Team:Pretoria UP/Human Practices



Human practices

Involving Industry

We interviewed energy expert Dr Surridge-Talbot to get valuable input on our project and learn more about renewable energy in a South African context.

SynBio Education

We held a synthetic biology workshop and symposium, and presented to 40 high school learners at our university's "UP with Science" day.

Public Awareness

We used various platforms of social media to create awareness of both our project and the fun we had during it!

SynBio Education

ACGT Synthetic Biology Workshop and Symposium

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UP with Science

UP with science is a science enrichment programme for high school learners presented by the University of Pretoria, and hosted by the Junior Tukkie Society and the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences. We presented to 40 high school learners from the larger Tshwane area, educating them about synthetic biology and its applications. The learners were shown interesting 3D biology videos.





Spreading Public Awareness of Our Project

We created and maintain a Pretoria_UP iGEM 2016 Facebook& Twitter page to spread awareness of our project. We also had tons of fun while making two videos to explain what our project's about.

iGEM Pretoria_UP - Project Description

GoPro: Generate electricity using plant materials

We had the great opportunity to be interviewed on Tuks FM - The University of Pretoria's radio station and one of South Africa's most respected community broadcasters.

You can listen to the full interview here.
