Team:Paris Saclay/Notebook/July/1

Tuesday 1st July

Lab Work

Biobrick characterization

Buffer preparations

by Charlene and Caroline

Buffer Z (250mL) Buffer Z (250mL) Buffer STOP (15mL)

Na2HPO4 – 3,125g

NaH2PO4.H2O – 1,38g

KCl – 0,185g

MgSO4 – 0,04g

β-mercaptoethanol – 0,893mL

Trisphosphate pH 7,8 1M – 6,25mL

MgCl2 2M – 1mL

DTT 1M -0,25mL

EDTA 0,5M – 0,5mL

BSA – 0,25g

Glycerol 60% - 62,5mL

Triton 10% (100x) – 25mL

Na2CO3 1M – 0,78g


Migration of plasmids containing gBlocks digestion

Products of the digestion made the 30/06/16 are migrated on a gel (0.8% agarose) during 30 min, 100 V.

Component Volume (µL)
Digested DNA 10
Loading buffer 2