Team:IngenuityLab Canada/Results

Ingenuity Lab - dNANO


DNA Origami Results
Photosystem II Results

DNA Origami Results

Obtaining scaffold DNA:

The first test we did was to optimize our PCR protocol to achieve DNA product that is only of the segment that is utilized in our structure. This allows us to omit the DNA segment from the M13mp18 DNA that is not being utilized. You can see the gel 1 (below left) shows the not optimized PCR while the Gel 2 (below right) shows the optimized PCR product. A single thin and bright band at approximately 7000 BP shows us that the sample analyzed on Gel 2 is almost fully optimized, as oppose to the not optimized version.


Self-folding Reaction:

Photosystem II Results

Growth of the HT3 cells:

The cells were grown in 10 L batches in order harvest largest amount of protein. Below shows the data of growth measured using absorbance at 730 nm. Each day, the data was collected until it reached approximately 0.8 and not higher than 1. Below the graph indicates the exponential growth rate of the HT3 cell grown in BG11 media.
The graph indicates the exponential growth of the HT3 cells grown in 10L culture of BG11 media.

Purification of Photosystem II:

Throughout the purification, we saved sample from each step and analyzed its oxygen evolving ability in comparison to its chlorophyll a concentration. This was done to ensure that at each step we are following and optimizing protocol in order to achieve the most active photosystem II protein. Below the graph shows the oxygen evolution rate in comparison to the sample’s chlorophyll a content.