Difference between revisions of "Team:Wageningen UR/Notebook/Outreach"

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<li class="menu-item">
<li class="menu-item">
<a href="#march">March</a>
<a href="#march">Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue</a>
<li class="menu-item">
<li class="menu-item">
<a href="#april">April</a>
<a href="#april">DAE meetings</a>
<li class="menu-item">
<li class="menu-item">
<a href="#may">May</a>   
<a href="#may">National Meetup</a>   
<li class="menu-item">
<li class="menu-item">
<a href="#june">June</a>
<a href="#june">Synenergene Forum</a>
<li class="menu-item">
<li class="menu-item">
<a href="#july">July</a>
<a href="#september">RIVM collaboration</a>
<li class="menu-item">
<li class="menu-item">
<a href="#august">August</a>
<a href="#october">Project Presentation</a>   
<li class="menu-item">
<a href="#september">September</a> 
<li class="menu-item">
<a href="#october">October</a>   
<p>The human outreach was done with the entire team. The effort was led by the the human outreach team that consists of Carina, Belwina and Linea.</p>
<section id="march">
<section id="march">
<h2><b>March 23rd – Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue</b></h2>
<h2><b>March 23rd – Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue</b></h2>
<h3><b>The Role of Synthetic Biology in Energy Transition </b></h3>
<h3><b>The Role of Synthetic Biology in Energy Transition </b></h3>
<p> To broaden our horizon and understanding of the possibilities of synthetic biology, we joined a multi-stakeholder dialogue that was organized to discuss the role of synthetic biology in energy transition, by the Athena institute and the Rathenau institute. There is a general belief that something needs to change about the current Dutch energy supply, and during this dialogue we brainstormed about how synthetic biology could be of help achieving this. In a guided way, we generated ideas about applications of synthetic biology for energy supply, starting from future society-scenario’s created the day before. The nice thing about this approach was that we learned about the perspectives of people with different backgrounds, ranging from scientists to business people. It felt like we all started on the same page. The ideas that were most appealing were later worked out in different groups. Lisa and I worked on a scenario, “the green human”, where humans would evolve together with plants to be able to rely on photosynthesis for energy. Of course this scenario is very futuristic, but in our opinion it exposes a very important aspect of both energy transition and synthetic biology: that the public should be involved, to be more conscious about energy use and more engaged with technological advances in the field of synthetic biology. </p>
<p> To broaden our horizon and understanding of the possibilities of synthetic biology, we joined a multi-stakeholder dialogue that was organized to discuss the role of synthetic biology in energy transition, by the Athena institute and the Rathenau institute. There is a general belief that something needs to change about the current Dutch energy supply, and during this dialogue we brainstormed about how synthetic biology could be of help achieving this. In a guided way, we generated ideas about applications of synthetic biology for energy supply, starting from future society-scenario’s created the day before. The nice thing about this approach was that we learned about the perspectives of people with different backgrounds, ranging from scientists to business people. It felt like we all started on the same page. The ideas that were most appealing were later worked out in different groups. Lisa and I worked on a scenario, “the green human”, where humans would evolve together with plants to be able to rely on photosynthesis for energy. Of course this scenario is very futuristic, but in our opinion it exposes a very important aspect of both energy transition and synthetic biology: that the public should be involved, to be more conscious about energy use and more engaged with technological advances in the field of synthetic biology. </p>
<section id="april">
<section id="april">
<h2><b>April – Meetings with DAE</b></h2>
<h2><b>April – Meetings with DAE students</b></h2>
<p> As mentioned in the collaboration section, we designed our project with the help of students from the Design Academy Eindhoven. Apart from collaborating with them on designing the future end product BeeT, they helped us think about our project and its connection with society. We met with them twice: The first time, we visited them and took part in a design workshop. We talked about our ideas for our iGEM projects - at that time there were still a lot of ideas on the table. The students helped us realize what other “non-science” people think about synthetic biology. The second meeting was a lab day for them to see what our everyday life in the lab looks like. It was fun sharing our knowledge with them. On this day, we especially realized what kind of prejudices a lot of people have towards GMOs. At the end of the day, we learned what aspects we should pay special attention to when presenting our project to the broad public. Moreover, we were able to convince the students that synthetic biology is in fact something good rather than something threatening.
<p> As mentioned in the collaboration section, we designed our project with the help of students from the Design Academy Eindhoven. Apart from collaborating with them on designing the future end product BeeT, they helped us think about our project and its connection with society. We met with them twice: The first time, we visited them and took part in a design workshop. We talked about our ideas for our iGEM projects - at that time there were still a lot of ideas on the table. The students helped us realize what other “non-science” people think about synthetic biology. The second meeting was a lab day for them to see what our everyday life in the lab looks like. It was fun sharing our knowledge with them. On this day, we especially realized what kind of prejudices a lot of people have towards GMOs. At the end of the day, we learned what aspects we should pay special attention to when presenting our project to the broad public. Moreover, we were able to convince the students that synthetic biology is in fact something good rather than something threatening.<br><br>
One of the students gave us the opportunity to have a “real life bee experience”. The aim of this project was to study group dynamics, stress, and teamwork. The task was to prepare a dish (Baklavah) like bees would do it.
<video width="500" controls="" style="display:block;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;">
<video width="720" controls="" style="display:block;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;">
   <source src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/c/c5/T--Wageningen_UR--DAEmovie.mp4" type="video/mp4">
   <source src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/c/c5/T--Wageningen_UR--DAEmovie.mp4" type="video/mp4">
   <p>Your browser does not support this video. Please upgrade your browser.</p>
   <p>Your browser does not support this video. Please upgrade your browser.</p>
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<section id="may">
<section id="may">
<h2><b>May 21st – National Meetup</b></h2>
<h2><b>May 21st – National iGEM teams Meetup</b></h2>
<p> On 21/05/2016 we organised the meet-up of all interested Dutch iGEM teams. Four teams took part: Groningen, Leiden, Eindhoven, and us. The meeting was divided in two parts. The first part consisted of every team presenting their project ideas with a brief discussion afterwards. After lunch the brainstorm session started. We divided the group in 4 random subgroups. The groups got to know eachother a bit, and then brainstormed on whatever iGEM related topic they liked. Some groups decided to talk about what team could collaborate with what other team, some teams decided to think about ways to connect in a better way, and some teams thought about how to make iGEM more popular in the Netherlands. After some small presentations of the brainstorm sessions’ results, we discussed several ideas. The outcome of the discussions was: <br>
<p> On 21/05/2016 we organised the meet-up of all interested Dutch iGEM teams. Four teams took part: Groningen, Leiden, Eindhoven, and us. The meeting was divided in two parts. The first part consisted of every team presenting their project ideas with a brief discussion afterwards. After lunch the brainstorm session started. We divided the group in 4 random subgroups. The groups got to know eachother a bit, and then brainstormed on whatever iGEM related topic they liked. Some groups decided to talk about what team could collaborate with what other team, some teams decided to think about ways to connect in a better way, and some teams thought about how to make iGEM more popular in the Netherlands. After some small presentations of the brainstorm sessions’ results, we discussed several ideas. The outcome of the discussions was: <br>
• a list with contact details and team roles of every Dutch team member has been obtained <br>
• a list with contact details and team roles of every Dutch team member has been obtained <br>
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<section id="june">
<section id="june">
<h2><b>June 24th & 25th – Synenergene Forum</b></h2>
<h2>June 24th & 25th – Synenergene Forum</h2>
<p>In search for the right conditions for responsible research and innovation, this conference was organized by the Rathenau institute (hyperlink) for all relevant stakeholders when it comes to the future of synthetic biology. Scientists, business people, policymakers and civil society organizations attended, but it was also open for the general public. The promises and pitfalls of synthetic biology were considered from a societal perspective during pitches, presentations, workshops and debates. We attended a workshop about connecting synthetic biology with culture and religion, a link we had not thought about before. During small information rounds, we had the opportunity to talk to experts in the field. We also joined a plenary discussion about freedom and security in an age of synthetic biology. We enjoyed hearing so many different opinions and having the opportunity to talk to experts from all over the world.</p>
<p>In search for the right conditions for responsible research and innovation, this conference was organized by the Rathenau institute (hyperlink) for all relevant stakeholders when it comes to the future of synthetic biology. Scientists, business people, policymakers and civil society organizations attended, but it was also open for the general public. The promises and pitfalls of synthetic biology were considered from a societal perspective during pitches, presentations, workshops and debates. We attended a workshop about connecting synthetic biology with culture and religion, a link we had not thought about before. During small information rounds, we had the opportunity to talk to experts in the field. We also joined a plenary discussion about freedom and security in an age of synthetic biology. We enjoyed hearing so many different opinions and having the opportunity to talk to experts from all over the world.</p>
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<section id="august">
<section id="august">
<section id="september">
<section id="september">
<h2><b>September 20th – RIVM meeting</b></h2>
<h2><b>RIVM collaboration</b></h2>
<p>In the Netherlands, the RIVM (Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu) is a  governmental institute that is concerned with public health and a safe living environment. They investigate the impact of synthetic biology on these aspects of our society, and aim to bring existing knowledge on the topic together. Part of their work is encouraging discussions about the development of synthetic biology from a policymaker’s perspective, which includes a collaboration with all Dutch iGEM teams since 2014.
For this collaboration, the teams were asked to depict their thoughts and concepts about safe by design in a video, podcast or other representation. We decided to make a movie (hyperlink) (it is in dutch) that shows how safe by design is implemented in our project.
In contrast to many other synthetic biology applications, BeeT is intended to be used outside the lab, in beehives, which is in close contact with nature. To get a better idea of the viability of our idea, and what it is like to request permission to use an engineered microorganism outside of the lab, we looked at the questions that are asked in such a request (link to website of RIVM) and discuss some that peaked our interest in the movie. Some interesting questions we had not thought about, such as “how can a genetically modified microorganism be recognized among natural relatives?”. Some other things we did not understand completely. For example, there are a number of questions about how the genetic modification was established. We would expect these questions when talking about the ethics of genetically modified microorganisms, and not necessarily when determining the risks of using it.
Another interesting aspect of the application of synthetic biology is responsibility: if our engineered bacterium would be commercialized, who would be responsible for any adverse effects? In our opinion, scientists are responsible for thoroughly and objectively investigating and reporting possible risks. Companies in turn should monitor whether the technology is sufficiently researched. Companies should also make sure that user manuals are correct and clear to understand, even to people with little experience with comparable technology. Users of the product, the beekeepers in our case, are responsible for using the product in the intended way only and following the user manual provided with the product.
Our movie ends with some open questions regarding safe by design, both in general and within our project. Examples are “what should be done to actually realize the insights that are gained by safe by design?” and “should there be more focus on the positive aspects of using a genetically modified microorganism when judging a permission request?”. We don’t know the answer to these questions, but think they are important nevertheless.
Concluding our collaboration with the RIVM, some members of our team, as well as the other dutch iGEM teams attended a meeting organized by the RIVM and the Rathenau institute, with the theme: “veilig verder met synthetische biologie”, or “making safe progress in synthetic biology”. During this meeting, researchers, policymakers and policy advisors brainstormed, discussed and presented their ideas about how synthetic biology should be handled in the future. We gave a short presentation about the topic of our project and how we integrated “safe by design” through toxin specificity, controlled expression of the toxin and confinement of our product to the beehive. During a short information market, we got to talk more in depth with people who were interested, presented the movie we made for the RIVM and the Resource from the future that was made in collaboration with Synenergene. There were short “break-out sessions” where safety of previous iGEM projects was discussed in small groups, and at the same time two artists made a huge and beautiful drawing of everything that was discussed during the day. We learned a lot from the interesting talks about further handling safety in synthetic biology both from a political and a societal point of view. An interesting point that comes to mind was made by Sabine Roeser (professor of Ethics, TU Delft), about how feelings of the public concerning synthetic biology can be a useful source of questions on the ethical aspects of our work. She also mentioned how art can be used to connect people to synthetic biology. In our project, we tried to achieve this through collaborating with the Design Academy Eindhoven (hyperlink). Besides, it was nice to get to know more about how the other dutch iGEM teams handled the RIVM assignment. We thank the RIVM and the Rathenau institute for inviting us, it was an inspiring day!
In short, we learned a lot from collaborating both with the RIVM and the Rathenau institute/Synenergene. When starting iGEM, safety and containment of our engineered bacterium were just “things that need to be considered in order to perform well in the iGEM competition”. The RIVM and Synenergene assignments helped us to think more in depth about different safety aspects, how safety by design can be achieved and our own opinions about it. Eventually, biosafety of BeeT became a major part of our project, with over half of the team members working on some safety aspect. </p>
<h3><b>Making the Safe by design movie </b></h3>
<h3><b>Making the Safe by design movie </b></h3>
<p> In contrast to many other synthetic biology applications, BeeT is intended to be used outside the lab, in beehives, which is in close contact with nature. To get a better idea of the viability of our idea, and what it is like to request permission to use an engineered microorganism outside of the lab, we looked at the questions that are asked in such a request (link to website of RIVM) and discuss some that peaked our interest in the movie. Some interesting questions we had not thought about, such as “how can a genetically modified microorganism be recognized among natural relatives?”. Another interesting aspect of the application of synthetic biology is responsibility: if our engineered bacterium would be commercialized, who would be responsible for any adverse effects? In our opinion, scientists are responsible for thoroughly and objectively investigating and reporting possible risks. Companies in turn should monitor whether the technology is sufficiently researched. Companies should also make sure that user manuals are correct and clear to understand, even to people with little experience with comparable technology. Users of the product, the beekeepers in our case, are responsible for using the product in the intended way only and following the user manual provided with the product.  
<p> In contrast to many other synthetic biology applications, BeeT is intended to be used outside the lab, in beehives, which is in close contact with nature. To get a better idea of the viability of our idea, and what it is like to request permission to use an engineered microorganism outside of the lab, we looked at the questions that are asked in such a request (link to website of RIVM) and discuss some that peaked our interest in the movie. Some interesting questions we had not thought about, such as “how can a genetically modified microorganism be recognized among natural relatives?”. Another interesting aspect of the application of synthetic biology is responsibility: if our engineered bacterium would be commercialized, who would be responsible for any adverse effects? In our opinion, scientists are responsible for thoroughly and objectively investigating and reporting possible risks. Companies in turn should monitor whether the technology is sufficiently researched. Companies should also make sure that user manuals are correct and clear to understand, even to people with little experience with comparable technology. Users of the product, the beekeepers in our case, are responsible for using the product in the intended way only and following the user manual provided with the product.  
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<h3><b>September 20th - RIVM meeting </b></h3>
<p> Concluding our collaboration with the RIVM, some members of our team, as well as the other Dutch iGEM teams attended a meeting organized by the RIVM and the Rathenau institute, with the theme: “veilig verder met synthetische biologie”, or “making safe progress in synthetic biology”. During this meeting, researchers, policymakers and policy advisors brainstormed, discussed and presented their ideas about how synthetic biology should be handled in the future. We gave a short presentation about the topic of our project and how we integrated “safe by design” through toxin specificity, controlled expression of the toxin and confinement of our product to the beehive. During a short information market, we got to talk more in depth with people who were interested, presented the movie we made for the RIVM and the Resource from the future that was made in collaboration with Synenergene. There were short “break-out sessions” where safety of previous iGEM projects was discussed in small groups, and at the same time two artists made a huge and beautiful drawing of everything that was discussed during the day. We learned a lot from the interesting talks about further handling safety in synthetic biology both from a political and a societal point of view. An interesting point that comes to mind was made by Sabine Roeser (professor of Ethics, TU Delft), about how feelings of the public concerning synthetic biology can be a useful source of questions on the ethical aspects of our work. She also mentioned how art can be used to connect people to synthetic biology. In our project, we tried to achieve this through collaborating with the Design Academy Eindhoven (hyperlink). Besides, it was nice to get to know more about how the other Dutch iGEM teams handled the RIVM assignment. We thank the RIVM and the Rathenau institute for inviting us, it was an inspiring day! </p>
<p> Concluding our collaboration with the RIVM, some members of our team, as well as the other Dutch iGEM teams attended a meeting organized by the RIVM and the Rathenau institute, with the theme: “veilig verder met synthetische biologie”, or “making safe progress in synthetic biology”. During this meeting, researchers, policymakers and policy advisors brainstormed, discussed and presented their ideas about how synthetic biology should be handled in the future. We gave a short presentation about the topic of our project and how we integrated “safe by design” through toxin specificity, controlled expression of the toxin and confinement of our product to the beehive. During a short information market, we got to talk more in depth with people who were interested, presented the movie we made for the RIVM and the Resource from the future that was made in collaboration with Synenergene. There were short “break-out sessions” where safety of previous iGEM projects was discussed in small groups, and at the same time two artists made a huge and beautiful drawing of everything that was discussed during the day. We learned a lot from the interesting talks about further handling safety in synthetic biology both from a political and a societal point of view. An interesting point that comes to mind was made by Sabine Roeser (professor of Ethics, TU Delft), about how feelings of the public concerning synthetic biology can be a useful source of questions on the ethical aspects of our work. She also mentioned how art can be used to connect people to synthetic biology. In our project, we tried to achieve this through collaborating with the Design Academy Eindhoven (hyperlink). Besides, it was nice to get to know more about how the other Dutch iGEM teams handled the RIVM assignment. We thank the RIVM and the Rathenau institute for inviting us, it was an inspiring day! </p>

Latest revision as of 21:18, 19 October 2016

Wageningen UR iGEM 2016


The human outreach was done with the entire team. The effort was led by the the human outreach team that consists of Carina, Belwina and Linea.

March 23rd – Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue

The Role of Synthetic Biology in Energy Transition

To broaden our horizon and understanding of the possibilities of synthetic biology, we joined a multi-stakeholder dialogue that was organized to discuss the role of synthetic biology in energy transition, by the Athena institute and the Rathenau institute. There is a general belief that something needs to change about the current Dutch energy supply, and during this dialogue we brainstormed about how synthetic biology could be of help achieving this. In a guided way, we generated ideas about applications of synthetic biology for energy supply, starting from future society-scenario’s created the day before. The nice thing about this approach was that we learned about the perspectives of people with different backgrounds, ranging from scientists to business people. It felt like we all started on the same page. The ideas that were most appealing were later worked out in different groups. Lisa and I worked on a scenario, “the green human”, where humans would evolve together with plants to be able to rely on photosynthesis for energy. Of course this scenario is very futuristic, but in our opinion it exposes a very important aspect of both energy transition and synthetic biology: that the public should be involved, to be more conscious about energy use and more engaged with technological advances in the field of synthetic biology.

April – Meetings with DAE students

As mentioned in the collaboration section, we designed our project with the help of students from the Design Academy Eindhoven. Apart from collaborating with them on designing the future end product BeeT, they helped us think about our project and its connection with society. We met with them twice: The first time, we visited them and took part in a design workshop. We talked about our ideas for our iGEM projects - at that time there were still a lot of ideas on the table. The students helped us realize what other “non-science” people think about synthetic biology. The second meeting was a lab day for them to see what our everyday life in the lab looks like. It was fun sharing our knowledge with them. On this day, we especially realized what kind of prejudices a lot of people have towards GMOs. At the end of the day, we learned what aspects we should pay special attention to when presenting our project to the broad public. Moreover, we were able to convince the students that synthetic biology is in fact something good rather than something threatening.

One of the students gave us the opportunity to have a “real life bee experience”. The aim of this project was to study group dynamics, stress, and teamwork. The task was to prepare a dish (Baklavah) like bees would do it.

The movie Leif Czakai (DAE student) made from us, making baklava.

May 21st – National iGEM teams Meetup

On 21/05/2016 we organised the meet-up of all interested Dutch iGEM teams. Four teams took part: Groningen, Leiden, Eindhoven, and us. The meeting was divided in two parts. The first part consisted of every team presenting their project ideas with a brief discussion afterwards. After lunch the brainstorm session started. We divided the group in 4 random subgroups. The groups got to know eachother a bit, and then brainstormed on whatever iGEM related topic they liked. Some groups decided to talk about what team could collaborate with what other team, some teams decided to think about ways to connect in a better way, and some teams thought about how to make iGEM more popular in the Netherlands. After some small presentations of the brainstorm sessions’ results, we discussed several ideas. The outcome of the discussions was:
• a list with contact details and team roles of every Dutch team member has been obtained
• the notion of several collaboration possibilities
• ideas about shared sponsoring and funding
When the discussions were over, the official part came to an end, but some teams ended up ordering pizza and playing board games together. All in all, we feel the day was a success not only for the progress of our projects, but also for getting to know and connecting with our fellow Dutch iGEM teams.

June 24th & 25th – Synenergene Forum

In search for the right conditions for responsible research and innovation, this conference was organized by the Rathenau institute (hyperlink) for all relevant stakeholders when it comes to the future of synthetic biology. Scientists, business people, policymakers and civil society organizations attended, but it was also open for the general public. The promises and pitfalls of synthetic biology were considered from a societal perspective during pitches, presentations, workshops and debates. We attended a workshop about connecting synthetic biology with culture and religion, a link we had not thought about before. During small information rounds, we had the opportunity to talk to experts in the field. We also joined a plenary discussion about freedom and security in an age of synthetic biology. We enjoyed hearing so many different opinions and having the opportunity to talk to experts from all over the world.

RIVM collaboration

In the Netherlands, the RIVM (Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu) is a governmental institute that is concerned with public health and a safe living environment. They investigate the impact of synthetic biology on these aspects of our society, and aim to bring existing knowledge on the topic together. Part of their work is encouraging discussions about the development of synthetic biology from a policymaker’s perspective, which includes a collaboration with all Dutch iGEM teams since 2014.

For this collaboration, the teams were asked to depict their thoughts and concepts about safe by design in a video, podcast or other representation. We decided to make a movie (hyperlink) (it is in dutch) that shows how safe by design is implemented in our project.
In contrast to many other synthetic biology applications, BeeT is intended to be used outside the lab, in beehives, which is in close contact with nature. To get a better idea of the viability of our idea, and what it is like to request permission to use an engineered microorganism outside of the lab, we looked at the questions that are asked in such a request (link to website of RIVM) and discuss some that peaked our interest in the movie. Some interesting questions we had not thought about, such as “how can a genetically modified microorganism be recognized among natural relatives?”. Some other things we did not understand completely. For example, there are a number of questions about how the genetic modification was established. We would expect these questions when talking about the ethics of genetically modified microorganisms, and not necessarily when determining the risks of using it.
Another interesting aspect of the application of synthetic biology is responsibility: if our engineered bacterium would be commercialized, who would be responsible for any adverse effects? In our opinion, scientists are responsible for thoroughly and objectively investigating and reporting possible risks. Companies in turn should monitor whether the technology is sufficiently researched. Companies should also make sure that user manuals are correct and clear to understand, even to people with little experience with comparable technology. Users of the product, the beekeepers in our case, are responsible for using the product in the intended way only and following the user manual provided with the product.
Our movie ends with some open questions regarding safe by design, both in general and within our project. Examples are “what should be done to actually realize the insights that are gained by safe by design?” and “should there be more focus on the positive aspects of using a genetically modified microorganism when judging a permission request?”. We don’t know the answer to these questions, but think they are important nevertheless.

Concluding our collaboration with the RIVM, some members of our team, as well as the other dutch iGEM teams attended a meeting organized by the RIVM and the Rathenau institute, with the theme: “veilig verder met synthetische biologie”, or “making safe progress in synthetic biology”. During this meeting, researchers, policymakers and policy advisors brainstormed, discussed and presented their ideas about how synthetic biology should be handled in the future. We gave a short presentation about the topic of our project and how we integrated “safe by design” through toxin specificity, controlled expression of the toxin and confinement of our product to the beehive. During a short information market, we got to talk more in depth with people who were interested, presented the movie we made for the RIVM and the Resource from the future that was made in collaboration with Synenergene. There were short “break-out sessions” where safety of previous iGEM projects was discussed in small groups, and at the same time two artists made a huge and beautiful drawing of everything that was discussed during the day. We learned a lot from the interesting talks about further handling safety in synthetic biology both from a political and a societal point of view. An interesting point that comes to mind was made by Sabine Roeser (professor of Ethics, TU Delft), about how feelings of the public concerning synthetic biology can be a useful source of questions on the ethical aspects of our work. She also mentioned how art can be used to connect people to synthetic biology. In our project, we tried to achieve this through collaborating with the Design Academy Eindhoven (hyperlink). Besides, it was nice to get to know more about how the other dutch iGEM teams handled the RIVM assignment. We thank the RIVM and the Rathenau institute for inviting us, it was an inspiring day!

In short, we learned a lot from collaborating both with the RIVM and the Rathenau institute/Synenergene. When starting iGEM, safety and containment of our engineered bacterium were just “things that need to be considered in order to perform well in the iGEM competition”. The RIVM and Synenergene assignments helped us to think more in depth about different safety aspects, how safety by design can be achieved and our own opinions about it. Eventually, biosafety of BeeT became a major part of our project, with over half of the team members working on some safety aspect.

Making the Safe by design movie

In contrast to many other synthetic biology applications, BeeT is intended to be used outside the lab, in beehives, which is in close contact with nature. To get a better idea of the viability of our idea, and what it is like to request permission to use an engineered microorganism outside of the lab, we looked at the questions that are asked in such a request (link to website of RIVM) and discuss some that peaked our interest in the movie. Some interesting questions we had not thought about, such as “how can a genetically modified microorganism be recognized among natural relatives?”. Another interesting aspect of the application of synthetic biology is responsibility: if our engineered bacterium would be commercialized, who would be responsible for any adverse effects? In our opinion, scientists are responsible for thoroughly and objectively investigating and reporting possible risks. Companies in turn should monitor whether the technology is sufficiently researched. Companies should also make sure that user manuals are correct and clear to understand, even to people with little experience with comparable technology. Users of the product, the beekeepers in our case, are responsible for using the product in the intended way only and following the user manual provided with the product. Our movie ends with some open questions regarding safe by design, both in general and within our project. Examples are “what should be done to actually realize the insights that are gained by safe by design?” and “should there be more focus on the positive aspects of using a genetically modified microorganism when judging a permission request?”. We don’t know the answer to these questions, but think they are important nevertheless.

The movie we made in collaboration with the RIVM.

September 20th - RIVM meeting

Concluding our collaboration with the RIVM, some members of our team, as well as the other Dutch iGEM teams attended a meeting organized by the RIVM and the Rathenau institute, with the theme: “veilig verder met synthetische biologie”, or “making safe progress in synthetic biology”. During this meeting, researchers, policymakers and policy advisors brainstormed, discussed and presented their ideas about how synthetic biology should be handled in the future. We gave a short presentation about the topic of our project and how we integrated “safe by design” through toxin specificity, controlled expression of the toxin and confinement of our product to the beehive. During a short information market, we got to talk more in depth with people who were interested, presented the movie we made for the RIVM and the Resource from the future that was made in collaboration with Synenergene. There were short “break-out sessions” where safety of previous iGEM projects was discussed in small groups, and at the same time two artists made a huge and beautiful drawing of everything that was discussed during the day. We learned a lot from the interesting talks about further handling safety in synthetic biology both from a political and a societal point of view. An interesting point that comes to mind was made by Sabine Roeser (professor of Ethics, TU Delft), about how feelings of the public concerning synthetic biology can be a useful source of questions on the ethical aspects of our work. She also mentioned how art can be used to connect people to synthetic biology. In our project, we tried to achieve this through collaborating with the Design Academy Eindhoven (hyperlink). Besides, it was nice to get to know more about how the other Dutch iGEM teams handled the RIVM assignment. We thank the RIVM and the Rathenau institute for inviting us, it was an inspiring day!

October 3rd – Project Presentation

On October the 3rd, we organized a lunch lecture at the university to present our project to researchers, beekeepers, students and other interested people. Quite some people were attending and a lot of questions were asked. We are happy about getting to practice our presentation in front of an audience, as well al learning what parts of our story where still unclear. Furthermore, we hope we enthused other students who might participate in next year’s iGEM team!