
On Evaluation

Requirements to participate in iGEM in 2016

Before evaluation, you should familiarize yourselves with the requirements for iGEM this year. We have a Requirements page for this information. Please take a look at Section 3 on deliverables as you must achieve these criteria to be eligible for any medal in 2016.

We also have separate requirements depending on your team Kind, as Community Labs and High School teams need to provide additional documentation. Please see the requirements page for more details and the Calendar page for all the deadlines.

In our mission to make iGEM better every year, there are a few differences in terms of the evaluation in 2016. Medal requirements have been slightly modified, so please read over them again on the Awards page. We now only have two sets of medal criteria, which depend on your Track Type.

Important Information

  • Judging Forms

    Teams are required to submit a judging form that outlines their accomplishments according to the Judging Criteria. We have made a few changes to the way judging forms work in 2016. First of all, the forms are open now. They are also due earlier this year, on the 14th of October. Please note this date is before the 2016 wiki-freeze.

    We're releasing the judging forms much earlier so teams can see which pages they should work on to be eligible for awards. We have created evaluated pages with static links in your wiki templates for all special prizes and for most medal criteria. These pages help you be clear about what you have done, and allow the judges to easily find all the parts of your project. You can no longer add links to your judging form, so please check the Judging Forms early and often to see your progress.

    One major impact this change will have is in terms of how you build your wiki. You can no longer use a web package that does not allow you to use static links. Please take this into consideration when making your wiki.

  • Wiki freeze

    Experienced teams will be familiar with the wiki freeze, the time in the iGEM calendar when we disable editing to allow judges to look at your wikis without them changing. You wiki will be frozen at 11:59 EDT on October 14th 2016. Please see the Calendar for more information and please note the judging forms are due before wiki-freeze!

  • Part Documentation on the Registry

    The Registry will not be frozen this year. However, you should put up all your part information on the Registry by the time of the wiki freeze. We care about capturing all your part measurement and characterization information and iGEM teams are not the sole users of the Registry. If you have not added all your part measurement and characterization data by the time of the wiki freeze, the judges may not see any new information you have included after the deadline.

    For example, if you wait until the Jamboree to put up your part documentation on the Registry, judges evaluating your team may not have time to see it. Judges do not have any obligation to look at part information on the Registry posted after the wiki freeze. Remember - it is up to your team to convince the judges that you have done your work!

    Please see the 2016 Calendar for all the important dates and deadlines.

  • Part Characterization, Measurement and Improvement

    This year, we’re changing the medal requirements for characterizing, measuring and improving a part. You should put all your new characterization and measurement data on the part main page. You should edit existing part pages by making a contribution. Please see the contribution page for more information