Team:Linkoping Sweden/Experiments


Overview on Laboration

Week 1

14 June

- First day at the lab! Making Hutner’s trace elements.

Week 2

21 June

- Making SOC-medium, LB-medium, LB-agar and Chloramphenicol plates.

Week 3

27 June

- Transformation of E1010. Observation: The transformation was successful.

28 June

- Control of competent cells.

29 June

- Transformation of E1010 to super competent XL-1. Observation: The transformation was successful.

30 June

- Making E.Coli Calcium Chloride competent cells.

1 July

- Making solutions for TAP- and TRIS medium.

- Cultivation of XL1 and E1010.

Week 4

4 July

- Making LB-medium and LB-agar.

- Plasmid preparation of E1010.

- Test cultivation of algae.

5 July

- Making agar plates.

- Digestion and ligation of LIP, U6, UTR and LIP-RFP.

- Transformation of E1010 and MD-cells competent test.

- First algae cultivation.

6 July

- Transformation on U6, LIP, LIP-RFP and UTR. Observation: Colonies for U6 and LIP were detected.

7 July

- Cultivation of U6, LIP, LIP-RFP colonies on new plates with Chloramphenicol.

8 July

- OD measurement of transformed bacteria.

Week 5

11 July

- PCR on Cas9.

12 July

- Gel electrophoresis on Cas9 to see if the PCR was successful. Observation: No bands were obtained for Cas9.

13 July


14 July

- PCR on pSB1C3.

15 July

- Gel electrophoresis on pSB1C3. Observation: No bands were obtained on the gel.

- PCR on pSB1C3.

Week 6

18 July

- PCR and gel electrophoresis on pSB1C3. Observation: No bands were obtained on the gel.

20 July

- PCR and gel electrophoresis on pSB1C3. Observation: Bands were obtained on the gel at approximately 2000 bp.

22 July

- Digestion and ligation on LIP, U6, UTR, Cas9, LIP-RFP, sgRNA and pSB1C3.

Week 7

25 July

- PCR on LIP and UTR from colonies.

- Cultivation of LIP and UTR colonies on new plates.

- PCR purification.

26 July

- Gel electrophoresis on pSB1C3, UTR and LIP. Observation: No bands were obtained on the gel.

- Digestion and Ligation on LIP-RFP and pSB1C3.

27 July

- New project approach

- Transformation of LIP-RFP and pSB1C3.

Week 8

1 August

- Cultivation of Hygromycin.

- Gel electrophoresis on UTR and LIP. Observation: Bands were obtained on the gel at 700 bp.

3 August

- Plasmid preparation of LIP, UTR and Hyg. Observation: Turned out to be incorrect later on.

- Transformation of LIP-RFP, U6, sgRNA and Cas9. Observation: 4 colonies for sgRNA and 4 colonies for LIP-RFP. No colonies for Cas9 and U6.

4 August

- Making TAP medium for cultivation of algae in the dark.

Week 9

8 August

- PCR on LIP-RFP and sgRNA.

- Cultivation of LIP-RFP and sgRNA colonies on new plates.

- First algae cultivation in darkness.

9 August

- Transformation of U6 and Cas9.

- Gel electrophoresis on LIP-RFP and sgRNA. Observation: No bands on the gel.

10 August

- PCR on LIP-RFP and sgRNA

- Gel electrophoresis on LIP-RFP. Observation: Bands slightly above 1000 bp were obtained. LIP-RFP with primers should be at 1300 bp. It is looking good.

11 August

- PCR on U6 and Cas9.

- Gel electrophoresis on sgRNA. Observation: Bands at 300 bp were obtained. sgRNA with primers should be at 200 bp.

12 August

- Gel electrophoresis on Cas9 and U6. Observation: Cas9 showed no bands. U6 showed bands at 350 bp. U6 with primers should be at 515 bp.

Week 10

15 August

- Preparation of TAP agar. Observation: Because of difficulties with the gas no plates could be performed today.

- Gel electrophoresis on UTR, LIP, Hyg and pSB1C3. pSB1C3 showed a band at 2000 bp as it was supposed to. The other fragments did not show any bands.

- Cultivation of Hyg.

16 August

- Cultivation of sgRNA, LIP-RFP and U6.

- PCR on Cas9 and Hyg.

- Gel electrophoresis on Cas9 and Hyg. Observation: The gel showed a weak band on Cas9 around 4000 bp.

17 August

- Plasmid preparation on LIP-RFP, U6 and sgRNA. Observation: Turned out to be incorrect later on.

18 August

- Cultivation of algae for transformation. Observation: It took 5 days for the algae wild type to reach OD = 1,757. The mutant algae evaporated.

- Making TAP agar plates.

- Making TAP Hyg. plates.

Week 11

22 August

- Cultivation of LIP-RFP and Hyg.

23 August

- Plasmid preparation on LIP-RFP and Hyg.

- PCR on Cas9 and pSB1C3.

- New cultivation of algae in the dark.

24 August

- PCR on LIP-RFP, Hyg and pSB1C3.

- Gel electrophoresis on Cas9, Hyg, LIP-RFP and pSB1C3. Observation: Bands for Cas9 and Hyg were obtained.

- PCR purification of Cas9.

25 August

- Gel electrophoresis on pSB1C3. Observation: Bands were detected at 2000 bp which corresponds to the size of pSB1C3.

- PCR purification on pSB1C3.

- First Gibson Assembly!

- Transformation of Gibson Assembly. Observation: Colonies were obtained!

- PCR on Cas9, Hyg, pSB1C3.

26 August

- PCR on Gibson Assembly product and colonies from Gibson Assembly transformation.

- Chloramphenicol plates.

- Gel electrophoresis on PCR product from Gibson Assembly, Cas9, Hyg and pSB1C3. Observation: Bands were detected for all the DNAs!

Week 12

29 August

- Gel electrophoresis on Gibson Assembly colonies. Observation: Band at 5500 bp was obtained. We want bands at 7000 bp.

- Digestion on LIP-RFP.

- PCR on Gibson Assembly colonies.

30 August

- PCR on Gibson Assembly colonies.

- Cultivation of Gibson Assembly colonies on new plates.

- Ligation on LIP-RFP with pSB1C3.

- New Gibson Assembly transformation.

31 August

- Gel electrophoresis on Gibson Assembly colonies. Observation: No bands on the gel.

- Plasmid preparation on Gibson Assembly colony.

1 September

- PCR on plasmid prepared U6, UTR, LIP, LIP-RFP, sgRNA and Hyg.

- Gel electrophoresis on LIP, sgRNA, U6, UTR, LIP-RFP and Hyg. Observation: No bands on the gel.

2 September

- Second Gibson assembly.

- Gibson transformation.

- Transformation of LIP-RFP.

3 September

- PCR and gel electrophoresis on Gibson colonies. Observation: No results.

- Digestion and ligation of LIP, U6, UTR, sgRNA and pSB1C3.

4 September

- PCR and gel electrophoresis on Gibson colonies. Observation: It looks like Colony 8 has a band at 7000 bp! Yeeey, success!

Week 13

5 September

- PCR on old colonies of LIP-RFP.

- Making LB-medium.

- Gel electrophoresis on LIP-RFP and plasmid prepared Gibson colonies.

6 September

- Cultivation of colony 8 (Gibson Assembly) with Hyg in the LB-media.

- Screening of colonies from Gibson Assembly. Observation: Bands were obtained, but no band was at 7000 bp.

7 September

- PCR and gel electrophoresis on Hyg.

8 September

- Plasmid preparation of Gibson Assembly colony 8.

- Screening on Gibson colonies.

9 September - The sequences were obtained. We did not insert Hyg but instead YFP was inserted. Cas9 and LIP were inserted successfully!

10 September

- Cultivation of algae mutants and Gibson colony 8.

- Gel electrophoresis on plasmid preparation of Gibson colony 8 and Gibson colonies. Observation: The plasmid preparation of Gibson colony 8 showed good bands.

11 September

- PCR on some Gibson colonies.

- Preparation for plasmid preparation. The cells were centrifuged and the pellet was saved for later continuation of plasmid preparation.

- Cultivation of Gibson Assembly colonies on new plates.

Week 14

13 September

- OD measurements on the algae.

- Gel electrophoresis on the PCR product from 11/9 - 16. Observation: Band on 300 bp, 2000 bp, 3000 bp, 4000 bp, 5000 bp were obtained.

14 September

- Dilution of the algae.

- Making TAP-40mM sucrose.

- Plasmid preparation of Gibson Assembly colony 8.

15 September

- Digestion of Gibson colony 8.

16 September

- Electroporation on algae Observation: The algae have grown well.

17 September

- PCR on Gibson colonies.

- Continuation on the electroporation from previous day.

18 September

- Gel electrophoresis on Gibson colonies.

Week 15

19 September

- Sequenced was obtained. Observation: Looks like we did not insert U6 and sgRNA.

21 September

- PCR on Gibson 3.

- Gel electrophoresis on the PCR product from today. Observation: Band were obtained at 300 bp and 2000 bp.

22 September

- Gel electrophoresis on PCR product from previous day. Observation: Bands at 2000 bp and 300 bp were obtained.

- Gibson on pSB1C3 with LIP, LIP-RFP, U6 and UTR respectively.

- Transformation on all the Gibson product.

23 September

- Gel electrophoresis on Gibson 3 colonies. Observation: No bands on the gel.

- PCR of Gibson with LIP, LIP-RFP, U6 and Term.

- Screening of YFP transformed algae. Observation: No proof that the transformation worked.

24 September

- Gel electrophoresis on Gibson with U6, Term, LIP and LIP-RFP. Observation: Bands were obtained at 500 bp for Term, 600 bp for LIP and 1500 bp for LIP-RFP. No results for U6.

- Gel electrophoresis on Gibson 3 colonies. Observation: No bands on the gel.

- PCR on Gibson with U6, Term, LIP and LIP-RFP.

- Cultivation of U6, Term, LIP and LIP-RFP.

25 September

- PCR on Gibson 3 colonies.

- Gel electrophoresis on Gibson with U6, Term, LIP and LIP-RFP. Observation: Bands were obtained.

- Cultivation of U6, Term, LIP and LIP-RFP.

Week 16

26 September

- PCR on U6 colonies.

- Gel electrophoresis on Gibson 3 colonies. Observation: No results.

- Plasmid preparation on LIP, LIP-RFP and Term.

27 September

- Plasmid preparation nr 2 on LIP, LIP-RFP and Term.

- Gel electrophoresis on U6 colonies. Observation: No results.

- PCR on Gibson 3 colonies.

28 September

- Gel electrophoresis on Gibson 3 colonies. Observation: No results.

- Cultivation of U6, Term, LIP and LIP-RFP.

- PCR on Gibson 3 colonies.

29 September

- Gel electrophoresis.

1 October

- Gel electrophoresis on LIP, LIP-RFP and Terminator. Observation: Bands were obtained.

- Plasmid preparation on LIP, LIP-RFP and Terminator.

- New cultivation of LIP on plates.

2 October

- Gel electrophoresis on LIP, LIP-RFP and Terminator. Observation: Bands were obtained.

Week 17

3 October

- Sequencing of LIP, LIP-RFP and Term.

5 October

- Gibson Assembly on U6.

- Transformation on U6.

6 October

- PCR on U6.

- Cultivation of LIP-RFP.

7 October

- Gel electrophoresis on U6. Observation: No insert.

- Cultivation of algae.

- Cultivation of LIP-RFP.

8 October

- Cultivation of LIP-RFP.

9 October

- Plasmid preparation on LIP-RFP.

Week 18

11 October

- Plasmid preparation on LIP and Term

12 October

- Gel electrophoresis on LIP, LIP-RFP and Term. This was the last day at the lab!

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