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===Human Practice===
Our team organize and participate to many events in order to promote the synthetic biology and our project. Here is listed all the events and the team member who participate to them.
Lecture CRIPR Cas-9:
Exposition in Nanterre University:
Festival du vivant: We had to go in a stand to promote our project during 3 days and several members of the team were there: Marin, Colline, Caroline, Maxence, Carla, Laetitia, Mathilde.
Fête de la science:
Exposition Pays de Limours:
Meet-up Ile de France:
Naiane was the one in charge of the social network and she made many publication in Tweeter, Facebook, and instagram. She also meet the Paris-Saclay Media in order to promote the project.
Carla design the logo of the team and made the marketing plan with the idea of the romantic spirit with "Get DNA Closer".
In order to build our project we had to do a lot of bibliographic work and we meet researchers who helped us to realize the project. NOMS DES CHERCHEURS ET CEUX QUI LES ONT RENCONTRER?Victor, Caroline and ??? met Mr.Espelli who is an expert in CRISPR-Cas9. AUTRE CHERCHEURS... Our project was split in two part: Visualisation and link two DNA strand. In the part visualization, Caroline, Charlène and Léa made all the bibliographic part and they design the biobricks. Maxence, Victor, Colline and Manhaz were in charge of the linking part of the project.
Without the finance, we couldn't go to Boston, so it was an importante part of the project. Yacine and Carla contact a lot of company by e-mail. Alice, and ??? met a company (le nom??) also in front of who we had to defend our project. We also did a crowndfunding. To explain our project we made a video with voiceover and drawing made by Carla. The video material was provided by Martin and filmed by him.
Without our excellent lab team, our project will have never see the light. During the summer Laetitia, Mathilde, Caroline, Marion, Léa, Charlène, Terrence, Naiane. Then in September and October, Maxence and Mahnaz were in charge of the lab and they are the one who made the final biobricks.
This part of the project was almost entirely made by Marion, our bioinformatician. During the summer she worked hard to build this part of the project.

Revision as of 10:00, 25 September 2016

Human Practice

Our team organize and participate to many events in order to promote the synthetic biology and our project. Here is listed all the events and the team member who participate to them.

Lecture CRIPR Cas-9:

Exposition in Nanterre University:

Festival du vivant: We had to go in a stand to promote our project during 3 days and several members of the team were there: Marin, Colline, Caroline, Maxence, Carla, Laetitia, Mathilde.

Fête de la science:

Exposition Pays de Limours:

Meet-up Ile de France:


Naiane was the one in charge of the social network and she made many publication in Tweeter, Facebook, and instagram. She also meet the Paris-Saclay Media in order to promote the project.

Carla design the logo of the team and made the marketing plan with the idea of the romantic spirit with "Get DNA Closer".


In order to build our project we had to do a lot of bibliographic work and we meet researchers who helped us to realize the project. NOMS DES CHERCHEURS ET CEUX QUI LES ONT RENCONTRER?Victor, Caroline and ??? met Mr.Espelli who is an expert in CRISPR-Cas9. AUTRE CHERCHEURS... Our project was split in two part: Visualisation and link two DNA strand. In the part visualization, Caroline, Charlène and Léa made all the bibliographic part and they design the biobricks. Maxence, Victor, Colline and Manhaz were in charge of the linking part of the project.


Without the finance, we couldn't go to Boston, so it was an importante part of the project. Yacine and Carla contact a lot of company by e-mail. Alice, and ??? met a company (le nom??) also in front of who we had to defend our project. We also did a crowndfunding. To explain our project we made a video with voiceover and drawing made by Carla. The video material was provided by Martin and filmed by him.


Without our excellent lab team, our project will have never see the light. During the summer Laetitia, Mathilde, Caroline, Marion, Léa, Charlène, Terrence, Naiane. Then in September and October, Maxence and Mahnaz were in charge of the lab and they are the one who made the final biobricks.


This part of the project was almost entirely made by Marion, our bioinformatician. During the summer she worked hard to build this part of the project.


Student name Attribution
Alice Finance/Lab/Safety
Carla Finance/Communication/Design logo and website/Festival vivant/vox pop/Lab
Caroline Research/Lab/Strategy/Biobrick Design/Festival vivant/Lecture CRISPR Cas9/Poster design
Charlène Research/Lab/Biobrick design/Lecture CRISPR-Cas9/Poster design
Claire Human practices/Lecture CRISPR-Cas9/meeting stakeholders
Coline Research/Biobrick Design/Lab/Festival vivant/Partnership/Communication
Etienne Modelisation
Gaëtan Wiki design
Laetitia Human practices/Lecture CRISPR Cas9/Lab
Léa Research/Lab/Biobrick design/Communication
Mahnaz Research/Lab
Mathilde Lab/Poster Design/Festival du vivant/Finance/Interview of a researcher
Marin Human practices/Communication/Festival vivant/vox pop/Lecture CRISPR Cas9/RRI test/ meeting stakeholders
Marion Modelisation/Lab
Maxence Research/Lab
Naiane Communication/Lab/Organization Meet-up IDF
Terrence Communication/Lab/Logo design
Victor Research
Yacine Finance