Team:UBonn HBRS/HP/Silver

Human Practices Silver

Survey about Synthetic Biology

To learn more about how the society thinks about Synthetic Biology we created a online survey and spread it on many channels, explicitly trying to reach people with a low educational status or a very religious perspective onto the world.
In the end we reached the huge number of 389 participants.

Because not everybody knows what is Synthetic Biology we added a short, clearly understandable description of it to the survey for the people which choose not to know. The one which have choosen to know what is Synthetic Biology were asked from which sources they have got their informations and to shortly describe it with their own words.

See the following image for the most interesting answers on the question what is Synthetic Biology?


One very relevant question for us was if people would buy paper which was recycled with help of Synthetic Biology?.
Luckily the results really speak for our project:


See the complete results here

Essay on biosafety and society


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