Team:Paris Saclay/Collaborations


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Organization of the Meet Up Ile-de-France 2016

The iGEM Paris Saclay team established a partnership with the iGEM Pasteur team in order to promote an event able to gather all the Parisian iGEM teams: the MeetUp Ile-de-France. Our big city of Paris and its metropolitan area has a huge impact over the scientific community around the world. The traditional parisian universities and its research institutes are in the heart of the french scientific production and all the iGEM teams were created over that immense influence. The 5 iGEM parisian teams are: iGEM Paris Saclay, iGEM Pasteur, iGEM IONIS, iGEM Paris évry, iGEM Bettencourt. The event was hosted by the Pasteur Institute and organized during the course of 3 months by iGEM Paris Saclay and iGEM Pasteur, with the help and consulting of iGEM IONIS. Each parisian team had the opportunity to engage on a 20 minutes presentation of their project in the presence of a jury with the purpose of giving advices on iGEM standards, on oratory skills, presentation of scientific content and popularization of science. The presentations were followed by two seminars on Intellectual Property and the permanent exhibition of a drone's model provided by the Start up Civic Drone. The event also encouraged several social gatherings between the teams such as breakfast, a picnic and a gathering after the Meet Up. The Organization of the event believed these moments were also of great importance since they allowed the teams to know each other professionally and individually, an essential step towards a full engagement with the iGEM ideal of partnership.

Interteams cooperations

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iGEM Cardiff team

Our team established a first contact with iGEM Cardiff through the event held in Paris “The European Experience 2016”. There was an opportunity for collaboration since the projects had some similar aspects. We did a skype conference during the experimental period of our project to discuss specially about the different dCas9 both teams were using. This opportunity allowed us to share with another team some of the conclusions and problems we had. It was a great insight into the outcomes of another team dealing with a similar challenge as ours.

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iGEM EPF Lausanne

We were first contacted via Facebook by Marie Matos to set a date for a skype conference with the whole team. We had the opportunity to discuss about our projects and to give them [ an interview for their website]. They've gathered information about several teams, their projects and displayed a few interviews per week: our interview was in the home page during the second week. We were really glad to be invited for such a great initiative. We had fun while helping to spread more information about Synthetic Biology.

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Our team was approached via Facebook by Enrique Salas to participate on a survey related to Self-medication and Public Health. Later on the team also showed interest in getting to know better our project. After some messages exchanged, we proposed to send them a copy of one recent poster done at the time for “The European Experience 2016”. This was an opportunity to share knowledge about layout, structure and content of a scientific poster, a very important feature of the iGEM experience.

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iGEM Manchester

Our team was contacted via Twitter by iGEM Manchester to take part on a survey related to Alcohol consumption. There was quite a fuzz over this survey among our team members since the topic “Alcohol consumption” is very appealing. We contributed with over 15 entries and we had a lot of fun while answering.

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iGEM Mentorship Program

The Paris Saclay iGEM team was enrolled on the Mentorship Program proposed by iGEM this year. We received a first contact from our Mentor, Fabian Fröhlich, and our Team Coordinator, Liza Figueiredo by email. Further on a monthly schedule of Skype conferences was settled with Fabian who is a bioinformatician and has a great deal of iGEM experience. The Mentorship Program allowed us to be more aware of the iGEM standards and to come to our mentor with several obstacles our project faced through the course of the months. We were pleased to have taken part on this experience because it brought to the team fresh eyes when needed, external opinions and therefore new perspectives we could not have had otherwise.