
"Unity is strength. . . when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved." -Mattie Stepanek
UBonn HBRS 2016 iGEM team
The team of the University of Bonn aims to revolutionize paper recycling through a new approach of de-inking the recycled paper. Since both our teams are working with Bacillus subtilis we supported their team with our optimized and functional protocol for the transformation of B. subtilis (Link to our protocol). Thankfully they gave us a protocol for making competent cells to establish in our project. Since we all struggled with the varieties of protocols we came up with the idea to write a guide for “How to Bacillus subtilis”. Both teams tested and evaluated protocols to choose which ones will make it into the final manual.

Bacillus subtilis Manual
A Collaboration

This guide offers step-by-step introductions for preparing basic mediums, making sporulation, competent cells and the transformation of cells. Our goal is to share this manual with future iGEM teams, lab groups and basically anyone who starts working with Bacillus subtilis. Therefore anybody can benefit of our collected knowledge.

Check out their project here.
XMU-China 2016 iGEM team
The iGEM team of the Xiamen University came up with the fantastic idea to unite iGEMers all over the world and founded an information exchange platform named Newsletter. This year 46 teams from 21 countries and regions joined them! This issue consists of the following five main elements: introduction, human practice, collaboration, discussion and survey and of course we took our part in it and contributed our project to raise awareness of Ulcerative colitis. Read this interesting Newsletter here (our part starts on page 40!). Check out their project here.
Technion Israel 2016 iGEM team
The Technion team uses the principle of chemotaxis, the movement of bacteria in response to chemical stimuli, as an innovative and easy-to-handle detection method. To determine the behavior of the swarming bacteria, mathematical models are needed. We are glad that we were able to help them in modelling missing parts of their project- the aerotaxis. We were able to model the oxygen distribution for time and location and also the internal energy distribution for the bacteria.

Check out their project here.
Virginia 2016 iGEM team
This year’s iGEM team of Virginia conducted a survey about biocontainment in which we gladly participated. We learnt a lot about this important topic and are happy we could help. Check out their project here.
Evry 2016 iGEM team
Thanks to the Evry team we were educated in the field of polylactic acid (PLA) as an interesting molecule for biodegradable plastic. By partaking their survey we supported their idea. Check out their project here.
Tel- Hai Israel 2016 iGEM team
The Tel- Hai iGEM team aims for a new way of targeting the CRISPR components to access and fix a specific mutation to take a step forward to successfully treat Cystic fibrosis. To arouse awareness they collected pictures of people holding roses for their #sixtyfiveroses campaign. To support their honorable goal, we posed for a good cause. Another great idea from their team was to set up a trivia game, to unite different iGEM teams and their projects. This game is a perfect opportunity to excite people for the field of synthetic biology and easy way to learn about novel topics. Try your best here (link coming soon).

Check out their project here.
ETH Zurich 2016 iGEM team
The team from Zurich is also focussing on Colitis ulcerosa so a collaboration seemed reasonable. They helped us by modelling the needed parameter estimation for the kill-switch of Bacillus subtilis for our project.

Check out their project here.
Pasteur Paris 2016 iGEM team
Who says that collaborations always have to be scientific? In a more fun and unconventional way, we exchanged a care-package with regional specialties with this year’s Pasteur Paris team. We didn’t mention this collaboration till a mysterious package arrived. This amazing surprise charged everyone's batteries and brought twinkles in our team’s eyes.

Check out their project here.
Bielefeld CeBiTec 2016 iGEM team
For the establishment of a specific binding of our anti-GFP nanobody we followed different approaches. Another idea to test this binding was provided by this year’s iGEM team of Bielefeld, which are also working with nanobodies. They send us a GFP-split-CFP on pSB1C3 vector and anti-GFP nanobody-split-CFP on pSB1K3 vector to verify the binding of our nanobody. Unfortunately, we were not able to test with the split proteins we received from team Bielefeld due to time constraints.

Check out their project here.

Posted by: iGEM Freiburg

Nanocillus - 'cause spore is more!