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<p class = "h2WM">Involving Industry</p>
<p>iGEM teams are unique and leading the field because they "go beyond the lab" to imagine their projects in a social/environmental context, to better understand issues that might influence the design and use of their technologies.</p>
<p>Teams work with students and advisors from the humanities and social sciences to explore topics concerning ethical, legal, social, economic, safety or security issues related to their work. Consideration of these Human Practices is crucial for building safe and sustainable projects that serve the public interest. </p>
<p><b>On Friday, 19 August 2016, we interviewed Dr Karen Surridge-Talbot, Center Manager at SANEDI. </b>
<p>For more information, please see the <a href="https://2016.igem.org/Human_Practices">Human Practices Hub</a>.</p>
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<p style="font-size:14px !important;text-align:center;">Dr Karen Surridge-Talbot
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<p style="text-align:left;">Dr Surridge-Talbot is engaged as Centre Manager for the Renewable Energy Centre of Research and Development (RECORD) at the South African National Energy Development Institute (SANEDI). This centre is mandated, through the government act (National Energy Act 2008, no. 34) that established SANEDI, to coordinate renewable energy research and development in South Africa.
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<p style="text-align:left;">During 2012 Dr Surridge-Talbot visited many solar installation and research facilities in Spain and Germany to observe and learn from global expertise and experience in this sector. Finally, Dr Surridge-Talbot is also currently serving on the council of the South African Coal Ash Association (SACAA) as well as on the executive committee of the South African Solar Energy Association (SASEA).
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<p style="text-align:left;">From the interview with Dr Surridge-Talbot we obtained feedback on the problems that may be faced with the possible future application of our project. The main issue raised in this interview by Dr Surridge-Talbot was that of a social aspect. Our project, WattsAptamer, may face the same problems as with GMOs if the final application involves synthesising the aptamers in-vivo leading to self-assembly of the entire system. A significant number of people in South Africa do not have the understanding of what GMOs are, which will make it difficult for them to accept the use of our cell. There are also strict regulations involved in working with GMOs, which could serve as a further restriction to fulfilling the future application of this project.
<p style="text-align:left;">In light of this potential problem we decided to adjust our project by not using the in-vivo system but rather use forestry industry waste products to generate electricity as long as the project does not affect the quality of wood.
<p style="text-align:left;">According to Dr Surridge-Talbot there are potential uses for our cell at SANEDI. SANEDI has programs whereby resource assessments are conducted on weather stations which are powered by PVCs placed on top of these weather stations. These PVCs are then connected to electricity supply on the ground. SANEDI often face security issues where the electricity supply equipment powering the PVCs are regularly stolen.
<p style="text-align:left;">The PBEC cell we developed could in future be the solution to this problem, as it may power the PVCs eliminating the need for an electricity supply on the ground. Furthermore, the cell could be used in monitoring and security equipment.
<!--<p>Question 1: SANEDI is a state owned entity established under section 7 of the national energy act 34 of 2008. Can you briefly explain what this implies and what the responsibility of the institute as a whole is? What are your responsibilities as the centre manager of the renewable energy centre of research and development? What do you and your team do on a daily basis?
<p style="color:black">Cleaner fossil fuels program (coal, oil, gas):  Capturing CO2 and injecting it below ground, it then calcifies and becomes part of the rock. It can then be used to make electricity. Depleted gas fields work best for this approach. Geological formation gas maps are used to show where these depleted gas fields are. An example of this is Sasol in Secunda where they capture their CO2, which must be more than 90% pure making this a good source of CO2 to inject back into the ground.
<ol style="text-align:left;">
<li>Green Energy Technologies: Renewable Energy and Cleaner fossil fuels. It’s important to align these technologies with the government's’ goals.
<li>Green Transport: Electrical Vehicles. Looking at the potential for using electrical vehicles, clean fuels, e.g. biofuels. The plan is to use greener transport technologies for communal transport, such as busses and taxis.
<li>Energy Efficiency: A process that is aimed towards moving corporate companies to a cleaner usage of energy.  Efficiency officers go into companies and analyse their energy usage and propose ways in which they can better use the energy, then after a certain period the energy efficiency is compared to their previous methods. The amount of energy saved is given back as a tax break.
<br>SANEDI works very closely with Eskom, in order to evaluate how each company may impact each other. With the aim of finding ways of integrating rather than upgrading because it is more expensive to upgrade.
<li>Smart Grids: Meters which allow for the monitoring of the energy flux. Can be used to pinpoint the exact energy consumption. This also gives a good indication of what infrastructure should be implemented. These smart meters are installed at the municipality and the users (homes).
<li>Working for energy program: This program branched from the water working for water program which focused on removing invasive plant species from the water systems, this resulted in a large biomass from these plants. Working for energy program then uses this biomass to generate energy which is mainly used household needs such as lighting.
<li>Skills development program:
<li>Renewable Energy Program: Consists of two main programs the Record Operation program and the Record Implementation program.
<br>Record Operation: Evaluates what is needed to allow for efficient implementation of new energy technologies. Also raise awareness about these technologies and communicate with stakeholders. Researchers are also contacted and information about the projects they are working on are recorded. These researchers are then contacted to form a researcher's platform
<br>Record Implementation: Partnering with other programs to fund what the researchers’ platform agrees in alignment  with the government's aims. This also serves the purpose of distributing knowledge about recent technologies and getting people to work together on the same project.
<br>There is all these new energy developments arising but there are limited skilled people to work and service these new developments. Many of these new industries are funded and run by foreign companies, however the government has come to a binding agreement with these companies .The agreement is that if these companies use our land, they need to employ South African people and train technicians to service these new industries. These companies also need to develop the community, use local materials and develop infrastructure where there isn’t any.
The renewable energy program also works to give advice to the government on policies.
<p>Question 2: Where does our project fit in? Does it have the potential to be adopted or implemented in the future?
<ul style="text-align:left;">
<li>The one problem we’d have with the project is from a social point. As it may face the same problems as with GMO’S if the final application of synthesising the aptamers in-vivo leading to self-assembly of the entire system.
<li>However in the forestry industry waste products can be used to generate electricity as long as the project does not affect the quality of wood.
<li>SANEDI has programs where they do resource assessment, they have weather stations powered by PVCs placed in the sky but is connected to electricity supply on the ground. They then face problems such as the electricity supply equipment are stolen. Therefore from a security point of view our device “wattsaptamer” can have a huge application. (Useful in monitoring and security equipment)
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<p><b>Women in Energy Business Summit, hosted by Department of Energy and SANEDI </b>
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<p style="text-align:left;">The Women in Energy Business  summit is hosted by the National Department of Energy as an effort to economically empower South African women in the energy sector. The theme of <a href="http://www.energy.gov.za/files/WOESA/women-summit/Programme-Women-in-Energy-Business-Summit%202016.pdf">this year's event</a> is “women in energy united in moving South Africa forward” and is aimed at encouraging about 1000 women from all nine provinces to participate in the energy sector as entrepreneurs, investors, professionals, and leaders in the energy field. The conference also seeks to raise awareness on relevant energy issues and promote programs such as energy efficiency.
<p style="text-align:left;">Our team, sponsored by SANEDI, used the women in energy business summit as a platform to raise awareness of synthetic biology, our project, as well as get people's general views and concerns. We set up a stall where we displayed two posters, one on our project and the other on the general applications of synthetic biology. We managed to interact with many of the people who attended the event, who we then educated on what synthetic biology is. Finally we were able to have in depth conversions with 30 delegates of whom none knew much about synthetic biology. They were quite interested in the future of the project and to know about how they could invest in its development.
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<p><b>Also at the summit we interviewed Ms Dikeledi from the Lesedi Power Project. </b>
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<p style="font-size:14px !important;text-align:left;">Lesedi Solar PV Project, Kimberly, South Africa
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<p style="text-align:left;">The Lesedi Power project is a solar photovoltaic power generation plant that produces clean electrical energy using thousands of polycrystalline modules, vital for the economic growth and development of the region and greater South Africa.The project is playing its part in helping South Africa meet its renewable energy targets, with the added benefit of stimulating long-term economic development and job creation.
<!-- The construction phase provided economic and skills training benefits to the people from the nearby communities. Miss Dikeledi is a representative of the Lesedi Power Project, which was one of the exhibitors at the summit.-->
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<p style="text-align:left;"><i>Q: </i>Can tell us more about Lesedi Power Project?
<br><i>A: </i>Lesedi Power Project is an independent power producer, generating electricity using solar panels on a large scale. They are connected to the national grid from their two solar farms in Bloemfontein. From each solar farm they supply 4mW electricity to their main client, ESKOM.
<p style="text-align:left;"><i>Q: </i>What is your opinion on renewable energy?
<br><i>A: </i>A few years ago renewable energy was only a small concept in South Africa that could not be implemented because of the cost involved. However, at the moment although it is very expensive to start up because of all the equipment required, it is quite cost effective in that in the long run these new renewable energy strategies help save on electricity usage. For instance, with solar panels installed in houses, electricity of up to 3 years is saved. Also renewable energy technologies have a positive effect on the environment and going green is the way to go. It is the way forward for South Africa since it doesn’t involve harassing the atmosphere and placing pressures on the environment. It's a long way to go, but it’s a good start.
<p style="text-align:left;"><i>Q: </i>Does Lesedi Power Project do the installations of the solar panels?
<br><i>A: </i>Lesedi Power Project does not do any residential installations, but they have close relationships with the companies who do these installations.
<p style="text-align:left;"><i>Q: </i>Do you know about synthetic biology?
<br><i>A: </i>No, I heard synthetic biology from the Pretoria_UP IGEM team.
<p style="text-align:left;"><i>Q: </i>What is your opinion about our project?
<br><i>A: </i>Your project is something that can implemented in the long run and I’m looking forward to its development.
<p style="text-align:left;"><i>Q: </i>Do you have any concerns/comments about our project?
<br><i>A: </i>My concern is whether this project will mean that plants will be killed and trees will be chopped down to produce energy on a large scale. Also the environmental impact of the project as a whole and how practical/feasible the project would be on an industrial scale.
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<p style="text-align:left;">We spoke to Miss Naledi who works at Lesedi Power Project on synthetic biology, renewable energy and our project, WattsAptamer. Before our conversation with her, she was like many delegates at the summit who  did not know anything about synthetic biology. She was intrigued by the WattsAptamer project and looked forward to seeing the results we obtain as well as its development and its eventual implementation. Her concerns included our use of tree leaves to obtain thylakoids as well as the cost and feasibility of the project if we were to do it on an industrial scale.
<p style="text-align:left;">Taking her concerns into account, we changed our thylakoid source from tree leaves to spinach and in the future cyanobacteria. Also, we will look into obtaining material from the forestry industry as the industry regards leaf material as waste. On renewable energy, she did state cost of the equipment used as one of the biggest hurdles in the way of making it the main form of energy source in South Africa. She, however, supports further development in this area due to the minimum negative impact it has on the environment.
<p style="text-align:left;">By using graphene, the cost of our photoelectro-biochemical cell will be less than that of current technologies, including solar panels. The use of cyanobacteria, which are regarded as pollutants and toxic, will contribute towards making the environment cleaner. The cell will also contribute in reducing an individual’s carbon footprint as well as reducing the CO2 emissions by South Africa, aiding the battle against global warming and its effects on Earth.
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<p style="text-align:left;">
1. South African Coal Ash Association 2015, <i>Dr. A. Karen. J. Surridge - Talbot</i>, viewed 06 October 2016, available at http://www.coalash.co.za/karensurridgephoto.jpg.
<p style="text-align:left;">
2. Power Technology 2016, <i>Lesedi Solar PV Project, Kimberly, South Africa</i>, viewed 06 October 2016, available at http://static.progressivemediagroup.com/uploads/imagelibrary/Mines/2l-Image.jpg.
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Revision as of 06:30, 11 October 2016



Involving Industry

On Friday, 19 August 2016, we interviewed Dr Karen Surridge-Talbot, Center Manager at SANEDI.


Dr Karen Surridge-Talbot

Dr Surridge-Talbot is engaged as Centre Manager for the Renewable Energy Centre of Research and Development (RECORD) at the South African National Energy Development Institute (SANEDI). This centre is mandated, through the government act (National Energy Act 2008, no. 34) that established SANEDI, to coordinate renewable energy research and development in South Africa.

During 2012 Dr Surridge-Talbot visited many solar installation and research facilities in Spain and Germany to observe and learn from global expertise and experience in this sector. Finally, Dr Surridge-Talbot is also currently serving on the council of the South African Coal Ash Association (SACAA) as well as on the executive committee of the South African Solar Energy Association (SASEA).

From the interview with Dr Surridge-Talbot we obtained feedback on the problems that may be faced with the possible future application of our project. The main issue raised in this interview by Dr Surridge-Talbot was that of a social aspect. Our project, WattsAptamer, may face the same problems as with GMOs if the final application involves synthesising the aptamers in-vivo leading to self-assembly of the entire system. A significant number of people in South Africa do not have the understanding of what GMOs are, which will make it difficult for them to accept the use of our cell. There are also strict regulations involved in working with GMOs, which could serve as a further restriction to fulfilling the future application of this project.

In light of this potential problem we decided to adjust our project by not using the in-vivo system but rather use forestry industry waste products to generate electricity as long as the project does not affect the quality of wood.

According to Dr Surridge-Talbot there are potential uses for our cell at SANEDI. SANEDI has programs whereby resource assessments are conducted on weather stations which are powered by PVCs placed on top of these weather stations. These PVCs are then connected to electricity supply on the ground. SANEDI often face security issues where the electricity supply equipment powering the PVCs are regularly stolen.

The PBEC cell we developed could in future be the solution to this problem, as it may power the PVCs eliminating the need for an electricity supply on the ground. Furthermore, the cell could be used in monitoring and security equipment.


Women in Energy Business Summit, hosted by Department of Energy and SANEDI

The Women in Energy Business summit is hosted by the National Department of Energy as an effort to economically empower South African women in the energy sector. The theme of this year's event is “women in energy united in moving South Africa forward” and is aimed at encouraging about 1000 women from all nine provinces to participate in the energy sector as entrepreneurs, investors, professionals, and leaders in the energy field. The conference also seeks to raise awareness on relevant energy issues and promote programs such as energy efficiency.

Our team, sponsored by SANEDI, used the women in energy business summit as a platform to raise awareness of synthetic biology, our project, as well as get people's general views and concerns. We set up a stall where we displayed two posters, one on our project and the other on the general applications of synthetic biology. We managed to interact with many of the people who attended the event, who we then educated on what synthetic biology is. Finally we were able to have in depth conversions with 30 delegates of whom none knew much about synthetic biology. They were quite interested in the future of the project and to know about how they could invest in its development.


Also at the summit we interviewed Ms Dikeledi from the Lesedi Power Project.


Lesedi Solar PV Project, Kimberly, South Africa

The Lesedi Power project is a solar photovoltaic power generation plant that produces clean electrical energy using thousands of polycrystalline modules, vital for the economic growth and development of the region and greater South Africa.The project is playing its part in helping South Africa meet its renewable energy targets, with the added benefit of stimulating long-term economic development and job creation.

We spoke to Miss Naledi who works at Lesedi Power Project on synthetic biology, renewable energy and our project, WattsAptamer. Before our conversation with her, she was like many delegates at the summit who did not know anything about synthetic biology. She was intrigued by the WattsAptamer project and looked forward to seeing the results we obtain as well as its development and its eventual implementation. Her concerns included our use of tree leaves to obtain thylakoids as well as the cost and feasibility of the project if we were to do it on an industrial scale.

Taking her concerns into account, we changed our thylakoid source from tree leaves to spinach and in the future cyanobacteria. Also, we will look into obtaining material from the forestry industry as the industry regards leaf material as waste. On renewable energy, she did state cost of the equipment used as one of the biggest hurdles in the way of making it the main form of energy source in South Africa. She, however, supports further development in this area due to the minimum negative impact it has on the environment.

By using graphene, the cost of our photoelectro-biochemical cell will be less than that of current technologies, including solar panels. The use of cyanobacteria, which are regarded as pollutants and toxic, will contribute towards making the environment cleaner. The cell will also contribute in reducing an individual’s carbon footprint as well as reducing the CO2 emissions by South Africa, aiding the battle against global warming and its effects on Earth.


1. South African Coal Ash Association 2015, Dr. A. Karen. J. Surridge - Talbot, viewed 06 October 2016, available at http://www.coalash.co.za/karensurridgephoto.jpg.

2. Power Technology 2016, Lesedi Solar PV Project, Kimberly, South Africa, viewed 06 October 2016, available at http://static.progressivemediagroup.com/uploads/imagelibrary/Mines/2l-Image.jpg.