Team:HokkaidoU Japan/Overview

Team:HokkaidoU Japan -


Team:HokkaidoU Japan


Project description

We considered possible application of self-assembling peptides (SAPs). SAPs have a self-assembling ability because they are amphiphilic peptides and contain hydrophobic and hydrophilic residues. These electric charged amino acids interact with one another to form spontaneously antiparallel β-sheet in a physiochemical environmental condition.

We use one of SAP, RADA-16-(RADARADARADARADA)and P11-4 (QQRFEWEFEQQ). RADA-16-I has been established for 3-D culture of neural stem cells (NSCs) by creating nanostructures. P11-4 has been designed to form fibers at low pH and have a cytocompatibility.

Recently, SAPs have been used for a nanostructured hydrogel. We considered new application methods of SAPs such as enhancement of enzymatic activity. For example, circulated enzymes offer a potential to stablize with heat and pH and multimeric one may be continuously reactive.



