As the result of PCRs on clone 2.2 and 4.1 didn't gave us expected results. We supposed that bacteria used for the PCR didn't integrate the plasmids. So we made another transformation of Dh5α competents cells.
As the result of PCRs on clone 2.2 and 4.1 didn't gave us expected results. We supposed that bacteria used for the PCR didn't integrate the plasmids. So we made another transformation of Dh5α competent cells.
*Redilution of ligation product with 5μl of sterile H<SUB>2</SUB>O.
We made a dilution with the rest of the ligation product with 5μl of sterile H<SUB>2</SUB>O and we follow the [[Team:Paris_Saclay/Experiments#Heat_shock_competent_cells|protocol of heat shock competent cells]].
*50 μl of competent cells + 5 μl of plasmids
*30min at 4°C
*1min at 42°C
Finally, we spread cells on Petri dishes(LB + Amp + xGal + IPTG) in duplicate .