Team:Paris Saclay/Notebook/August/16

Tuesday 16th August

Lab work


2.1-2.2 and 3.1-3.2 ligation

By Charlène

8µL of 2.1 purify PCR products, 8µL of 2.2 purify PCR products, 2µL of ligase T4 Buffer and 2L of ligase T4 were mixed. 8µL of 3.1 purified PCR products, 8µL of 3.2 purified PCR products, 2µL of ligase T4 Buffer and 2µL of ligase T4 were mixed. They were incubated for 1h at RT.

Q5 PCR on the ligation products and pPS16_008 clones 1 and 2

By Charlène

The PCR was carried out with a new protocol: Q5 PCR recipe

Buffer Q5 HF (5X) 10µL
dNTP (10mM) 1µL
Primers (each) 2,5µL
DNA 1µL for plasmid, 2µL for ligation's products
Q5 DNA polymerase 0.25µL
Nuclease-free water up to 50µL

Steps for PCR :

Step Temperature Time
Initial denaturation 98°C 30sec
30 cycles 98°C 5sec
Tannealing 30sec
72°C 30sec/kb
Final Extension 72°C 2min
Hold 4°C $\infty$

An specific primers for each part was used.

The products were migrated on a 0.8% agarose gel with BET.

PCR Clean-up with the NucleoSpin kit

By Mahnaz

The purification was carried out on PCR product PSB1C3 and 4.2 also the ligation products PS16003-PS16004 and PS16005-PS16006 following the usual protocol.

4.1-4.2 ligation

By Mahnaz

8µL of 4.1 purified PCR products, 8µL of 4.2 purified PCR products, 2µL of ligase T4 Buffer and 2L of ligase T4 were mixed. The ligation reaction mixture were incubated for overnight in the 4°c.