We especially want to thank everyone who helped us in our project!
We thank the Institut Pasteur administration and support services for hosting the iGEM Pasteur team composed of students from several universities. We thank the professors and coaches of Institut Pasteur, ESPCI, ENSCI, Paris Saclay for advising us.
Professional advice
For their most precious professional advice, special thanks and attributions to :
• Dr Anna Bella Failloux( entomologist, head of Arboviruses and Insect Vectors (AIV) research unit in the department of virology at Institut Pasteur), who gave us detailed information about habitat and the behavior during feeding processes/ventures of mosquitoes. She helped us to have detailed information on mosquito ecology/habitat (types:aedes, culex) and behavior during feeding sorties(anthropophily, hematophagy).
• EID Méditerranée (Entente Interdépartementale de Démoustication/Interdepartmental agreement for mosquito control on the Mediterranean coast): We had a skype meeting and mail exchanges with Dr. Gregory Lambert, a medical coordinator and entomologist at EID. These interviews have allowed us to gather the opinion of field experts and to design our project so that it would best address the needs of professionals. This input enabled us to better take into account the mosquito lifestyle and optimize our device’s safety features with regard to local populations.
• Civic Drone is a French company that specializes in the making of civil drones. It uses expertise in the fields of aeronautics, aerodynamics, electronics, and computing.
The purpose of the meeting with Mr. Edouard Guilhot-Gaudeffroy (CEO of Civic Drone) and his team of engineers was to obtain accurate information concerning the use of drones and to discuss potentially implementing them into our project, to access remote areas with impassable/impracticable terrain or difficult climate.
We also wanted to discuss their built-in system of data archiving, uploading, deposition, retrieval and analysis of Mos(kit)o traps anchored to the UAVs (Unmanned Airborne Vehicules).
To learn more about them please visit the discussion part.
• CIBU (Cellule d’Intervention Biologique d’Urgence / Emergency Response to Biological Threats Unit) at the Institut Pasteur: Dr. Jean-Claude Manuguerra supervises this unit and we had the opportunity to present our project to the entire CIBU lab. This allowed us to exchange ideas about our method of detection, global device, and the protection of our system through intellectual property, enabled by iGEM Pasteur Paris Team's law students, during the Q & A session that followed our talk.
To learn more about them visit the Collaborations part.
Assistant professors at ESPCI Paris (Ecole Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles de la ville de Paris/Engineering school in physics, and industrial chemistry) Yvette Tran and Hélène Montès, helped conceiving and assembling by compression the cellulose base of the patch.
We want to thank our lab technicians from the Education center of Institut Pasteur who helped us whenever we needed it for labwork.
Difficult technics support
Dr.Deshmukh GOPAUL provided a significant amount of help in the lab (protein purification with FPLC (Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography), in the Chemistry and Microbiological experiments).
Vincent LEGROS provided a significant amount of help in Immunologic assays and also in Microbiological experiments.
Guillian Graves, provided support to the design students for the conception, prototyping, and 3D printing of the maquettes.
Design, Project, and Human Practices
We especially want to thank our four great coaches: Dr. Deshmukh Gopaul, Vincent LEGROS, Guillian GRAVES and Patsy POLSTON who have always been there to support us and mentor us for the project.
Dr.Deshmukh GOPAUL, for heading every part of the project.
Guillian GRAVES, supported us in developing our trap and detection device, he also coached us for our presentations.
Vincent LEGROS supported us for the bibliographic research, the questionnaires about synthetic biology, he also coached us for the presentations, and provided us his expertise in Virology .
Patsy POLSTON, supported us for each part of Human Practice (Application scenario, Techno moral scenario, Communication, Collaborations), the Fundraising and she coached us for our presentations.
Attribution team:Benoit BELIARD: labwork (microbiology, cellulose-binding, silification), presentation in conferences, sponsors search.
Hanifa BOUZIRI: bibliographic search, labwork (microbiology, antibody-binding, notebook keeping), WIKI (content, upload, drawings and code), collaboration part, presentation in conferences, the scenario application.
Marie CAMMAN: Labwork (microbiology, cellulose-binding, silification, notebook keeping), WIKI content, presentation in conferences.
Lisa DEHOVE: presentation in conferences, design : production of the trap and detection tool (with 3D printing), and development of a website for mapping, drawings and WKI content, the scenario application.
Audrey DELOTS: bibliographic search, questionnaires for the communication part, WIKI content, Labwork (cellulose-binding, silification).
Mélanie DUMAY: Labwork (microbiology, notebook keeping), communication part.
Claudia GESTIN-VILION: human practices & policies, writing of the report on open science and intellectual proprety, communication on iGEM at schools, presentation in conferences, sponsors search, WIKI content.
Charlène GUILLAUME: presentation in conferences, design : production of the trap and detection (with 3D printing), and development of a website for mapping, drawings and WIKI content, the scenario application.
Cindy HAMMAMOUCHE: WIKI code, Labwork (microbiology), communication part.
Mathieu HUBERT: bibliographic search,presentation in conferences, labwork (microbiology, antibody-binding, cellulose-binding, silification), collaboration with professionals, WIKI content.
Lise HUNAULT: sponsors search, labwork (microbiology, cellulose-binding, silification), presentation in conferences, the scenario application and the techno moral scenario.
Svetlana IVANOFF-COLLEU: sponsors search, labwork (microbiology, cellulose-binding, silification), presentation in conferences, questionnaires for the communication part.
Victoire LE CHEVALLIER: human practices & policies, writing of the report on open science and intellectual proprety, presentation in conferences, WIKI content.
Victor LEPINE: human practices & policies, writing of the report on open science and intellectual property, communication on iGEM at schools, presentation in conferences, WIKI content.
Mélanie LORIN: bibliographic search, labwork (microbiology).
Marina MALETIC: bibliographic search, labwork (microbiology, antibody-binding), collaboration with other iGEM teams, WIKI content, meet-up organization.
Xavier MONTOY: presentation in conferences, design: production of the trap and detection tool(with 3D printing), and development of a website for mapping, drawings and WIKI content, the scenario application, video production.
Mehdi MOREL: Labwork (microbiology, antibody-binding), presentation in conferences, application scenario, WIKI content.
Thomas VIALON: bibliographic search, labwork (microbiology, cellulose-binding, silification), presentation in conferences, sponsors search.