reaction in the chip.</p>
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<p class="text-justify">
This will cause changes in the bacteria concentration: very low concentration, where the repellent diffused
to, next to a very high concentration, where the bacteria moved to (right picture, figure 1:4). Those changes
will also be visible, as the higher concentration of colored bacteria manifests itself in a stronger color
(blue gradient, figures 1:3 and 1:4).<br>
If the sample does not contain target material, the bacteria will not react and no gradient will form.<br>
<b>======(For more information see mathematical model)======</b>
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<h1 class="text-center"><u>Results:</u></h1>
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<h3>FlashLab parts:</h3>
<p class="text-justify">
The set up for the device is as shown in "Design and Implementation". The bacteria, <I>E.coli</I> strain
<b>#$%^&@#$%^</b>, was taken from a petri dish and diluted in 180[µL] of motility buffer. The Chemo-repellent
used was 30 [µL] of <b>#$%^&@#$%^</b> in concentration of α[M] while the control was motility buffer. The
pictures were taken in differential of  apart.
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<img src="" class="img-responsive img-center img-cont" style="cursor: pointer;"><br>
<p class="text-center"><b>Figure XYZ:</b>ABC.</p>
<div class="col-sm-12">
<p class="text-justify">
Following γ[min],  a noticeable gradient of blue color formed in the chip's channel. on the far left, a relatively
light shade. Next to it, an area with a darker tone and from there up to the right end of the channel, the tone
didn’t change at all. This lines up with the theory perfectly, as the lighter shade is caused by colored bacteria
moving away from the repellent. The darker shade is the clustering of bacteria in the chemo-repellent diffusion
limit. All other bacteria in the channel, were not exposed to the repellent and so didn’t react.<br>
<b>==========For more information see chip experiment protocol==========</b>
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<!-- ==================== 4: Outlook ==================== -->
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<h1 class="text-center"><u>Outlook</u></h1>
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<p class="text-justify">
FlashLab has advatages as a detection tool:
- <b>Cheap</b> The only major cost is the fluidic chip and one costs about 15$ and can be reuse multible times.<br>
- <b>Fast</b>  as shown in the expermints, it takes about 30 minutes for detection. This is faster then most other bacterial detection (based on transecription and translation) and most laboratory tests (HPLC). <br>
- <b>Verstile</b> The S.tar system enable this device to detect verity of materials: hormones, amino acids, PCE etc. <br>
- <b>Senstive:</b> Bacteria can sense extrimly small traces of target material.<br>
- <b>Easy to use:</b> The set up of the system is an easy, two parts process. To reuse the chip you only need to flush the channel with water and dry.<br>
<b>======(For Farther improvement see "Design and Devolpment")======</b>
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<p class="referances">
1. KELLER, Evelyn F.; SEGEL, Lee A. Model for chemotaxis. Journal of theoretical biology, 1971, 30.2: 225-234.‏‬ <br>
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Revision as of 17:33, 13 October 2016

S.tar, by iGEM Technion 2016

S.tar, by iGEM Technion 2016

FlashLab - Introduction


FlashLab, a novel detection tool based on the chemotaxis system of E. coli bacteria popup It uses the chemotaxis system to concentrate colored bacteria, this in turn, creates a visible gradient in color – detection of target material. Using the S.tar technology, the FlashLab can detect verity of materials: hormones, amino acids, PCE etc.

Figure 1: Detection tool explanation

Design and implementation

FlashLab parts:

The device is composed of a commercial fluidic chip:

Figure 2:The geometry of a commercial fluidic chip.

The chip is open on the button part and closed with a standard microscope cover glass (0.3[mm] thick).

FlashLab setup:

The setup of the device is composed of two parts, as shown below (Figure 3):

Figure 3: The chip setup.

FlashLab test

Once the sample is loaded, it diffuses into the channel. If the sample contains a repellent, the bacteria will react and move away from it as shown below:

Figure 4: Chemotaxis reaction in the chip.

This will cause changes in the bacteria concentration: very low concentration, where the repellent diffused to, next to a very high concentration, where the bacteria moved to (right picture, figure 1:4). Those changes will also be visible, as the higher concentration of colored bacteria manifests itself in a stronger color (blue gradient, figures 1:3 and 1:4).
If the sample does not contain target material, the bacteria will not react and no gradient will form.
======(For more information see mathematical model)======


FlashLab parts:

The set up for the device is as shown in "Design and Implementation". The bacteria, E.coli strain #$%^&@#$%^, was taken from a petri dish and diluted in 180[µL] of motility buffer. The Chemo-repellent used was 30 [µL] of #$%^&@#$%^ in concentration of α[M] while the control was motility buffer. The pictures were taken in differential of apart.

Figure XYZ:ABC.

Following γ[min], a noticeable gradient of blue color formed in the chip's channel. on the far left, a relatively light shade. Next to it, an area with a darker tone and from there up to the right end of the channel, the tone didn’t change at all. This lines up with the theory perfectly, as the lighter shade is caused by colored bacteria moving away from the repellent. The darker shade is the clustering of bacteria in the chemo-repellent diffusion limit. All other bacteria in the channel, were not exposed to the repellent and so didn’t react.

==========For more information see chip experiment protocol==========


FlashLab has advatages as a detection tool: - Cheap The only major cost is the fluidic chip and one costs about 15$ and can be reuse multible times.
- Fast as shown in the expermints, it takes about 30 minutes for detection. This is faster then most other bacterial detection (based on transecription and translation) and most laboratory tests (HPLC).
- Verstile The S.tar system enable this device to detect verity of materials: hormones, amino acids, PCE etc.
- Senstive: Bacteria can sense extrimly small traces of target material.
- Easy to use: The set up of the system is an easy, two parts process. To reuse the chip you only need to flush the channel with water and dry.

======(For Farther improvement see "Design and Devolpment")======


1. KELLER, Evelyn F.; SEGEL, Lee A. Model for chemotaxis. Journal of theoretical biology, 1971, 30.2: 225-234.‏‬

S.tar, by iGEM Technion 2016