Thomas is our oh-so-serious team captain. He tries to be a real dictator, but he actually is just a really nice boy with curly hair. Thomas spend most of his time in the lab searching for subpopulations. When he is not in the lab he is arranging captain meetings and keeping all the team members happy and working.
Master Molecular Life Sciences and Biology
"Shut up Thomas" - Thomas
Bel is our secretary. She needs to take notes for all the meetings we have. And we have them a lot! That is why we feel a bit sorry for Bel. After all, Bel is always the one that needs to cheer up the stressed out team members.
Master Molecular Life Sciences
"Bel is such a good team player, she makes all the other team players look like garbage" - Mr. Peanutbutter
This highly motivated girl likes to do everything. And with that we mean EVERYTHING. Writing, politics, flying, etcetera. With her people skills it was not difficult for us to name her Captain Human Practices. And maybe the chocolate played a role too.
Master Molecular Life Sciences
Spirit animal: Onion
This is Lisa. Lisa is our wiki manager and she invented wiki beach. Which is a lovely name for a FaceBook event where she kicks everyone’s buts to meet the deadlines. Every Wednesday she goes to our beehives to fetch Varroa mites, after which she will try, in vain, to feed them her mysterious samples.
Ronald yelled the loudest that he would never ever go in the lab. Eventually Ronald was the only modeller who did wear a lab coat to experience what wet lab science is. After a few experiments he came to the conclusion that he should stay safely behind his computer for the rest of his life.
Master Bio-informatics
At first sight, Mario might be mistaken for a hipster businessman. He likes to talk about everything everywhere, but do make a coffee appointment with him. He can not reschedule his modelling work.
Master Biotechnology
This is Angelina, Angelina is allergic to almost everything except bees, but even that is not sure. She also loves money and is therefore our treasurer ‘no money, no research’ she always says. We are not worried she keeps the money for herself; she is a nice little girl.
Bachelor Molecular Life Sciences
Marijn is a real lab rat which is why he is our lab safety manager. He really needs to be alert, when he is not arround the other iGEMers might accidentally blow up the lab. But don’t get him wrong, he does like to blow things up. In D&D. Secretly we think he has plans to make some real-life monsters...
Bachelor Molecular Life Sciences
Jaccoline is always smiling, we have NEVER seen her angry. She is also a sporty girl and working hard to try to pop her vesicles open with crystals. And all that to get nice graphs with even nicer colours.
Bachelor Molecular Life Sciences
A.k.a. Mark because his real name is too difficult to pronounce. He took almost one third of the lab work. How he has so much time to do all the work, no one knows. It might be due to his power naps he takes on his desk in the student office after the lunch break.
Master Biology
Remco is always talking about the eco-dorp(eco-village) he wants to live in. Remco can laugh very loud, you even hear his laugh on the other side of the building.
Master Biology
Linea is our serious German woman, with her role as Captain Facebook she reaches out to people all over the world. And dogs, don’t forget the dogs.
Master Biotechnology
Christian Fleck
Assistant professor of system and synthetic biology overall supervisor
Robert Smith
Postdoc Systems and Synthetic Biology, individual supervisor of Remco Heerdink and Angelina Horsting
Maarten Reijnders
PhD student Systems and Synthetic Biology, individual supervisor of Ronald de Jongh
Emma Keizer
PhD student Systems and Synthetic Biology, individual supervisor of Mario Beck
Kees van der Ark
PhD student Microbiology, individual supervisor of Lisa Röttjers
Alex Kruis
PhD student Microbiology, individual supervisor of Belwina Koopal
Franklin Luzia de Nobrega
PhD student Microbiology, individual supervisor of Thomas Swartjes, Linea Muhsal and Jaccoline Zegers
Stamatios Damalas
PhD student Systems and Synthetic Biology, individual supervisor of Carina Nieuwenweg and Tianhe Wang
Martha Vazquez Vilar
Postdoc Microbiology, individual supervisor of Marijn Uitenbroek