Human Practice
Silver medal for Human Practice
You will be able to find below links to our Human Practice work available on this site. The following links will take you to the desired page and will help you navigate through our "silver medal" Human Practice. A brief description will help you to have a better idea of what you are about to read !
This is why we developed the Quantifly project: a combination of a bacterial biosensor, perfectly adapted to on-field measurements, and an innovative drone that will allow us to easily and rapidly quantify the amount of VOCs in the air. The biosensor relies on bioluminescence, a biochemical phenomenon that is commonly used in cell imaging. We are trying to develop a new application for bioluminescence that should allow us to create a biosensor of a new kind, entirely different from the existing devices.
If you’ve followed along and done the steps above, you’ve created a good starting place. You’re going to need to make sure your pages are optimized properly.
State of the Art
Air pollution and its environment
This is why we developed the Quantifly project: a combination of a bacterial biosensor, perfectly adapted to on-field measurements, and an innovative drone that will allow us to easily and rapidly quantify the amount of VOCs in the air. The biosensor relies on bioluminescence, a biochemical phenomenon that is commonly used in cell imaging. We are trying to develop a new application for bioluminescence that should allow us to create a biosensor of a new kind, entirely different from the existing devices.
If you’ve followed along and done the steps above, you’ve created a good starting place. You’re going to need to make sure your pages are optimized properly.
Our Opinion Survey
Use of G.M.Os with air pollution
Concerning the drone, it is designed to safely contain our organisms and carry them on the field, thus acting as a mobile detection platform
Ethics & Biosafety
Risk assessment and Management
Concerning the drone, it is designed to safely contain our organisms and carry them on the field, thus acting as a mobile detection platform
Our Actions
How did we spread the word ?
Concerning the drone, it is designed to safely contain our organisms and carry them on the field, thus acting as a mobile detection platform