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<div class="column full_size judges-will-not-evaluate">
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<h3>★  ALERT! </h3>
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<p>This page is used by the judges to evaluate your team for the <a href="https://2016.igem.org/Judging/Medals">team collaboration silver medal criterion</a>. </p>
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<p> Delete this box in order to be evaluated for this medal. See more information at <a href="https://2016.igem.org/Judging/Evaluated_Pages/Instructions"> Instructions for Evaluated Pages </a>.</p>
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        <h1 class="text-center">Collaboration</h1>
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Sharing and collaboration are core values of iGEM. We encourage you to reach out and work with other teams on difficult problems that you can more easily solve together.
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<h4> Which other teams can we work with? </h4>
You can work with any other team in the competition, including software, hardware, high school and other tracks. You can also work with non-iGEM research groups, but they do not count towards the iGEM team collaboration silver medal criterion.
In order to meet the silver medal criteria on helping another team, you must complete this page and detail the nature of your collaboration with another iGEM team.
<div class="col-sm-61">
  <div class="thumbnail1"> <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/b/bc/T--CIEI-BJ--%E6%B8%85%E5%8D%8E%E4%BA%A4%E6%B5%81.jpg" alt="Thumbnail Image 1" class="img-responsive">
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    <div class="caption">
      <h3>Tsinghua July 23th, 2016</h3>
Here are some suggestions for projects you could work on with other teams:
      <p>On July 23th, we went to Tsinghua University with our questions and initial ideas to communicate with the members of Tsinghua team. They helped us solve the problems and taught us more about iGEM and genetic biology. Then we discussed the ideas and programs of the iGEM teams a few years ago. This communication helped us build up a clearer understanding of synthetic biology and iGEM. </p>
<li> Improve the function of another team's BioBrick Part or Device</li>
<li> Characterize another team's part </li>
<li> Debug a construct </li>
<li> Model or simulating another team's system </li>
<li> Test another team's software</li>
<li> Help build and test another team's hardware project</li>
<li> Mentor a high-school team</li>
<div class="col-sm-61">
  <div class="thumbnail1"> <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/2/2e/T--CIEI-BJ--%E5%8C%97%E7%90%86%E5%B7%A5%E4%BA%A4%E6%B5%81.png" alt="Thumbnail Image 1" class="img-responsive">
    <div class="caption">
      <h3>BIT-China Middle of July</h3>
      <p>In the middle of July, We visited the iGEM team of BIT-China. They showed us the programs they made in the past two years, shared with us the difficulties and challenges they met and the ways for them to solve the problems. They also guided us on the designing and making of wiki. <br>
      Through exchange with the seniors, we got a more profound understanding of genetic engineering, which helped us to form a more reasonable and practical project.</p>
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<div class="col-sm-61">
  <div class="thumbnail1"> <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/6/61/T--CIEI-BJ--11%E5%AD%A6%E6%A0%A1%E4%BA%A4%E6%B5%81.jpg" alt="Thumbnail Image 1" class="img-responsive">
    <div class="caption">
      <p>On October 2nd,2016, some members of BNDS-China visited us  to exchange their work with ours. Both of the teams presented their ideas, experiments, and results. Through this discussion, we got to know about their amazing idea and were enlightened by some of their suggestions. Meanwhile, we also gave them some advice  and showed them some good aspects of our project. To communicate with the high-school team made us understand iGEM even more deeply, helped us to check our shortcomings and improve our results.  </p>
      <p><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/b/b8/T--CIEI-BJ--11%E5%AD%A6%E6%A0%A1%E4%BA%A4%E6%B5%811.jpg" alt="Thumbnail Image 1" class="img-responsive"></p>
      <p><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/9/9f/T--CIEI-BJ--11%E5%AD%A6%E6%A0%A1%E4%BA%A4%E6%B5%812.jpg" alt="Thumbnail Image 1" class="img-responsive"></p>
      <p>&nbsp; </p>
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Revision as of 13:51, 2 October 2016




Bootstrap Product Page Template


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Tsinghua July 23th, 2016

On July 23th, we went to Tsinghua University with our questions and initial ideas to communicate with the members of Tsinghua team. They helped us solve the problems and taught us more about iGEM and genetic biology. Then we discussed the ideas and programs of the iGEM teams a few years ago. This communication helped us build up a clearer understanding of synthetic biology and iGEM.

Thumbnail Image 1

BIT-China Middle of July

In the middle of July, We visited the iGEM team of BIT-China. They showed us the programs they made in the past two years, shared with us the difficulties and challenges they met and the ways for them to solve the problems. They also guided us on the designing and making of wiki.
Through exchange with the seniors, we got a more profound understanding of genetic engineering, which helped us to form a more reasonable and practical project.


Thumbnail Image 1


On October 2nd,2016, some members of BNDS-China visited us  to exchange their work with ours. Both of the teams presented their ideas, experiments, and results. Through this discussion, we got to know about their amazing idea and were enlightened by some of their suggestions. Meanwhile, we also gave them some advice  and showed them some good aspects of our project. To communicate with the high-school team made us understand iGEM even more deeply, helped us to check our shortcomings and improve our results. 


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