Team:IISc Bangalore/InterLab

Team IISc iGem

Message from the team

We, the members of the IISc iGEM team are extremely grateful for the support we have received everyone who came to our aid. From "Let's participate in iGEM" to finally reaching the Giant Jamboree was long journey, and we received advice and help from different people in our path. Chaitra and Sachit attended our brainstorming sessions and actively aided our coming up with our idea, and also getting our grants. The undergraduate department payed for our registration, and allowed us unhindered access to all the UG biology labs and the reagents in them. Dr. Deepak Saini (MRDG, IISc) and Prof. Umesh Varshney (MCB, IISc) were kind enough to mentor us and lend our team their deep insight in molecular biology. Our lab instructors, Dr. Srinath and Dr. Narmada, helped us out in our lab work and troubleshooting. Finally, we would like to thank Career Support Group - a group of IISc alumni, who helped us raise money through crowd funding, to pay for the apartment we rented for our stay in Boston.