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<p>ADD TEXT</p>
<p>Human Practices in many ways influence how research is done in all areas of science. It also had a significant influence on our project and what substances we decided to use in it. After conversation with Dr Simon Woods , Co-Director of the Policy, Ethics and Life Sciences Research Centre, we became more aware about different organisms used for scientific research and how general population feel about scientists using them. </p>
<p>Initially we were planning to use University of Reading's yeast cell construct for our microbial fuel cell construct. However, after this discussion we realized ethical implications of doing that such as how easy it is to access yeast for general public in every day life and what could happen if modified yeasts would find their way out of the laboratory. We discussed ethical issues related with using yeast and bacterial cells and decided to use bacteria for our microbial fuel cells. To learn more about our thought process and what we discussed with Dr Simon Woods check our <a href="https://2016.igem.org/Team:Newcastle/Integrated_Practices">Integrated Practices section</a>.</p>

Revision as of 18:40, 19 October 2016

Design of Human Practices


As we're competing in the Foundational Advance track we felt obligated to consider, at great length, the ethical issues that could be raised by future development in the new field of science we're striving to lay the foundation for. After discussing with experts from PEALS (The Policy, Ethics and Life Sciences Research Centre at our University) it became apparent that due to the wide range of potential applications our research could contribute towards - our end Human Practices output had to take a holistic view.

After considering this and looking at the strengths of our team, we decided to utilize the skills of the three computer scientists on the team and program a simulator to act as a thought piece on the future implications of Bio-electrics. The simulator features 5 levels which provide different scenarios, each raising potential ethical concerns. Each level carries an inspiration from our interactions with others - whether it be our discussions with PEALS, talking to a space expert who inspired the the Mars Level or the sixth formers day we ran, from which one student's experiences with a Kidney dialysis machine forms the narrative behind another level. You can read more about our design process for Human Practices here

Integrated Practices


Human Practices in many ways influence how research is done in all areas of science. It also had a significant influence on our project and what substances we decided to use in it. After conversation with Dr Simon Woods , Co-Director of the Policy, Ethics and Life Sciences Research Centre, we became more aware about different organisms used for scientific research and how general population feel about scientists using them.

Initially we were planning to use University of Reading's yeast cell construct for our microbial fuel cell construct. However, after this discussion we realized ethical implications of doing that such as how easy it is to access yeast for general public in every day life and what could happen if modified yeasts would find their way out of the laboratory. We discussed ethical issues related with using yeast and bacterial cells and decided to use bacteria for our microbial fuel cells. To learn more about our thought process and what we discussed with Dr Simon Woods check our Integrated Practices section.


Meeting with PEALS




Thought Experiment




TEXT TEXT TEXT Our proof is covered in detail here