Team:IngenuityLab Canada/Parts

Ingenuity Lab - dNANO



Part development:

We plan to submit the following 3 BioBrick parts for this year’s competition.
Figure 1: Schematic of the 3 parts that we will be submitting for the BioBrick requirement. Specifically, the first 2 parts for submission includes the CP47 subunit of Photosystem II fused to a 6x His-tag. BBa_K2127001, is unique due to the addition of TFBS (Transcription Factor Binding Site) that has been shown in literature to act as a super-promoter in native Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. The last part for submission include the psbT subunit of Photosystem II as a standalone part. All parts contain a lac promoter, lac operator, RBS, two-stop codons, and a terminator sequence. All parts are synthesized as shown by IDT DNA Inc.