

Collaboration with the Technical University of Denmark

We have assisted the iGEM team from DTU with the selection of a biobrick, for a construct which they had trouble getting to function. We also met with them and the KU team to discuss ideas on how to mathematically model the systems of our projects.

Collaboration with Copenhagen University

They were also participating in the event with DTU where we discussed ideas on how to mathematically model the systems of our projects.

Collaboration with Chalmers University

When we were at Copenhagen University to attend a workshop on human practice our philosopher was intrigued by Chalmers University’s idea about how to present their thoughts about ethics. Therefore she asked if she could participate and wrote them a story, which is featured at their WIKI.

Collaboration with the University of Stockholm

The iGEM team from the University of Stockholm has a similar project and we want to thank them for always being open to discuss ideas. We would also like to show our gratitude for providing us with data about our transformed bacteriocins into E. coli, in the form of a MIC tests performed with crude cell extract.

Collaboration with the University of Virginia

The iGEM team from University of Virginia asked us to help them by answering a survey, which we were more than happy to do.

Collaboration with the LMU and TUM Munich

We helped the LMU and TUM Munich iGEM team out by answering their survey about entrepreneurship. They had some great thoughts concerning the possibilities in creating a business through iGEM.


Over the summer we have attended several meetups. Our first meetup were at DTU who held a meetup for the danish teams. This was also where we thought of collaboration about mathematics. We gave a talk about how to design a WIKI and we learned a lot from the other teams and generally had a blast!

In June we met up with the other Nordic iGEM teams at the Nordic jamboree. We presented our project and got constructive feedback and ideas of what we should focus on further. Unfortunately we didn't win the Nordic jamboree, but we had a great time with all the Nordic teams. We also heard the other presentions and realized that the Stockholm iGEM team's project was almost identical to our project, so we were happy to collaborate.

We also had a great road trip to Germany, where we met up with the German teams. Here we had the chance to present our project and got some good constructive feedback on our video and project ideas. It was also really inspiring to hear about the other team's projects.

Copenhagen University held a meetup with focus on Human Practice which we also attended. We learned so much from the meetup and had the opportunity to talk to Ana from iGEM's headquartes. She gave some great feedback! It was also at this meetup our collaboration with Chalmers University began.