Timeline: June
Week 3: May 30th - June 5th
Created templates to display an svg file
Added functionality to the display by dynamically creating buttons to open and close valves depending on the svg file
Incorporated Ajax to connect to the serial port to connect to an arduino
Used Ajax and post requests to import files from the web-app and save them locally to use for the settings page and the svg image
Ordered parts for the pumps setup
Changed mapper code to differentiate flow from control on an LFR file
Added functionality to mapper to work with the UCF and identify which layer all elements reside in
Implemented control layer in mapper
Weeks 4 and 5: June 6th - June 19th
Learnt js, css, html, node.js, express framework, and how to set up effective github repositories
Did some reading about microfluidics:
"Microfluidics for synthetic biology: from design to execution," Ferry MS, Razinkov IA, Hasty J.
Framework switched from Webix based implementation to a more standard implementation w/ hybrid of Javascript, CSS, html
Assembled the demo board with pump holders and servo holders
Wrote an Arduino code that gets the code as an input, and turns on the servo
Implemented the display of the SVG graph with buttons to open and close valves
Added file upload functionality to certain pages
Enabled serial communication of valves from the fluigi page to the Arduino
Mapper changed to completely align with place and route with corrected formatting issues and MINT output
Started to integrate mapper into the graphical user interface