
Date 03/08/2016
Time From 15:00
Place CBCB Level 2 Meeting Room
Attendees Rupert (chair), Jake (minutes), Josh, Emilija, Kerry
Apologies Kristina (work), Ollie (poisoned), Lauren (away), Tom, Jem
Previous Meeting 20th July 2016

Meeting Minutes

  1. The following people will not be in attendance at this meeting and send their apologies: Kristina, Ollie, Lauren, Tom & Jem.
  2. The minutes from the previous meeting were unanimously approved.
  3. We have an upcoming deadline, on the 12th of August the track selection, title and abstract are due. It was discussed that whilst we have completed the title and abstract we are still not sure which of our three possible tracks to select.
    1. Our three possible tracks are: Information Processing, New Application or Foundational Advance.
    2. We recapped the pros and cons for each of these choices.
    3. Most of the team felt that existing projects from the New Application track did not fit our idea very well.
      1. It was suggested that we discard this idea. We decided that we would do so after first checking with everyone else as a large number of members were not present at this meeting. This was placed on the action items list for the subsequent meeting.
  4. We reviewed the action items.
  1. Rupert and Josh reported that they had obtained their ESTAs.
  2. We discussed feedback from the sixth form taster day for synthetic biology that we hosted. It was noted that we need to work on how to explain our concept better. We also discussed some of the ethical issues raised, for example the distinction the sixth formers made between science for the good of people like medicine and science for corporate gain and how there were different ‘standards’ of ethics for each. We considered how this might feed back into our ‘beyond the bench’ work.
  3. We reported on the iGEM peage we had created for the Centre for Synthetic Biology and the Bioeconomy. It was actioned that this needs to be emailed before the next meeting.
  4. Ollie reported that the lack of GM use forms was currently preventing us from completing the flow cytometry part of the InterLab.
  5. It was emphasized that the instructors needed to email these to the team ASAP. Actioned to be done by Friday so that the work can be done next week if there is time.
  1. Emilija reported that all of the upcoming meetups had been booked in terms of travel etc.
  2. It was requested that any dietary requirements be supplied ASAP. Those present in the meeting confirmed their dietary requirements and this was recorded separately.
  3. It was pointed out that Judges get discounts for attending the Jamboree. They should have received a code for this purpose. Could this please be forwarded to Emilija so that Jamboree tickets can be booked.
    1. Several of the team instructors who are also judges reported that they had not seen such an email but would investigate further and report back.
    2. This was added as a standing item for next week.
  1. We finished by going over the medal criteria using the table on the wiki to reference our work.