Team:Arizona State/Awards


Throughout the course of this 8 month project, our project changed directions several times, saw people join and leave, and had its fair share of difficulties. By October, however, we were proud to review what we had accomplished and are extremely excited to be attending the iGEM Giant Jamboree in Boston this year. This project has seen the ASU team:

  • Successfully construct and test 10 AHL Senders
  • Submit 5 AHL Senders to the iGEM Registry and develop a modular sender cassette
  • Improve characterization of several parts already located in the registry, including Bba_F2620
  • Develop a safe disposal protocol for AHL molecules
  • Write a white paper providing suggestions for AHL quorum sensing research

2016 Giant Jamboree

The ASU team attended the 2016 Giant Jamboree and had an amazing time! We learned so much from teams around the world, and managed to take home some hardware with us!

Gold Medal

We fulfilled all Bronze and Silver medal categories and earned a Gold medal through the Integrated Human Practices and Improving Previous Part criteria.


We were nominated for the special awards Best Foundational Advances and Best Integrated Human Practices in the Overgrad category, as well as the Best New Basic Part and Best New Part Collection awards.

Special Awards

Best New Basic Part – For the development, experimental characterization, and contribution of a high-impact and widely useful DNA fragment.

Best Part Collection – For not only a single DNA fragment, but a collection of several that support flexible, customizable engineering.

White Paper Shoutout

The Biosafety Committee Chair recognized the ASU team for their investigation of the impact of small-molecule signals, produced by ASU’s parts, on microbes in the environment.