Team:Paris Saclay/Notebook/June/23

Thursday 23rd June

Lab work

Competent cells

by Caroline and Lea

A transformation was made with Interlab study constructions using the same protocol as 22/06/2016 but this time with our competent cells. A negative control and pSB1C3 blue plasmids (positive control) were also transformed and displayed.

Interlab study

Transformation results

By Caroline, Lea and Marion

Colonies were observed for all transformations except for device 1 and positive control. The transformation was redone for device 1 with 5µL and the rest of the 22/06/2016 transformation was displayed entirely.

Transformed cell cultures

By Lea

All colonies that were obtained after transformation were put into culture. One colony was taken into 3,5mL LB medium + Cm at 30µg/mL.